Vampire Nightlife

Chapter 15 Blood Arts And Grimoires

Or would have made himself inside, if not for the fact that Lukas was promptly shut off by one of the Vampires stationed by the door.

The older Vampire narrowed his eyes at Lukas and gave him one look before saying.

"Civilians are barred entry into weapon establishments."

"What? I can't even sight-see?" Lukas complained. The Vampires had even stricter weapon rules than his own home which didn't make any sense.

"Oh, he's with me!" a voice suddenly interjected.

Lukas blinked at the chirpy voice and glanced over his shoulder and nearly stumbled back. A terrifying white oni greeted him–until Lukas realized that it was simply a mask. The brown-haired young man garbed in a full black outfit greeted the man by the door.

"You can let him in, he's a buddy of mine." the young man removed his mask and grinned at Lukas.

Lukas frowned but chose not to say anything right away.

What was the man's agenda with him? Lukas didn't know, but the idea of seeing the weapons in Blood Works currently outweighed the stranger.

If anything, the strict rules of the Vampire society told Lukas that he was protected in case the young man tried to pull something.

Soon, the Vampire at the door grunted before flicking his fingers. The heavy and thick door opened slowly and he let out another grunt which sounded like a greeting to Lukas.

"Woah, was that telekinesis?" Lukas' eyes widened momentarily.

For a moment, the Vampire at the door seemed to make a face and sound between a grunt and something that relayed embarrassment.

The young man now beside Lukas laughed. "Is it your first time encountering someone with skills? Of course it has–my underknowledged friend, let's go."

Before anything could happen, Lukas was yanked forward towards the store by his newfound companion. Once they were out of earshot from the main door, Lukas stepped away from the man.

"I'm not sure what you want out of me, but I don't have anything to give you."

"Woah, suspicions already? That hurts my heart." the young man mock-clutched his chest. "I was nothing more than a good samaritan as they say."

It was a choice of words that struck Lukas as odd–he didn't think they'd be aware of the meaning behind such a phrase, but somehow the Vampire was familiar with it.

"You're an Assassin aren't you?" Lukas murmured.

"Aye, sharp one are ya?" the young man nodded and placed his mask at the corner of his shoulder.

Lukas couldn't help but feel a sweat drip down from the corner of his forehead. "Your outfit is telling. It isn't that hard to figure out."

"And who says that this isn't a costume? We're all free to pick up whatever garb we want at Nox's."

"You were recognized by the man at the door, it speaks volumes about how you're the real deal."

"Aw, you're almost making me blush. Gilbert does know me, yes. You can say I'm a connoisseur of weapons–well, I always need to replace mine. Part of the trade as one might say."

Lukas didn't know if he could take the man seriously. It was hard to say what a Vampire's real age might be–especially knowing that there was physical manipulation available, but the Vampire seemed to be around his age.

"Do you have a name, so I can at least thank you for helping me get in here." Lukas decided to say as they wandered down a hallway.

"Theodore. Though my friends call me Theo–and my enemies? Well, they don't get a word in before I strike them to death." Theodore grinned. "What about you?"

"I'm Lukas."


"Ugh, I know that I should be grateful, but maybe we can split up–"

"Nono, I can show you the works. You're interested in weapons aren't you? Do you want to be a Hunter or an Assassin?" Theodore asked. "You seem strong but clumsy."


"It comes with the trade." Theodore shrugged. "I can tell whether an opponent or not requires my full strength. And you might seem like a challenge if you put in the effort and the work into it."

"I'm not sure if you're just buttering me up." Lukas crossed his arms. "But I'm not interested in becoming anything and throwing myself into danger. I just want a peaceful life and a girlfriend."

Or two.

Theodore's eyes glinted as he looked over at Lukas, a smirk playing on his lips. "Hah. That's funny–you wouldn't be here if you were really into the idea of simply being a burden to society."

"Excuse me?"

"A lot of our kind simply waste away day to day stuck in these walls without a clue as to what the world outside is. I thought you were different–and it was why you came here, the call of adventure and of a higher calling summoning you, but I might be wrong."


A self-deprecating smile curled on Theodore's lips. "Would you rather stay cooped up in this place without a single clue on what lies outside? You're like a bird stuck in a golden cage with contentment."

Lukas narrowed his eyes at the young man. "You remind me of someone else I met in your association."

"Someone else?" Theodore's expression flickered. "Huh. So you really did apply–"

"Yeah, Emerald Verdant something." Lukas shrugged then watched the expression of the Assassin suddenly still.

"You've met Emerys?"

Lukas noticed the deep stare, but pointedly ignored it as they entered the main hall. A great number of weapons and other Vampires around them similar to that of an art museum was visible before their very eyes.

"Mhmm, that's the one–her attitude is as nosy and almost as self-serving as yours." Lukas couldn't help but say, but before the man could retort or say something else… and the man was too stunned to even actually say anything–Lukas' attention snapped to what sounded like a hum.

His gaze landed on something at the end of the main hall–it was a singular grimoire amidst all the weapons on display.

[ Replica of the Blood Arts Grimoire ]


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