Vampire King's Harem

Chapter 26 I Want To Monster With You

The affectionate way that Irina calls Klaus honey brings warmth to his cold heart. He only remembers feeling something so good when he was with his family before they became night monsters.

He doesn't hate his life as a hunter and loves to feel the fear of his victims, but the fairy's pure feelings are like another kind of pleasure, something he wants to keep forever.

"Irina..." He gently holds her delicate chin and makes her look into his eyes. "I want to hear you say you're mine and mine alone forever."

She blushes but smiles adorably. "You are the one that is mine and only mine forever, stupid vampire!"

"Hahaha..." Klaus laughs and kisses Irina passionately.

He can hear several people whispering behind the walls; they are not alone in that hall, but he won't stop kissing his lovely fairy because there is some prey around.

In secret passages behind the walls of that room, several people observe Klaus kissing Irina. Most of them are men and are very jealous of the vampire, not only because he is kissing the most beautiful woman they have ever seen but also because of his own beauty.

There is also a woman among the necromancers, and she can't help but be fascinated by that scene. She's not really young and has seen a lot of things in her life, so she can say with assurance that Klaus is not only a pretty face but also a fabulous lover; his every kiss and touch takes the fairy to the skies of pleasure.

"I'm sure it's him..." One of the male necromancers whispers. "Look at this woman; she is clearly the fairy, so this guy has to be the underground's enemy."

"What should we do???" Another necromancer asks in a scared tone; Klaus is holding his aura, but they can still feel that.

"We must flee and not look back!" The oldest necromancer in the group suggests.

That's a group of five of the Bronze Skull Sect's best core disciples, so they know more secret passages than most of their colleagues. But that also makes them the most reliable necromancers still alive there.

"Run away?? Don't you see this is a great opportunity?" The first necromancer looks at Klaus with a hopeful expression. Despite not being the oldest of the group, he is the strongest, thus, the supposed leader.

"What do you have in mind?" The female necromancer asks, also looking at Klaus, but her expression is a mix of feelings.

The leader explains. "Let's capture this guy and bring him to the Sect Master; she has lost faith in us, but we can prove ourselves worthy of her leadership if we bring this enemy to her."

"Stupid boy..." The older necromancer shakes his head. "The Sect Master really seems to have gone mad; also, don't you remember seeing hundreds of our brothers sending hordes of undead to face this guy and the fairy? Still, nothing stopped them."

"They could only send out weak skeletons, so it's expected that Martial Warrior people could handle even hordes of them." Another necromancer explains, clearly supporting the leader.

The fifth necromancer also wants to give his opinion. "I bet these guys are pretty tired after facing so many skeletons, so if we act fast, they won't have a chance to fight back."

The leader nods. "Except for Zadok and Eli, we're the strongest core disciples in the Sect, so I say we can do this. But we must do this together, so who's with me?"

"I'm with you." The female necromancer quickly agrees.

"Me too." The other two young male necromancers say together.

All that's missing is the old necromancer agreeing. He tries to think of another way to survive that madness, but facing the Sect Master is not an option; escaping doesn't seem easy either, so maybe capturing the mysterious guy and the fairy really is the best way to negotiate with her.

"How will we do this?" The old man asks, making it clear that he agrees with the plan.

"Let's make this quick while they're trying to rest." The leader points to the female necromancer. "You will take care of the fairy; just hold her if you can't take her down."

Before the woman can complain, the leader turns his attention to the old necromancer. "We'll need your entire supply of enchanted bone powder."

"It all??" The old necromancer makes an upset expression. "This is a treasure I've accumulated throughout my whole life; you can't expect me to give you everything now."

"Would you rather die?" The leader asks. "We don't know how strong this guy is, so we need to use everything we've got."

"Yep." The other necromancers agree and start taking out valuable things they have in their magic bags; most of those items are energy crystals, old bones, rare plants, and small weapons.

The leader also takes his treasures out of the magic bag, including a small leather bag filled with bright gray powder, but he continues to look at the old necromancer. "We can't do this without more enchanted bone powder; we need to make our undead as strong as possible."

"Shit..." The old man complains but does as his fellows and takes his treasures out of his magic bag. Out of everyone there, he's clearly the one with more treasures, but the others are only interested in the various small leather bags filled with that shiny gray powder.

Wasting no time, the old necromancer gives two small leather bags to each of his friends. "After we survive this shitty day, you will have to pay me back for this!"

"Yeah, sure." The leader nods. "But first, we have to survive, right? Don't spare anything; we have to make the best undead of our lives and capture this guy and the fairy. Next, the undead will still serve to protect us while we take them to the Sect Master."

The other necromancers agree and quickly prepare their weapons and items for the fight; then, they separate into three groups and position themselves behind the walls of that room, waiting for the leader's signal.

In the center of the room, Klaus continues to kiss Irina; he does that not just because he loves the taste of her lips but also to understand more how his actions can influence the changes in her body.

"Mmmm..." She lets out cute moans as he kisses her lips passionately; then he breaks the kiss and starts to rub his nose on hers, something she also loves very much.

"This is so good... ahh~~!" She flaps her wings to fly, making her face level with his so she can kiss him better.

But Klaus breaks the kiss again, teasing her with his nose. "How are you feeling, my dear?"

"Fantastic! I never imagined that I could feel sensations as good as this." She smiles at him.

He smiles too. "I'm talking about the changes in your body; do you feel stronger or that something might be wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong; everything is wonderful." She makes a thoughtful expression and even blushes. "There are times when things get calm inside my body, but then when I look at you, or we do these things, you know..."

Klaus kisses her lips again. "Things like this?"

She blushes even more. "Yes, those things... when we do that, I feel your blood inside me get weird, like aroused; then I feel my power grow much faster as well as the desire to fight and do..."

"I got it, you don't need to say anything else." He rubs his nose on her checks. "It seems that your feelings are connected to my blood inside you, and stimulating it accelerates the way my blood strengthens your body."

"That's great!" Irina can't help but be happy. "It would be bad to keep doing these things in enemy territory, but if it can make us stronger, then I think it's a good battle strategy, right?"

Klaus is happy that Irina is happy, but he also seems concerned. "I don't know if accelerating this process is a good thing... I mean, all my powers come at a cost; just blood isn't enough for me; I need to hurt people, kill them, hunt them..."

Irina can see that Klaus has already suffered so much due to his situation and that only makes her want to give him much more love to make up for every bad day he had before meeting her.

"It's okay now… I'm with you." She rubs her nose on his face and kisses his lips.

He smiles. "Yeah, it's okay now; I got used to being this thing... a night monster, but I don't want you to become something like that too; you're perfect the way you are."

"I don't feel perfect for being anything, I feel perfect for being with you." She quickly explains. "So it's okay if I have to become a monster too... being a monster with you is still going to be perfect."

Klaus caresses Irina's face as his eyes sparkle with expectation. She's already seen the brutal side of him and still likes him; she's also okay with becoming something like him so they can keep together, so he has nothing to fear.

"A monster couple?" He smiles.

"Yeah, a fucking monster couple!" She smiles, too, and kisses him.

He enjoys the kiss but stops it as he realizes the necromancers are about to make their move. "I have a surprise for you, dear."

"What is it, honey?" Irina's eyes sparkle with excitement and curiosity.

Klaus' eyes sparkle with murderous desire. "Some preys are here; they came for the feast."


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