Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 84 You Can't?

Seeing the naked Valkyrie coming out of the shower threw Sam into panic mode. 'How did she get in? Why is she here? Is it about what Elina said? Am I in danger? Valkyries aren't supposed to be able to hurt us so…'

Questions ran through his mind one after the other and it didn't help that the blond one was walking toward him. He backed away one step only to trip and fall on the bed scattering the clothes he had just picked. Lifting himself up he found her standing in front of him, her right hand extended.

"Do you mind returning that?"

It took him a while to realize she was pointing at the white cloth he held in his palm. Still shaking he extended his arm and gave her what she asked for, however what happened the next moment shocked him even more.

Spreading the piece of cloth, the Valkyrie leaned down and lifted one of her legs sliding it though one of the holes. She did the same with the second then pulled it up all the way to her slender hips. It was only then that Sam realized that it wasn't a handkerchief he holding on but a pure white panty.

"I forgot to pack a change so this is the only one I have." The Valkyrie said, continuing to wipe her golden locks.

"... You are…" Sam began.

"Miku." She said, turning away from him. "You forgot to close the door."

"A-ah, yeah…"

Glancing at him from over her shoulder, the strange Valkyrie walked back into the bathroom. Sam was lost at what to do. For now he decided to make a run for it. He realized that there is nowhere for him to go, however staying there wasn't an option.

Getting up he slowly made his way to the door, careful not to make a sound. He was about to make it out when he heard the Valkyrie's voice coming from behind him.

"Where are you going?"

Sam froze in his place, his neck creaking as he slowly turned in the bathroom's direction.

"Well, I was just checking if I entered the wrong room…"

His ID card opened the door so it is obvious that he was in the right room, still he had to make up some excuse so he could run away.

"You're in the right room." The young, blond Valkyrie said. She had put on a shirt that went down below her important place, however it didn't seem like she wore anything beside the underwear from before so Sam was struggling to look at her.

'Why did she have to be so cute…?' Sam thought as he gritted his teeth in frustration. 'I can't even get scared properly!'

Closing the door, Sam turned around to face the strange Valkyrie.

"So… your name is Miku?"

"Yes." She replied with a nod.

Sam found the name a bit strange since all the Valkyries he knew so far had only numbers in their names, but when he thought about it Wolf had addressed another one of the Valkyries accompanying him by Nana so he concluded that he had given each of them names.

"How long do you plan on standing there?"

Sam almost jumped in his place when she asked him that question. Her tone was as calm as before, however that didn't stop it from being threatening.

Miku walked with slow steps then sat on the bedside. An awkward silence filled the room. Sam was still standing by the door trying to keep as much distance between him and the intruder as possible, however he couldn't stay calm, deciding to strike a conversation to learn more about her objective.

"So… Miku…"


"Mind if I ask what you're doing in my room?"

Maybe that was way too direct. Still it was the obvious question to ask. One doesn't just infiltrate other people's rooms without a reason.

"I hate the rooms they gave us so..." The Valkyrie named Miku spoke, her tone indifferent. "I'll sleep here tonight."

"I… see…"

Her answer only worked to confuse Sam even more, but before he could say anything else she asked him again.

"How long do you plan on standing there?"

"Ah! Yes, sorry about that." Placing his hand on the door handle he proceeded to open it. "Then, enjoy your stay. I'll go find somewhere else to-"

The door was suddenly slammed shut. Sam slowly twisted his head to look at it, and lo and behold the petite blond Valkyrie was there holding a hand to keep the exit closed.


"Where are you going?" She asked, her expression unchanging.

"Well… you'll be sleeping here so…" Sam said, slowly backing away.


"Shouldn't I go somewhere else?"


Sam didn't know whether he should feel scared or not. The way she tilted her head as if she was confused looked adorable, but that didn't distract him from the fact that she's a deadly weapon.

'It's been a while…' he though, realizing it has been a while since he was afraid of the humanoid weapons.

The Valkyries named Miku stared at him for a while, then, as if realizing something important, her eyes went wide.

"Is it about the bed?" She asked, turning to look inside the room.

​ "Y-yes!" Sam said, nodding. "There is only one bed so-"

"We only need one bed, right?" She interjected, still looking a little confused.

