Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 752 Asura's Wrath

Chapter 752 Asura's Wrath


Elfriedden glanced at the fight while holding his own breath, having a hard time fathoming the true might of Erdrich to go toe-to-toe against a Demon Lord! Certainly, that Rank Up he had recently had a lot to do with that, as he had reached Rank 3 and held a Four-Star Talent.

"[Heavenly Demon Battle Arts]: [Asura's Wrath]"


His aura suddenly transformed, resembling a demonic yet majestic multi-armed red skinned demon, covered on golden accessories and bulging with enormous muscles, his furious demonic eyes glared down at Ashura, as dozens of enormous fists pummeled down on him all at once!


Each fist generated a huge explosion of demonic flames, as Ashura was being taken aback by the might that the Cambion had achieved in these few years since his birth.

"The Cambion… You sure are something unique!" Ashura laughed, tanking the hits that had Gryphinton screaming in agony back then. "And we have similar abilities too! Is this fate?! Let's see if you can do something like this though! [Six Infernal Stars]!"

His six arms shone with demonic light, as he intercepted Erdrich's Asura's Wrath Rampage on his own, their fists clashing against one another as ground below kept shattering and opening before the enormous quantities of energy exploding everywhere.

"HAH! [Benevolent Demon's Stance]!"

Ashura hit the floor with his foot, suddenly changing the stance he was holding, his movements became precise and at the same time, refined and fast! His fists flared with flames.


Erdrich suddenly felt taken aback, his perception was somehow being played with, as he could not follow what Ashura was doing anymore.

"[Demonic Fist of Judgement]!"

All six of his fists moved at the same time, generating a gigantic fist made out of Ashura's aura, hitting Erdrich before he could even respond to this massive attack!



Erdrich was thrown away like a ragdoll, his bones once more breaking easily before the might of Ashura's martial arts, which seemed to easily overpower his!

However, in this very moment when the Demon Lord set all his attention to attack Erdrich, Elfriedden sneaked behind him, his frost spear overflowing with Mana and Spiritual Energy.

"[Frost Dragon's Ascent]!"



Ashura was completely concentrated on fighting Erdrich, lowering his guard enough for Elfriedden to piece his back and freeze a large area of his insides, making sure to deal as much damage as possible!


The illusion of a roaring frost dragon made out of Elfriedden's Spiritual Energy erupted, engulfing Ashura's entire body and lifting him off the ground.



The Frost Explosion ended freezing most of the Demon's entire body, as he quickly fell into the ground, his ice shattered into pieces, revealing his heavily wounded body.

"Oi, you're getting in the way, bastard…" Ashura seemed pissed off that he was interrupted in such a moment.

"I'm sorry, but this is not just a fight between friends, I would like to remind you that we are trying to kill you, Ashura." Elfriedden smiled. 

"Hah…!" Ashura slowly stood up, regenerating most of his wounds, except the area where Elfriedden's spear had pierced, that place still kept itself frozen, and slowly consuming Ashura's vitality.

He couldn't regenerate it no matter how hard he tried! The Spiritual Elemental Particles left behind were inhibiting the flow of Demonic Energy, just in the same way that Demonic Energy could do stop the regeneration of a human's body, or even rot their wounds easily.

"You're one handful, eh? But fine, you're right! [Demonic Rampage]!" 


Ashura reached Elfriedden in a split of a second, his fists hitting his body countless times! 


However, Elfriedden swiftly defended by generating countless layers of frost dragon scale barriers using his Spirit Shield, while spiritual frozen threads emerged out of his hands, attempting to wrap them around one of his arms and stopping that arm from hitting!

"You think mere threads can cut my skin?!" Laughed Ashura, his muscles and skin easily defending against the threads that Elfriedden could wield, which were not related to his spirit threads.

"No, but they can do this." Elfriedden's eyes shone bright blue, as the many threads coming out of his own armor, which were actually part of his spirit wrapped around more of Ashura's arms, stopping his movements.

"Wha…?! You can use both forms of your spirit at once?!" Ashura knew a bit about this world's human spirits, but he had never seen one do this!

"Talentless people like me make do with what we can." Elfriedden said. "Once I got the grasp of Weaponization, Partial Weaponization wasn't so hard."

Partial Weaponization! The ability to transform a spirit into their Weapon/Armor form only partially, holding half of both forms abilities together! It wasn't as strong, but it surely had some utility if they could be used by someone smart enough.


The threads quickly started seeping more and more frost energy into Ashura's three arms, while the other three kept pummeling Elfriedden's shield, which were his gloves into their Weaponized form, cracks were already beginning to spread across its surface.

"Hah, you're trying to freeze my arms, you foolish rascal!" Laughed Ashura. "That will not work a second time! [Infernal Demon Eruption]!"


Ashura furiously unleashed the heat of his entire body out, a shockwave of pure demonic flames hit Elfriedden, throwing him away. His threads melted instantly and so was the ice covering Ashura's arms!

"Urgh…!" Elfriedden hit the floor, his armor partially softening the damage, but he still ended vomiting a mouthful of blood.

"Hahaha, you're too weak. Were you just buying time, kid?" Laughed Ashura. "Now- Huh?"

Suddenly, he felt a slight freezing sensation on his stomach, glancing there to find an Ice Knife made through the Ice Tools Creation Skill, piercing his stomach, and reaching deep into his internal organs, freezing them slowly!


Ashura furiously took it off, but no matter how hard he tried, the frost wasn't going anywhere, his flames could not easily burn it when it was inside of his own body, lingering like a curse.

"That's two now…" Elfriedden smiled defiantly back at the Demon Lord, resting over the floor with one of his arms broken. "Hah…"


Ashura lost his composure, rushing towards Elfriedden to smash his head into smithereens!


However, Erdrich was back up once more, stopping him!


"Thanks for buying me time, Elfriedden."



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