Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 75 Start Of The Entrance Exam

Royal Castle, Nightingale.

Three figures, two ladies and one boy, were standing in front of a big body mirror. They all looked almost similar to each other except one appeared to be in her early 30s, the other in her early 20s and the last one in his early teens. They were Lilith, Lucy and Lith respectively.

Lith was holding his mother and big sister by their waist and was looking at the body mirror in front of him. He did this every month to check how much he was changing. Though his appearance didn’t change too much, his height and build were constantly changing. His height was increasing and his build was getting more toned and lean.

Even though he seemed lean, from the outside with fully clothed, he looked neither too skinny nor too fat. He just appeared to have the body of an average kid of his age. His height had increased again. He was 162 cm tall as of now. He wasn’t 14 yet and this height was just a little above average for a 13 year old. The average was 158cm. He wouldn’t stand out too much if he was with kids of his age with respect to his height.

Though there are exceptions. Kids of different races have different growths. The children from Dragon, Giants, Ogre, Orcs and Golem races usually grow much more taller than their peers. The Vampire, Werewolve, goblin, troll, slime, fairy and dwarf race children are the opposite. Their growth is much slower and it takes a lot of time for them to fully grow.

Lith was a Vampire but he had Lilith as his mom. She was naturally very tall and due to the effects of the bloodline, Lith’s growth had started to accelerate. He had gotten almost on par with the growth speed of Dragons and Giants. Though the effect had taken place a little late and so he was only a little above average.

He had asked his mother and big sister about their heights and he was shocked to find out how tall they were. It was only then that he realised, he wasn’t really too short. It was just his family that was taller in general. His mother was 200cm tall and his big sister was 190cm tall. This was too much.

He cursed inwardly at his luck. If only they were a little shorter, he could’ve done so many naughty things with them when he was only a 5 or 6 year old child. He still remembered, how he couldn’t even reach his mother’s butt when he hugged her from behind and had to resort to going after Lucy’s butt instead, which was still tall but almost within his reach.

Lith was in the midst of checking the changes when a magic circle appeared in the room. He let go of his mother and big sister and looked at the magic circle. If he wasn’t wrong, this was a Witch who would be coming out. How did he know this? Hecate had come once or twice before and she wore a pointy hat and robes which were a standard outfit of Witches. He checked it on internet and found the latest fashion of Witches. Thus he realised that this lady was a Witch.

Hecate came out of the magic circle and bowed a little to Lilith. She said in a neutral tone

“Your Majesty, the registration has been done. His highness would be the first to take the exam.”

She then took out a badge from her pocket and presented it to Lilith. Lilith took the badge and looked at the number on it. There was nothing but a zero written on it at the top and the rest of the area on the badge was empty. The badge was a square black screen with a number written on it in red.

Lilith gave it to Lith and said smiling

“Here. Keep it with you until the end of the exam. You’ll teleport to the exam facility as soon as the exam starts.”

Lith took it and had a look. He was surprised to see nothing but a zero in red written on it. Shouldn’t the first candidate have a number 1 or something? He had a passing thought.

Shortly after he got it, the badge started creating magical fluctuations around Lith. The space started distorting and Lith vanished from the spot. Lilith, Lucy and Hecate looked at him disappear. Lilith took Lucy by her hand and she too disappeared just like Lith. Hecate was alone in the room, staring at the empty spots the three currently stood a few seconds ago. She too vanished shortly after.


Abalax Sky Island, Lenz city, Espat.

In front of a huge metallic black door, there stood only two figures. One was a blonde lady that looked to be in her late 20s. She was sitting in a very noble and elegant way. The other was a lady with light brown hair and eyes and she was standing behind the lady in a subservient manner. These two were waiting for the exams first examinee to arrive. Usually, the Principal would not be present for such an occasion but this time was an exception.

Soon after, space fluctuated around a certain spot in front of the two figures and a pretty silver haired boy came out of it. He was wearing a black shirt, grey pants with black belt and black shoes. He looked formal, a little casual but all in all, very elegant and noble with such a simple outfit. The darker clothes in contrast with his pale skin made him look very pretty to anyone looking at him. He also had a chain attached to his right earlobe and connected to the chain was a white cross. This extra piece of earring only added to his overall charms. Though he only looked like a child in his early teens, he still seemed very noble and pretty when matched with this outfit.

