Vampire Nightlife

Chapter 81 Dream Eater's Rhapsody (4)

Maybe it was the fact that the desert sands terrain was flat–but Lukas felt like he could feel the heat of the sun on his back. He didn't bother looking behind him, instead, he started running towards the figure in the distance.

Her beautiful red hair framed her gentle face, and the petite form of Chaerin Atticus was visible. If there had been more time, Lukas would have marveled that it was her and not Alexei, but there wasn't any moment now.

"Chaerin!" Lukas shouted.

His voice fell to deaf ears and yet that didn't matter. He saw the shadows casting around and knew he needed to hurry. If Chaerin couldn't hear him and wake up?

Lukas leapt towards her and then covered her with his entire body, forming a small cocoon above her. "I've got you, I've got you–you're safe now." he whispered.

The truth of the matter was that they were both wearing black and Lukas still had his cloak on, but it was the first time since they were going to encounter the sun with just their gear on.

If Lukas had a choice, he would have stayed in the van all throughout and only come out during the night–but the situation was different now.

Minutes passed.

Maybe it was seconds.

Lukas didn't exactly know, but he felt the heat of something on his back and it was unbearably uncomfortable. Lukas could still feel the heat of the sun even with his clothes on and that was in spite of his Moderate Heat Resistance or whatever it had been.

Chaerin on the other hand…

Lukas felt her squirm beneath him and the smell of something like smoke emanated from below. His eyes widened and he lifted his body a little to check on Chaerin. Compared to him who could easily deal with the sun more or less–she couldn't.

Protective gear or not.


The pain should have allowed her to wake up at this point, but her eyes were still shut and there was only a grimace of pain. There was a cloud of steam that seemed to rise as if she was burning alive.

"Nonono, Chaerin wake up." Lukas didn't know if he should wake her up. But surely he couldn't allow her to sleep any longer. "I have to wake you up–uh, uh, please."

It was a bad scenario, shaking her shoulder and trying to shield her face from the sun. Droplets of sweat fell down over Lukas' face in what could have been the most uncomfortable situation ever.

If only they were in bed, then maybe it would have been better but–

"Concentrate. Lukas." Lukas bit down on his lip so hard that it started to bleed. A droplet fell down across Chaerin's face.

Lukas was about to use his gloved thumb to brush off the blood, but then he saw something happen. Instead of it simply staying on her skin, he watched the blood droplet be absorbed and somehow alleviate some of the smoke.

"Of course," Lukas realized. He remembered the time when he allowed Chaerin to drink his blood when she was struck by Lily and that had helped–so it made sense that it should also be able to help now.

There was something special about his blood.

Someone who wasn't even probably a real Vampire… or maybe the most authentic of them all? The thought never crossed Lukas' mind as he used his fangs and grazed them across his inner cheeks.

A sting of pain coursed through his body but there was the amount of blood that he wanted. Perhaps in any other scenario, it would have been disgusting and maybe unsanitary… but the stakes were too high.

Lukas gently lifted Chaerin's head, felt the way that her skin was burning even with his gloves on and pressed his lips down to hers. He transferred some of his blood to hers, feeding it slowly and hoping it would make things better.

It had to–since it was going directly inside of her and not simply outside.


Lukas watched her temperature ease a little more. A glimmer of a notification coming in the corner of his vision.

[Your Blood Has Eased Symptoms Of Sun Degradation]

[Your Blood Has Increased Chaerin Atticus's Healing Factor]

[You Have Gained An Increase In Blood Sharing Ability ]

That was something that might have cheered him up usually, it was great news–drastically great news and he didn't even know that Blood Sharing was really a thing that could be considered an ability, but Chaerin still hadn't woken up.

​ "Rhea–you there?" Lukas asked.

