Vengeance of the Returner

Chapter 150: Reverence

Chapter 150: Reverence

Waking up in the morning thinking about so many things he rose from his bed tucking Cinzia back. Over the past few months, she had changed a lot from how they met and how she behaved. It was obvious they got into a relationship on a whim but she was surely great support for him.

Perhaps she understood Nix's suffering? Since he went through things alone and when he became the clan lord he subconsciously even absorbed her authority and controlled the clan and even fought monstrous opponents.

"uhh? Where are you going?"

She asked drowsily, grabbing his hand.

"For Training."

He replied and picked the dagger from the shelf and walked out of the room wearing his vest.

As he passed by the alleyway, no one dared to question him about why he committed genocide also he was not obliged to answer them when they did not question him. The likelihood of them understanding would be hard.

{Grabbing some food huh?}

Astaroth said, sneaking out of the dagger, like a fog.

"Yeah, have some too. That is if You can."

{Hah, Firstly grab me a vessel. So that I can eat.}

'Sure, but help with my training first.'

He said standing opposite the counter of the cafeteria. The cook stared at him with a blank expression since Nix seemed like a madman speaking towards the blank space where no one was visible.

"Hi, You have something, do you have something to eat right now?" 

He asked politely.

"Yes sir!"

The Young cook replied. He seemed to be around the same age as Nix too. Possessing blonde hair and a lean frame. His pupils were slightly grey plus he was quite handsome as well.

{Make your subordinates feel comfortable. He seems nervous.}

'Alright, I'll take the advice. But, he can't see you can he?'

{Yes, Since we both have a connection we can talk to each other but, others won't. Well, don't talk staring at me. He'll think you're a mad man.}


He sighed and drifted his attention to the nervous cook.

"Man, Drop the sir... I am kinda the same age as you. Call me by my name." 

"O-Okay sir..."

He replied stutteringly.

Nix sighed and grabbed the sandwiches on the plate.

"Hah, thanks, man. Relax, it's not like I'm gonna fire you. Today's the first time we are meeting, right? I look forward to your service. Mr..."

Nix said, patting his shoulder.


"Yeah, thanks for the food Mr.Uven. See you."

He said and took a bite.

"Hmm, Tastes good. You cooked this?"

"No, Miss Luna cooked it."

"I see. Well, convey my compliment to her."

He commented and walked towards a table munching the food.

'He seems like a kind person to me...'

Uvend mumbled inwardly gazing at his back. The other cooks in the kitchen walked towards him nervously. 

A fat woman walked towards Uvend and began speaking.

"What did he say? I hope he didn't feel angered by the taste... I didn't know...he'll come this early."

"Haha, Miss Luna. He praised your food and unlike the rumors and false assumptions he seems rather kind."

Uvend explained.

"I see... I am glad."

{Good small gestures mean a lot to people}

Astaroth commented on Nix as he walked towards a table where three women were seated.

Well, the trio was actually Daisy, Yumeko, and Camila.

'Let's go somewhere else.'

He thought and turned towards the other table.

{Makeup with your members or clan will go down. Talk and reconcile with your members.}

'Hah, as you said...'

He uttered and walked towards the trio's table.

Yumeko stood up in a stupor.

"Morning, Mr.Nix."

"Come on, you don't have to stop eating abruptly just to Greet me."

Nix said and asked.

"Can I take the seat?"

He asked Camila.


She said in a low voice unable to look into his eyes. She looked at him as though he was a monster.

He placed the plate on the table and took his seat and looked at Daily who was wearing shorts and a top that was showing off her big bosom. Her cloth was so lewd that he could even see what's beneath it.

"Fufu, Wanna drink milk clan lord?"

She teased him.


He questioned.

She swiftly pushed the glass of milk slowly towards him.

"I meant this... Fufu Perhaps Mr.Nix thought something lewd?"

She replied with a giggle.

"Yeah. But, sure I'll drink."

He said and drank the milk. He wasn't a wimpy mc of some stories where the protagonists feel flustered when women approach them. He ate what he was served enthusiastically. This is how any man would naturally act. And he acted just the way any man would do. 

"That's pretty straightforward..."

She said with a flustered expression and wrapped a mantle around her defenseless chest with a reddened expression.

Camila's angry gaze pierced Daisy. Nix smiled, noticing her complexion.

"Alright, Time to reconcile..."

Nix uttered, taking a bite from the plate.


Yumeko asked.

"Yes, let's start with you. You have a problem with me right? Answer honestly, It's not like I am going to kill you. Feel assured"

He said with a warm grin.

"Uhhmm, I want my sister's body back. Other than that. I don't have any problem with you."

"Sure... Now Daisy, what about you?"

"Uhhmm, I don't have any. I do feel a bit frightened about your anger issues but, other than that. I feel nothing against you."

"I see... It's good to hear that."

He said and finished his plate and waited for Camila to finish her plate.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"You don't have a problem with me?"

"Can we talk alone?"


He uttered as she finished her breakfast. They both left bidding farewell to the women and left the cafeteria and went towards his office.