"Eh?" Once again Sam found himself freezing.

A couple of seconds pass as the two stare at each other. Letting go of the door the petite blond Valkyrie walked back into the room.

"You can take a shower if you want." She said. "I'll wait for you."

Sam's tired brain worked extra hard to try and understand the situation he was in, however to no avail.

'Was she sent to keep an eye on me?' He thought 'is that why she's trying to keep me here?'

"Um… Miku…" Sam spoke, trying to confirm one of his suspicions. "When you said we only need one bed did you mean that…" gulping audibly he forced the next words out. "We're going to share it?"

Otherwise one of them would have to sleep on the floor. It would be funny if she asked him to do that, or so he thought at least. Invading his room then forcing him to sleep on the floor, the situation would be way too bizarre to not make him laugh.

"You have been acting strange for sometime now." Miku asked. "Don't tell me… is this the first time you had a Valkyrie over?"

"Well, isn't that obvious?"

Sam's reply seemed to surprise Miku as she took a step back looking at him with wide eyes.

"Oh! Then it's the other way around." She said, clapping her hands in realization. "You're the one who goes to their room!"

"W-what are you talking about?" Sam didn't like where this conversation was going. "Why would I go to their rooms?"

Putting two and two together would make it seem as if she thinks that he's used to sleeping with the Valkyries, but Sam didn't want to believe that's what she's alluding to.

"Eh? I mean…" holding a hand to her chin as she thought, the petite Valkyrie looked at him with visible confusion. "Where else would you do it?"

Sam was afraid to ask, however the question came out on its own.

"Do what?"

The answer seemed to stab him right in the gut.

"Have sex." Miku said. "You do it with your Valkyries all the time, right?"

Silence returned to the room. Sam continued to stare at the petite blond Valkyrie, his brain struggling to process the word that came out of her mouth. After a couple of seconds he was hit with a wave of panic and his mind could only think of one question.

'She knows!!!?'

Sam felt his soul leaving his body, but before he collapsed to the floor he noticed something important.

'That's right!' He thought to himself. 'I have yet to do it so…'

Sam did many things to the Valkyries, however he has yet to have sex with any of them. He fondled their bodies, sucked their tits and made them give him blow jobs, however he has yet to cross the line with any of them.

The way Miku spoke makes it clear she's talking about full intercourse. She also sounded surprised about him not going to any of the Valkyries' rooms or bringing them to his.

'She's only assuming that we're doing it.' Sam let out a sigh of relief. His eyes then shifted to the petite Valkyrie, a different kind of stress hitting him. 'But… if that's the case, could it be…'

"Um… Miku…" Sam spoke, afraid to confirm the conclusion he had arrived to just now. "You know that we aren't allowed to touch the Valkyries, right?"

"Yes." She replied almost immediately. "And?"

"Well, not touching them also means we can't do it with them. Do you understand?"

It took her a few seconds, but once she understood light left her dark blue eyes as she looked up at him, this time however her stoic expressionless mask melted giving way to a lost and disillusioned look to appear on her pale face.

"Um… Miku… what made you think that I'm… that I'm having sex with our Valkyries?"

staring at him for a few seconds, the Valkyrie gasped as if she remembered something.

"That's right! The book!" She said, turning around and rushing to the bathroom.

"The book?" Sam echoed with a raised eyebrow.

A moment later she came back holding what looked like a small paperback in her hands.

"The male character in this book does it with his Valkyries all the time!" She said, walking over to where he stood and lifting the book for him to see. "Why can he do it, but you can't?"

Sam didn't hear Miku's last question. No, he did hear it, however his mind was too busy trying to comprehend what it is he was looking at that he couldn't bother to pay attention to the strange Valkyrie.

'It can't be…'

The Valkyries are famous idols with unrealistic beauty and many fantasized about doing the deed with them. It wasn't strange for those fantasies to take the form of artworks, stories and fanfics shared around with people of similar interest.

Sam was somewhat familiar with such stories, however if they just so happen to get mentioned in front of him only one book would come to mind the title of which he was seeing on the one held in front of him right now.

'Valkyrie… Smash...'

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