"Yes." Rhea replied. "Just trying to give some privacy–"

"She's not waking up." Lukas said, trying to maintain his calmness, but his heart was pounding. "I managed to wake up Stacy easier and even Theodore after some difficulty, but Chaerin is–I'm not too late am I? Do I have to shake her harder? Maybe shout into her ear?"

"She's probably going deeper into the dreams." Rhea carefully said. "Compared to the others, it has been far much more time since we actually managed to get to her... Maybe we're a little too late."

"No. I can't accept that." Lukas shook his head and tried shaking Chaerin awake. "There has got to be something we can do."

"I can't go in there and disrupt the dream." Rhea said. "Two Dream Eaters in one person is unstable enough for the mind…"

Lukas tried to think of something. "Wait, didn't the Sanguise House Ancestor manage to pull me out of the dream world and into her world? Do you think I can do that?"

"Huh. Right–right. That happened. I didn't understand it at first, I thought it was just another aspect of your dream but somehow that older Vampire did manage to pull you into her subconsciousness. That's probably an ability of someone stronger in your kind, yes?"

"Yes, it has to be." Lukas concentrated hard. "There are stories of Vampires with mind abilities. It's not the Overlord Archetype, it surely isn't what I'm looking for since it pertains to the body growing stronger but the Seducer uses their powers to influence others. I… I didn't think it was useful since I'm dealing with other Vampires."

"Huh? Archetypes?" Rhea sounded confused.

"But there has got to be a way for me to tap into Chaerin's mind. Just because I haven't heard or seen anyone recently do it, doesn't mean that I can't–and I have to try." Lukas pressed his forehead across Chaerin's.

It was not as hot as before, but it was still significant enough that Lukas could recognize the heat.

"What are you doing?" Rhea said. "I think the older Vampire managed to do it because she's centuries older than you or something! Just because you thought of it doesn't mean that you'll be able to do it!"

"I know, but shut up!" Lukas said, then caught himself. "Or at least tell me how you guys enter people's dreams. Maybe it'll help me be able to do it myself."

"That's… a trade secret."

"Trade secret?!" Lukas couldn't believe it. "You have got to be kidding me! Now's not the time for your jokes, Rhea."

"W-well, I don't think any other individual besides a Dream Eater has managed to do it! If anybody could do it, then why would there even be Dream Eaters in the first place, you know?"


"I–there's a song. It's a song we sing and when our targets hear it, we're able to enter into their subconscious realm. Um, into your land of dreams we seek, where you lie fast asleep. We promise that it will be sweet and that it will be swift. Grant us a peek."

Lukas's brows furrowed together. He didn't know if Rhea was too nervous to sing it properly or that she didn't want him falling asleep so she messed it up, but he more or less got an idea.

The thought of coming up with a song was silly enough, but he pushed that thought away. He reached out, held Chaerin's hands as he closed his eyes and concentrated and tried to make a mantra.

Your world I wish to see

To enter there and set you free

Chaerin, allow the passage, it's only me

It was the worst lines Lukas probably had ever made in the history of anything. He was no poet, songwriter or anything grand–but he put his sincerity into it. If there was anything that he caught from what Rhea was saying… they were still trying to gain access.

Asking permission. No forced entry.

Lukas suddenly felt a resistance come through his mind–a simple wave of energy that gave him a headache. "Ugh."

"It's not working. Someone's already there." Rhea started.

"Fine, if I can't get Chaerin to get me there… I'll have to force myself through it." Lukas decided that maybe the 'Seducer' archetype wasn't enough. Simply getting someone to say yes?

That wasn't the complete picture of what it meant to be a Vampire.

There was power and authority in it. And between the two of them right now? Lukas and Chaerin? He was the one far stronger than her. He even helped her to be fine right now.

"I gave you my blood, and it shall pave a way."

Those words might have meant nothing, especially when it was said without any actual conviction. However, unbeknownst to Lukas, his own eyes glowed as he closed it again and spoke.

And he meant every word.

One moment he was on top of Chaerin and the next thing he knew, he was someplace else.


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