Unexpectedly a guest was sitting in the waiting hall.

"Morning warrior Nix!"

The guest said in a loud voice.

"Welcome, Warrior Himancho"

Nix greeted back. It was the Draconian chieftain who stood toweringly. His appearance and his eyes were extremely intimidating. Nix was indebted to both the Draconians and the Great Dragon Negatan.

If it wasn't for them He wouldn't have got this chance of having Theemai under his clutch. Before preparing to face Zerast, he went to visit the Draconian village, Blazering. It was located inside the outer layer of the volcano and extremely close to the hot lava.

When he faced them. He was welcomed as their very own. The reason was the Chains of resentment. But, he caused a commotion by demanding Firemoths. No matter what he was still an outsider. Though Rachael warned him. He was deliberate at that moment.

Plus the Firemoths nests were abundant inside the volcano. Moreover, Draconians used the Firemoths as their food and harvested it. This states why they were immune to fire and able to breathe fire. It was like fuel to their mana core. It was stated that fire moths are rare and only found near Theemai and the Babel Labyrinth. The cause was the Draconians. If Draconians were widely spread around they'd have surely nurtured several nests but the Draconians were low in population.

To be exact they were four hundred in total and a race that was slowly going extinct. It was thanks to Zerast and Dracton, they massacred several draconians two years ago.

This stirred up the problem since they cherish the Firemoths as a precious treasure. They did decide to give him five or ten. 

But, Nix demanded three hundred fire moths. Indeed it was heavy demand plus they'd need to wait for half a year to gain such quantity.

"You dare order us the warriors of this cursed land!"

The chieftain abruptly caused a commotion and was angered.

"I believe the warrior know's the tradition of our kin since the warrior has souls of our kin."

He said, opening his large wings.

Suddenly Nix heard Rachael's voice via telepathy.

{What are you doing? He is challenging you for a duel!}


{Yes, since you've demanded the village as though you're some big shot. He is angered. He is equal to a knight of a city. You can't fight him.}

'I know what I am doing.'

He stated and shapeshifted his sword facing the Chieftain with his deep his that looked into the ruby red snake eyes of his unwaveringly.

"Warrior Nix... You dare challenge me?"

{Now reply with what I am saying. I am Nix of Earth, Outsider of Empyrean hereby challenge you, The Chieftain of Balzering,Himancho. in the name of the Great Dragon, Negatan.}

Just as she transmitted, Nix pointed his weapon and said the words in a loud voice.

"I am Nix of Earth, Outsider of Empyrean hereby challenge you, The Chieftain of Balzering, Himancho in the name of  the great dragon, Negatan."

The chieftain began to beat his chest facing the sky and breathed fire to signal he accepted the challenge. Soon the female priests began to mark a circle and weird symbols and chanted something. 

Opposite them was the unshaped statue of a Dragon. Its eyes suddenly glimmered in Red.

[The Great Dragon Negatan Notices your presence.]

[She is beginning to wonder what the human wants.]


He furrowed his brows. 

The other Draconians around the arena which was located in the center of the large volcano stared at him with surprise.

[The Great dragon wants you to speak. State your demands.]

He looked at the statue without any change in his cold expression and began speaking.

"The Great Dragon Negatan, I will speak straight forward. I want your follower's help. And I'll accept any condition you demand!"

"I Nix swear on my name that I'll help Draconians whenever necessary in the condition of equivalent exchange."

The feminine voice faded away as a message appeared.

Neither of them expected the fight to be stopped. 

[You are recognized as a high Existence  by the Great dragon Negatan and have directly sealed a deal!]

Only the higher existence that reigns on top of the other existence can have foresight. From the corrupted god's side was Al-Zalam, and integrity was Shigon. So on the Dragon's side was the Negatan who reigned on top among the other dragons. 

This shows why she went out of her way to make a deal with a human who had the ability to face gods.

The deal was all he needed. 

The Next second the Draconians did not indulge in any fight. They rose from their kneeling posture and the Chieftain bowed to Nix.

"I shall apologize for my impudence. Lord of Transgressors. I shall hear your request."

The other Dracoian's also placed their hands on their chests.

It was a Dramatically unexpected scene from what Rachael had imagined since he was seen with Reverence by Draconians who are known for pride.

This is how Nix formed an alliance with Draconians. Negatan did not speak much. But, Nix knew his nature was protecting his followers and maintaining peace. Unlike other fantasy books where dragons are portrayed as the symbol of Calamity. The Dragons in Empyrean are seen as the symbol of peace.

{How did you???}

'I don't know. Negatan has an interest in me. Possibly because of a certain thing that happened in the past with her followers.' 

He replied.



"I wanted to congratulate you on the Victory of the Transgressor lord."

"Thank you Himancho."

They both shook hands.

Nix offered him a seat opposite him. They both sat as the maid brought tea towards them. He wanted to train to guess his fate and wanted him to stay weak bringing him problem after problem.

The Draconian sipped the tea and began talking.

"I Have a demand"

The chieftain said hesitantly.

"Sure, please continue"

"We want to trade with your town..."


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