The blonde lady looked at the amethyst eyes of the pretty boy in front of him. She said to him with a smile

“Welcome to Abalax World Academy’s entrance exam. I am the Principal of the Academy, Emilia Liwet. As soon as you pass through this metallic gate, you’ll start your examination process. I wish you all the best. May the light be with you.”

The blonde lady, Emilia Liwet, vanished from the spot along with her secretary and Lith was now currently alone in front of the gate. He started moving and he soon reached in front of the gate. He pushed it with one hand and surprisingly, such a heavy and big gate was moved by his hand. He hid his surprise and started walking forward. As soon as he entered inside, he heard a monotonous voice

“Welcome candidate number zero to the entrance exam. Please move to your right for the first testing.”

Lith found a tick noise and he looked at his badge. He saw another number below his registration number zero. It was yet another zero. He knew what it meant. It was the number of the examinee who was currently taking the exam. His examination process had begun!


Inside a hotel in Lenz city.

A black haired, blue eyed boy was sitting on at the edge of the bed crossed leg. Across him sat a man with a very imposing and overbearing demeanor on a chair facing him. He had the same looks as the boy. The two didn’t say anything and were only waiting for something. The boy kept looking at the badge on his chest. Suddenly,


The badge attached to the shirt pocket on the boy’s chest made a tick sound. The two people in the room looked at it and they both were dumbfounded. The boy looked at the man and said with an annoyed look

“Father, what is the meaning of this? Shouldn’t I be the first person to start the examination?”

The man looked at the boy and said calmly

“The deal to be first was made with the help of the Witch and the Vice Principal. The Vice Principal has a very high position in the academy but it isn’t the highest. He cannot make the most important decisions or announcements without the permission of the Principal. As for the Witch, no Witch is trustworthy. Who would have thought we would be tricked at such a moment?”

“Ugh. Aren’t you an Emperor of a big Empire in the Continent? Don’t you have a lot of influence and power? Why and how is it possible for you to get tricked like this?”

The boy asked in an annoyed tone. He very much wanted to yell on top of his lungs and roar at the man for being so stupid to get tricked but he stopped. He was weak and the man in front was super strong, not to mention he was also his father.

“Anything can happen in this world. Who knew that although your registration number is 1, there was still someone with the number zero.” The man said calmly while looking at the badge on the boy’s chest.

The badge was a dark screen and had the number ‘1’ on it’s top and a ‘0’ on it’s bottom indicating that the registration number of the examinee who was taking the exam right now.

“Who might it be to take up such a spot? Is there someone more of a big shot than you, an Emperor rank of the Novius family?”

The Novius family was the imperial family which ruled over the Novius Empire in the Human Continent. The Human Continent had 9 Empires, each ruled by an Emperor rank and the Novius family had supposedly the biggest one out of them and was very powerful and influential. The family head of the Novius family was Graham Novius, an Emperor rank and also the father of Liam Novius, the boy who asked the question just now. The boy couldn’t hide his frustration and so he asked his father that was there anyone more influential than him? A big shot of an entire race of people.

“Yes. There are people above me and also of the same rank as me. Did you forget the rumours? The one stating that the Vampire Queen’s son would be attending the academy this year? He might be her boy. We can only bow down to such a figure and can not afford to mess with them no matter what.” The man said calmly once again, not minding the boy’s tone.

‘You son of a bitch, blood sucking Leech! How dare you steal my spot? Just because you have a big shot of a mother doesn’t mean you are the same as her. I know you must have done very bad deeds in your life. Just wait for me to bring justice and eradicate you to ensure peace in the world.

I’ll start with you and then slowly kill the whole of your race along with your bitch mother who everyone fears so much. Just wait! I, Liam Novius, would bring justice and peace upon the world by my own hands.’

The boy thought in his mind and got very determined to start bringing justice and peace by first eradicating the Vampires.


Abalax Sky Island, Lenz city.

In the Principal’s office.

