Vampire Nightlife

Chapter 31 Dinner With The Tenebris

There were a lot of things that Lukas missed, and he was regretting it hard now. As he sat at the majestic dining table underneath the lights of a fancy chandelier, he found himself under the scrutinizing gaze of not one but several men.

Lawrence Tenebris was the father and head of the family and it was clear that there was displeasure written all over his face and it was similar to the other men of the family, except for one.

Theodore… Yes, that Theodore from BloodWorks was giving him a smile that sent shudders down Lukas' spine. How the heck was Lily related to the freak?

Lily was so cute, soft and–

"Lukas?" Lily called him over to the right side seat of her father.

They weren't even seated together! Lukas cleared his throat and went for a smile. "Thank you so much for inviting me over for dinner, sir."

"I didn't invite you–Lily insisted for you to come." Lawrence said.

Fuck. Lukas fought the urge to slam his head at the dining table and only chose to smile. He was smooth on one on one interaction, but the eyes of several people on him made it too nerve wracking.

It didn't help that he could feel the hostility in the air–even, and maybe, especially from Theodore the most.


"She said that she wanted to introduce us to a friend of hers." Lawrence said.

"H-huh, oh yeah?" Lukas looked over at Lily in surprise. He thought that she was excited about introducing him as a boyfriend… did she not want to? Ended up not saying it?

…Or maybe her father just didn't want to acknowledge it.

When Lukas glanced at the older man, it almost seemed to be the case. It was much better to think of it rather than Lily chickening out–she was the one who insisted so much that he'd come after all.

Lily cleared her throat daintily. "Father, don't you think that it's about time for the food to be served?"

"Ah, I just wanted to ask questions for your friend, Lily. But right, let us eat–my little girl must be hungry." Lawrence's fearsome expression took a touch of tenderness, his eyes lighting up as he looked at his one and only daughter.

Lukas sighed in relief inwardly as some servants came and brought forward the food. It turned out to be a dish that seemed to be similar or actually just steak–except it was incredibly raw and bloody.

If it had been his human self, Lukas might have felt sick or queasy, his stomach not being able to take the sight–but then his instincts were overtaking him and his mouth watered at the sumptuous sight.

Lukas was about to dig in, however, the family suddenly started to hold hands.

"Oh goddess of the moon, blessed with your light and with this feast for this occasion–we give our gratitude and praise to you."

During his time here, it was Lukas' first encounter with a prayer–but it happened, and he was glad that he didn't touch his utensils and fork as he sat awkwardly in his seat. He hadn't exactly wanted to hold hands with the ones closest to him and neither did they.

"Are you not a follower of the Goddess Celes, Lukas?" Lawrence asked as he cut off his steak and placed one bite into his mouth, chewing as if the question was as simple as one's favorite food or weather.

Lukas didn't know what to say–he hadn't expected this much lore!

"If not, are you perhaps one of the disciples of Deimos?" Theodore added in, chuckling as he sipped his blood, a fiery glint in his eyes.

"Surely he's not one of the unbelievers–although, if that were the case…"

"Lukas is a really good person." Lily insisted, finally frowning and no longer withstanding the treatment and tone her siblings and father was giving him. She really wanted them to like Lukas.

It was her first time bringing someone home and yet they were acting like boys bullying each other in the playground.

"Right, I suppose that's what matters the most." Lawrence admitted reluctantly. "At the end of the day, we are all the same kind, born of the same cave–but the reason why I asked was because I've already heard of this boy."

Lily pouted. "I was telling you about–"

"No. It surprises me that you are working in the city council when you could have followed in the footsteps of those who serve the city by leaving it–but I suppose, not everyone is willing to risk their lives."

"What…" Lukas' expression turned serious, a frown crossing his lips as he looked up. "Pardon?"

The one who had been bugging him was Emerys di Verdant and also Serena Weisse–how did…

"There has been a great decline of the Hunters who return after their expeditions, and it has come to the attention of the city that there needs to be something to be done so we no longer lose any more precious lives–hence a meeting was conducted on finding candidates. You were among them."

"I… I don't know why. I'm just me." Lukas said.

"You say that as if you do not know the results of your test." Lawrence Tenebris frowned slightly. "Have the guildmaster kept it private? But they still insisted on you, which is an indication of great power or skill."

"Hah! Amazing. And here he was acting like he didn't care at all." Theodore said. "You had me fooled for a bit of time."

"It seems that the two of you have already met, Theodore?" Lawrence glanced over at his nephew.

"Oh yes, we've already met and known each other for quite some time. Isn't that right, Lulu?" Theodore grinned.

"Tsk." Lukas clicked his tongue, not liking the attention–but most of all, he glanced in Lily's way and saw the frozen expression on her face. It seemed that Chaerin and Serena were both in the know… but Lily had no idea.


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