Vampire King's Harem

Chapter 12 Endless Possibilities

Now that Klaus is communicating with Irina, she can't wait to find out more things about him; her curiosity is killing her.

"How can you heal with blood? How did you know my name?? Why do you look so..."

"You have many questions." He interrupts her.

"Naturally." She smiles. "You're the first otherworldly person I've met, so, of course, I'm curious."

The natural way that Irina calls Klaus a person makes him feel really good. Everyone on Earth saw him as a scary monster, so not being seen like that by Irina is refreshing.

"Okay, I can answer your questions, but I also have my own, so how about a deal?" He asks.

"A deal?" Irina feels that the way Klaus talks about it, she's about to make some kind of eternal deal with the devil. "What kind of deal?"

"I answer your question, and then it's my turn to ask something; after you answer that question, it's your turn to ask again." He explains.

"Fair." She nods as she agrees to that deal. "You can go first."

"What are you?" Klaus doesn't waste a second before asking that question.

That question catches Irina off guard; she has never needed to explain her being to anyone. "Doesn't your world have people like me??"

"It's your turn to answer." Klaus speaks with a teasing smile on his face.

His smile makes Irina blush again, but she looks away and focuses on answering the question. "Hmm, let me think... Humans call me Fairy, but actually, I'm part of the ancient forest people just as the elves do; I just have wings because I'm part of a specific group."

Klaus has no idea what it means to be an elf or part of the ancient forest people, but he does understand that in that world, there are humans and other races.

On Earth, there was only Klaus and his family other than humans, so they were natural enemies. But in the new world, there are other races, so he wonders whether they will all end up as his enemies or not.

Well, the Bronze Skull Sect necromancers are already his enemies, and the way Irina talks about humans makes him believe that they are no good in general. But that's not a problem for Klaus; after all, he needs food; in fact, he doesn't need any allies, just his family, and now Irina... He already wants to keep her by his side forever.

"Now, it's my turn." Irina speaks excitedly.

Klaus nods, and she quickly makes the question. "What are you?"

It's the same question he asked, so he also answers honestly. "I was once human a long, long time ago... But then the witches turned my family and me into something else..."

Irina pays close attention to Klaus' every word and expression as he explains. "At first, they called us damn bloodsucking cannibals... But then they realized we weren't like them anymore and started calling us Vampires."

"My people don't have a good past with humans either..." Irina could feel a little sadness in Klaus's eyes, and she understood that. "They are selfish creatures who ruin everything they touch."

"I like them that way." Klaus smiles, a sinister, murderous smile. "They're just food to me, prey, waiting to be slaughtered... And well, I have a lot of fun being their hunter."

Irina doesn't feel sorry for humans, but she thinks Klaus seems to have so much fun with that. He's really scary, but she can't feel any fear of him anymore; it's like being friends with the devil, he may be mean to everyone, but not to her.

"Now it's your turn to ask." She speaks.

"So there are many more people like you?" He asks.

"I don't like that question." Irina speaks honestly. "I mean, are you asking this because you want to hunt my people down to drink their blood or something else??"

"I understand you having these kinds of concerns." He smiles friendly. "But don't worry, as long as you're with me and I can drink your blood, there's no reason for me to go after other fairies."

Irina feels relieved for a second before she notices something that makes her angry again. "Wait!?! Do you expect me to let you keep drinking my blood?!?"

"How else do you expect me to kill these humans and get you out of this place unharmed?" He responds with another question.

"Can't you drink their blood instead??" Somehow Irina feels bad suggesting that, but she has no idea why yet.

"I can, of course." Klaus explains. "But if that woman finds out I get stronger by drinking blood, things could get bad real quick."

Irina misunderstands Klaus' concerns. "Are you afraid of the Sect Master?"

"Do I look like someone who has any fear?" He asks in a cool and confident tone.

Although Klaus appears to be the type of person who scares others instead of fearing them, Irina isn't convinced. "So what's wrong with the Sect Master discovering your secret?"

He is not used to explaining his plans to others, but he is willing to change such habits to get closer to Irina. "That woman is more powerful and intelligent than she looks; this is all a game for her, and if I make one wrong move, she could end up hurting you. And I can't allow that, you understand?"

Irina is speechless. She can see that Klaus is very proud, but he is holding back for her sake, which makes her feel that warm sensation in her heart again.

Yet, she fears what might happen if he continues to drink her blood. "If you really care about me, how could you think it's fine to keep drinking my blood?? I need it inside my body to be okay, you know."

He looks at her with a kind and loving expression. "You just need to give me a little at a time, and soon I'll have regained enough strength to kill that woman before she can hurt you. You'll be fine, I promise."

Again Irina feels as if Klaus' words make perfect sense even though it is clearly madness. "Assuming this is the only way out of here... how do you expect me to get used to this?"

"You'll get used to it." He speaks confidently. "I mean, you seemed to be already enjoying this last time... with those sensual moans and everything."

"YOU!!!" Irina is very embarrassed because her body really felt good at that moment. "You wouldn't know what a woman likes even if she said to you!"

Klaus isn't upset by Irina's silly insults; he actually starts laughing at her. "You're a virgin, aren't you??"

"Y-Y-YOU..." Irina turns even redder than before. "What the hell is that question?!?!?"

"You don't have to answer that; I already know the answer." He can't stop smiling at how cute she is. "I'll ask another question then."

"No!" She pouts, which makes her even cuter. "You lost the right to ask questions when you started asking stupid questions! Now I make the questions."

Klaus still wants to know many things about Irina, but he agrees with her. "Yes, ma'am."

"YOU!?!" Even when he agrees with her, she gets upset. But she tries to stay calm and not let him tease her anymore.

After a few seconds, she calms down and tries to speak as respectfully as possible. "You mentioned your family before... Are they like you? Were they in those coffins that showed up at the ritual??"

Irina worries that such a subject will make Klaus upset or sad, but he looks pretty calm and relaxed when he explains. "Yep, my sisters and mother are in those coffins. The damn witches tricked them and locked them in the coffins... I tried everything to free them, but those coffins have a powerful magic that I don't understand yet."

"That sucks." She can't help but feel sorry for him.

"It's okay, I saw the coffins go into portals similar to the one that brought me here, so I believe they're in this world too." He comments.

"Yeah, that appeared to be a ritual done jointly by the necromancers." Irina explains. "They must be in other Sects like this one, so... well, when we get out of here, I'll help you find them."

The pure and honest way that Irina offers help to Klaus makes him like her even more. "We don't need to worry about them now."

She gets confused. "Don't you fear what the necromancers may do to them? These people are crazy!"

"No matter what they do to my family, they'll be fine." Klaus explains. "The people of my world did all kinds of bad things to us, but no matter how powerful the magic was or how cruel their methods were, we never really died."

"Really?" Irina becomes even more curious about Klaus and his family.

He nods. "Yes, our bodies can be destroyed and reduced to dust, but a part of us always remains, and eventually we come back... then the blood recovers our powers."

"Fascinating." Irina comments as she thinks of something. "I never expected that the first immortal I would meet would be someone from another world..."

Now it's Klaus' turn to be surprised. "You mean there are other immortals in this world?"

"Yes." She responds. "Anyone can become an immortal when reaching the peak of cultivation; at least that's what the ancient texts say."

"Anyone?" Klaus can't help but get excited. He could never start a new family on Earth because there were only mortal humans there, but now not only has he met a woman who perfectly matches him, but she can also become immortal and live beside him forever.

Irina sees the sparkles in Klaus' eyes, but she has no idea how great her future will be with him. But anyway, she's also very excited about what comes next.


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