Emilia sat on her chair and slumped on the table. She was relieved to have not met the Vampire Queen and it was only her son who came. She was tense and stiff throughout the whole time because she thought that the Vampire Queen would arrive at any moment. In the end, she didn’t come and the Witch probably lied, Emilia thought. Whatever the case, she didn’t have to deal with any more issues and she was now very relaxed.

She wondered how the boy was doing. She activated a magic circle on her desk and soon a screen formed in front of her eyes.


Inside a well lit small room.

Lith was standing in front of a crystal ball and behind it stood a lady who had her face covered in a veil. She said gently to Lith

“Put your hand on the ball and try to feel the magical elements in your surroundings while you are at it.”

Lith did as he was told. After only a few seconds, the ball started glowing red, blue, brown, green, black and silver.

The lady had an amused expression. But she still said in the same gentle tone

“Congratulations. You have passed. Move onto your left door for your next test.”

Lith looked at the lady and he asked with a confused look

“Umm…big sister? Miss? Umm..”

Lith acted shy and embarrassed in front of the lady. He was trying to put on an innocent 13 year old boy act. He knew few people would be watching him while he was giving the exam and he even suspected his mother and big sister would do too, so, he made up his mind to act like an innocent, cute and gullible 13 year old who was very harmless to have a good impression on everyone. He knew his big sister and mother would laugh their ass off if they saw this but he didn’t care. He simply made his first move which he had planned beforehand.

“Do you have some doubts, child?” The lady asked with the same gentle tone but her look had become gentle too.

Looking at the boy, the lady felt he was very innocent and was embarrassed to ask doubts which he had to her. She had seen such children before. They are only 13 year old and they were still very young and green. Some, like the boy in front, were very innocent and gullible and it was for this reason that the academy was so much important.

The children would learn that the world isn’t pure and if they acted like this, they would not survive for long. This was the duty of the academy to shape the children and make them ready for their future endeavours. Everyone had been instructed to help the children as much as possible and the examiner also had a soft spot in her heart for such innocent and gullible children as they were very pure at heart and had no scheming mind. She liked such type of children and so Lith got her attention pretty well when he did that.

Lith smiled inwardly. His scheme worked. The first step? Success!

He said in the same shy and embarrassed tone

“Umm, can I ask, i-if I did well?”

The lady said gently while smiling

“Yes, child. You did very well. Not everyone has six elemental affinities like you. Even if you fail the rest of the tests, you’ll still be given one final chance to prove yourself later. So don’t worry or panick if you mess up somewhere ahead, okay? Take care and goodluck.”

“T-thankyou, miss.” Lith said with a little red face and quickly ran to the door the lady mentioned.

The lady chuckled at his cute behaviour.


Inside the Principal’s office.

Emilia looked at the screen and at the conversation and she was dumbfounded. She muttered in confusion

“Is he really the child of the Vampire Queen? Isn’t he too innocent and gullible? Oh my..”

Emilia felt another headache coming. It would be very troublesome to have such an innocent and gullible child at the academy as he would be the source of target for others and would be taken advantage very easily. She had to ensure no such things happend or the Vampire Queen would be very angry.

Though she found Lith cute and pure because of his behaviour just now and even had a good impression of him, it didn’t change the fact that he was the only Vampire Prince in the whole world. He shouldn’t get harmed even the slightest. Emilia had to ensure this and so the headache grew a little. She had to work once again.

“Though that may be the case, it doesn’t change the fact that he is very cute and innocent. Hmm, thinking for a bit, taking care and protecting him doesn’t sound too bad of an idea. Afterall, children such as him who are very pure and innocent at heart are blessed by the Light.”

Emilia muttered and felt a little relaxed. Her headache had gone when she thought like this. She was an Angel and she naturally liked and had a good impression of such children who were very pure and innocent. They were said to be blessed by the Light in the Angel Continent and were liked by everyone there.

Emilia was no exception and so she felt her headache gone with this reason. Protecting Lith only felt natural to her and added onto the good impression and liking she already had towards him due to his behaviour, she felt even more determined to do so.

She looked at the screen with an interested look and thought what wonders would this cute child give her. She wasn’t interested before but now she was. She would deal with his protection and everything else later when he finishes the exam as, as for now, he was very safe here. She thought and continued watching him.


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