Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 749 A Giant Threat

Chapter 749 A Giant Threat


"What with all this ruckus now? Can't a man have some rest for once in their lives? Conquering this pitiful human Kingdom was already a pain in the ass!"

A fat, and huge elephant-like humanoid demon sighed, resting over a throne made of human bones while riding above a giant mammoth-like Demonic Beast.

His huge body was perhaps over four meters tall without even transforming yet, with a long elephant trunk decorated with golden accessories. He wore a crown made of gold and bones, and his sharp blue eyes glanced into the distance.

The Mutated Demonic Beast army advanced by his command, as the Demon Lord laughed, while exuding a powerful Demonic Aura, just as powerful as Aranthas.

"Oho… I see what's going on in here…" The elephant-like beast demon laughed. "So the Summoner has arrived and he has already killed most of our demons, well, luckily, my army of beasts will wipe the floor with whatever you can pitifully summon, child."

The Demon Lord quickly sipped some wine while laughing, suddenly sensing the presence of someone appearing right behind him.


"[Great Salamander's Blazing Breath]"

Before the Demon Lord could even understand what was happening, a gigantic Salamander emerged above the body of Chris himself, opening its blazing jaws and unleashing a catastrophic inferno of fire!


The Mammoth-like demonic beast died on the spot, burned to a crisp and falling into the ruins below, crumbling apart as if it were charcoal.

"W-What was that?! Who dares…?!"

The Elephant-like Demon Lord roared, his body only slightly blackened by the flames as he glanced into the skies, standing over the corpse of his mount.

"Oh wow, you can take that head-on, huh? I guess you're really a Demon Lord." A smile surged on the brave young man, Chris and his three Spirits floated in midair, flames propelling him off the ground easily. 

"A single human dares fight a being as glorious and powerful as myself?! Do you know that I am a feared Demon Lord, don't you, child?! I am the Lord of Demons! My Master Satan has blessed me with his almighty power!" The elephant roared. "My name is Ganesh, the King of Demonic Beasts!" The Demon Lord was speaking with human tongue.

"King?" Chris laughed, his flames slowly beginning to spread across the battlefield. "You look like an ugly elephant walking on two legs, dude."

"Y-You dare insult my greatness?!" Ganesh had little patience. "You'll see… My true might!"


Ganesh rushed towards Chris in an instant, summoning two huge Golden Axes and swinging them against Chris with tremendous speed and force! The young man did not expect the Demon Lord to be so fast despite his huge and heavy looking body.

Then again, Kong was also incredibly fast even after transforming and becoming even larger… Chris decided to stop foolishly underestimating his foes. It was something that Blake had taught him long ago, but that he had barely put into motion.

"You're fast, but my magic's faster!" Chris smiled, his magical aura spreading everywhere. "[Fire Spirit Magic Arts]: [Grand Blazing Fox Infernal Carnival Domain]!"


All the flames left behind in the ruined city, and the ones still covering some areas of the burned mammoth's corpse worked in tandem, connecting together into a huge magic circle. In just a split of a second, a huge domain of flames emerged, as hundreds of tiny foxes made of fire constantly emerged, almost endlessly!

"HUH?!" Ganesh was about to cleave Chris into perfect halves before the small fire foxes flew towards him and started exploded over his gigantic body.



Ganesh roared furiously, his flesh and skin burning as he swung his two giant axes against the foxes, whenever he managed to cleave them apart, they would explode, still dealing large quantities of damage.

"And that's not all, you long-trunked bastard!" Chris roared. "[Grand Fox Phantom Spirit]! Devour him!"

The power of his Fox Spirit erupted out of his body, which he had already fused with, as it merged with the surrounding Flames he kept spreading as his "materials", creating a gigantic Fox Spirit's jaws, biting through Ganesh and pushing him down!



With an agonizing scream, the elephant demon screamed in agony, his flesh constantly burning, his skin resembling charcoal, even his trunk was not safe from the ferocious flames.


"That's enough with you!"

Ganesh swung his two axes once more, this time, much more serious, his Demonic Energy unleashed tremendous shockwaves around him, as the flames Chris summoned dissipated one after another, as if they were nothing!

"You have yet to attain the strength to defeat a being as glorious as me, you petulant child!"

Ganesh jumped off the ground, leaving a huge crater behind as he appeared right in front of Chris, his two Golden Battel Axes overflowed with Demonic Energy, turning crimson red.

"[Spinning Elephant Axes]!"



Chris was caught off-guard, incapable of moving as fast as the Demon Lord, his Blazing Spirit Armor had to take most of the damage, but he was still pushed to his limits, being thrown into the floor!



Chris vomited a mouthful of blood, gasping for air as he saw Ganesh appear from above, descending with his two Blood Red Battle Axes, ready to slay him for good.

"[Blazing Suge]!"

The young fire wizard roared to the skies, his entire body erupting with countless flames, as Ganesh was slightly overwhelmed, only for the elephant demon to dissipate the flames a few seconds later with his axes, hitting the ground below!



However, Chris wasn't there anymore, using that time his flames brought, he had escaped to a safer area, gasping for air, his Salamander and Cat spirit were ready to unleash their strengths as well.

"What's wrong? Are you getting tired already?" Laughed Ganesh. "I'll end this quickly, pitiful child. And then I will feast in your flesh and bones, I promise you that I will not waste a single piece of your delicious body! I'll devour it all! Bwahahaha!"

Ganesh rushed towards Chris, the young man gritting his teeth. He had grown strong, but he knew that he couldn't take a Demon Lord alone.

So he only had to buy time until reinforcements arrived.

"[Yggdrasil's Spirit Arrow]!"

A rain of spiritual arrows descended from above Ganesh, bombarding him with countless explosions of light!





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