Vampire Nightlife

Chapter 132 The Aftermath (3)

When Lukas and Chaerin finally rolled out of their bed in the morning and stepped out to join the others–it wasn't the cool and thick mists appearing once again that surprised them. Although, that was a boon of itself knowing that it was morning.

It was the fact that they were met with the knowing looks and gazes of the elderly. Some had wistful smiles, others were frowning and complaining about the noise and there were also some who patted the two on the back.

"Such energy,"

"So lively, ah–youth."

"What happened while we were gone?" a small child looked up from a fireplace, seated besides Stacy and Alexei and hopped towards them. It was little Reos, or Midnight, and she scrunched up her nose and sniffed. "You guys smell funny."

"Come now, don't be rude." Vulpine called out from another place alongside Cervus, Ursa and Nievu.

"You sometimes smell like this–"

"Oi, shut it kid." Vulpine raised her fist and became red-faced.

Lukas blinked and assessed the newcomers that clearly weren't around from last night's events. He smelled the delightful aroma of meat being cooked and was delighted to have his appetite around despite being tired.

It seemed like the rest of the people from Cervus' group had come to visit and brought in breakfast to be cooked and prepared for everyone. It was a good way to appease and open up the hearts of those doubtful–by targeting their stomachs.

Reos suddenly tugged Chaerin's hand urgently and looked up at her. "Come, sit, sit. Don't stand around–the mean guy said that you guys were leaving today."

"Mean guy?" Chaerin raised a brow, though her expression softened at the child.

"There's not enough time for dawdling around you two." Theodore called out from the fireplace. He was seated with Alexei and Stacy, but compared to the two of them, his stick was already clean and wiped off evidence of anything in it. "We're leaving as soon as you grab something to eat."

"So soon?" Lukas was surprised. He thought that they'd stay for a couple more days at least to keep the peace, but he was met with a look from Theodore.

"We've already established conditions, obligations and other necessary terms while the two of you were sleeping away." Theodore explained while shaking his head. "It's already been ratified as well, and it's something that everyone will uphold."

"Huh." Lukas blinked. "I didn't know that assassins do stuff like this–"

"I've helped with some legal and administrative work in the past as well," Theodore sighed. "It's nothing too complicated. Surely, as someone who's worked with my cousin in the past, you must have accustomed yourself with this kind of paperwork too."

"Kind of…" Lukas said, but he hadn't really been too engrossed with all the work. The only reason he was able to last that long in the office was thanks to Lily's presence and support.

If there was anything that could have helped Lukas shake off the sleepiness in the morning, it was having to talk about matters that belonged in a city and not the forest. However, as he glanced about the people in the clearing–they also seemed satisfied.

"We thank your group for helping us ensure the peace for our own here." Cervus inclined his head. "If you folks wish to stay for awhile more, then it'd be our pleasure–"

"What about supplies or something?" Lukas offered as he and Chaerin settled down by the fireplace. "Rations and non-perishables work. That could help, and that was what you were talking about before, right, Theodore?"

"Yeah, we've got jerky." Alexei answered for Theodore. "Honestly, we've got it all covered while you two were–well, we got rations."

Alexei almost wanted to prod at them more, similar to the elderly, but he held himself back from saying anything since his sister was around. He was at least not completely out of touch with his sensitivity.

Stacy was picking at her food, nibbling almost as if chewing could help her, before she finally glanced at the two and managed a smile. "And that's not all. The Dryad and Water Nymph also came by earlier, and with Cervus as the intermediary, we've got the mists and something else as well for a gift."

"A gift?" Chaerin pursed her lips and glanced around for the two nature beings. "Did they leave immediately?"

"Unfortunately yes, but I've managed to obtain some water from the nymph." Stacy held up a waterskin pouch. "I'm not too familiar with beings like this, but there's bound to be some special properties… and maybe I can do something with it."

"I see…" Chaerin looked a little wistful, but eventually gave Stacy a smile. "That's wonderful news for you, Stacy. I hope that helps you pass the time and enrichens your skills–you're the one expected to create a cure after all."

Stacy blinked, but then slowly nodded. It was something that didn't need to be said at all, and it hadn't felt like praise either, but Stacy chose to not push at it any further. What else could she do?

"What about the Dryad?" Lukas interestedly asked. "Did she give a branch that we could use as some extraordinary and powerful stick? Maybe she gave some super sap secretion? Or her leaves–"

Stacy became a little speechless, Alexei stifled a grin, while Theodore eyed him skeptically. "It's already a surprise that the nymph gave us something after all that we did at the Everglade, you can't frankly expect more, do you?"

"Er… it's a bad thing if I say yes, huh?" Lukas chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "But we've well attacked the water nymph and she still gave us something–ah well, you know what, nevermind. We're good."

There was something that he nearly forgot during his conversation with Stacy hours ago. Drusilla wanted to say something back then, and it was something that had preoccupied her before. It had to be related to the Dryad's blood.

Which left only one thing… where was the Dream Eater?


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