Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 5 Well Yes, But Actually No.

Sam could only wonder where the beautiful Valkyrie was leading him. His heart pounded like crazy, his head playing fantasies he always dismissed as unrealistic.

Nine seemed to slow down after a while masking any sound her movements might create. He instinctively did the same and it looked like they were sneaking around. He soon understood the reason as the blond Valkyrie stopped behind one of the bookcases before carefully peeking her head.

A moment later she silently motioned for Sam to take a look himself. Careful not to touch the human like weapon he peeked around the corner and what he saw stunned him almost stopping his heart.

It was the male soldier who had entered after him earlier, however he wasn't alone. A female soldier was there with him. She was on her knees, her head bobbing back and forth in front of the man's bare crotch, something long sliding in and out of her mouth.

Suppressing the urge to jump away Sam slowly retreated. Turning to face Nine he noticed that she still had the innocent clueless look as if she didn't realize what's happening.

"We need to leave!" He whispered as quietly as possible.

"Eh!? But it's just getting started!"

Ignoring the Valkyrie's protest he slowly moved away from the area where the two soldiers were having their fun, he then asked Nine to show him the way she used to get to the library.

The two left the building through a backdoor hidden out of sight behind multiple bookcases. As the Valkyrie had said before, the rout she used really was out of sight. It was like a blind spot in the base out of the security camera's range.

With something like this going unnoticed Sam began to feel that the base wasn't as secure as they thought. If a stealth type Calamity sneaked its way through that part it could slaughter every last human stationed here and they wouldn't be able to do anything against it.

Glad we're in the more peaceful parts of the frontline. Sam thought as they entered the maintenance area where his lab was located. They were able to make it there without anyone seeing them and once he sat on his chair Sam let out a very long full of exhaustion sigh.

"Nine, what were you thinking…?"

He wasn't really looking for an answer. The Valkyrie led him to the site of a couple's private time and showed him the scene as if it was just something interesting to watch.

Obviously Nine had no idea of what was happening back there nor did she know why Sam was suddenly much more stressed and exhausted than he was a few minutes ago.

"Umm… Is something wrong, Doctor?" She asked, her voice full of concern.

"Yes, something is wrong." Sam said, raising his head to gaze up at her. "What were you thinking? That wasn't something for other people to see!"

"Eh? Well… does that apply to me as well?" She asked after a moment of thought, tilting her head a little. "I'm not a person, after all."

Sam was flabbergasted by how correct and wrong her answer was at the same time, so much that he face palmed himself so hard that he caused his glasses to bend.

"D-doctor! Are you okay!?" Nine took a step forward, her hands moving Round aimlessly as she tried to decide on something to do. Sam held a had up to stop her then put his damaged glasses aside while massaging the bridge of his nose. A drop of blood trickled down showing that he went too far. He wiped it with some tissue before going on to resume the questioning.

"Just to be clear…" preparing himself for the worst, Sam asked the question. "How far did you see?"

He was sure the words she used were 'lately I've found something interesting to watch' and 'it's just getting started' which meant today wasn't the first time she'd seen those two and as expected It was it was just bad.

"Well I usually watch till the end." Nine said, looking up as she tried to recall. "Most of the time they'd change positions and keep going for an hour so."

"... how many times did you see it?" At this point, Sam felt that the less he cared the better.

"Nine times. Not counting today and the first time I found them, since I wasn't there from the start to finish."

Sam felt like everything he had ever believed in had just shattered into a million pieces. Nine, the gorgeous Valkyrie with the kind older sister character has turned into a pervert who enjoys watching other people doing the deed.

No, it would be more accurate to say she was a pervert from the get go since it's already programmed into her personality, though she doesn't seem to get off on it and only sees it as something curious.

In the first place, do Valkyries even experience those kinds of urges?

Odin was a strange man so it wasn't easy to guess what he'd programmed into the AIs. As far as their shell goes, it seems to be a much simpler rendition of the human body. The Valkyries didn't need to eat or drink, however they had parts that helped them process food and were programmed to eat meals regularly just like any other human being.

There was no doubt that Odin had made them with the right parts down there too, however there was no way of telling if they work the same way as the human counterpart and from the way Nine reacted to that scene he doubted that her underwear was any less cleaner than it was when she wore it for the first time.

"Listen very well, Nine." He began, letting out another sigh while collecting his thoughts. "It doesn't matter if you're human or a Valkyrie, what we saw there is something that people wouldn't want to be seen. Not even through the lense of a camera. You can't watch it as it happen or record it without permission. Understood?"


"Some things are supposed to stay private because people don't want others to see them, no matter who or how. Make sure to avoid such situations from now on."


When she didn't respond immediately he glanced up at her once more. Probed by his gaze, Nine let her own thoughts out, shocking him with another obvious answer.

"They were in a public area so…" she said, awkwardly scratching her cheek while looking away.

Sam facepalmed himself once more. She wasn't exactly wrong, but she wasn't right either. Those two were indeed in a public area, however they at least had the decency to hide somewhere away from the eyes of others.

People being careless doesn't give others the right to peep on them while they're getting it on.

"Just…" feeling like he'd collapse at any moment, Sam leaned on his desk trying to get his point through. "Make sure to leave the moment you find yourself in such situations… and without getting noticed."

"... Understood…"

Though that was her answer the conflicted look on Nine's beautiful face told him she's far from comprehending the reason behind his instructions.

At the very least he was sure she wouldn't do any more peeping. She didn't need to understand why, everything would be fine as long as she doesn't actively look for those things.

Checking his watch Sam opened the drawer of his desk and took a small case containing a spare pair of glasses. He put them on and turned around, about to dismiss the Valkyrie who's supposed to be preparing to go out on patrol. Before he could though his entire body froze seeing her face up close.

"Hey, Doctor." Nine whispered with a small smile, holding a hand up to hide her mouth. "If I'm not allowed to watch, how about the two of us do it instead?"

She looked at him with upturned eyes, a faint pink color on her cheeks. Her giant melons were about to touch him, but before that could happen the Valkyrie moved away. It was too early to feel relieved though as the next moment she slowly went down to her knees leaving Sam too shocked to react in any way.

"If my guess is correct, you need a male and a female for this, right?" She said. "I might not be a human, but I was made to resemble human females as much as possible."

Sam watched as her hand began to move, his mind failing to keep up with everything that's happening to him right now.

"Good thing no one is around." She added with a giggle. "We won't have to worry about anyone watching us~"

Time seemed to slow down. Sam begged his body to move, however no matter how much he tried it was just futile. The desk behind him prevented his retreat and seeing the blond Valkyrie on her knees in front of him caused his excitement to rage leading his little guy to build a tent as he stood. And then it happened.

"Ah! What's this?" The Valkyrie said, her hand on Sam's erection, slowly caressing it with curiosity filled eyes. "It's… stiff… is this wha-"

Before she could say any more Sam managed to regain a hold on his senses and quickly moved away. He stumbled on his feet and fell to the floor. Not knowing if he was in the safe he quickly crawled all the way to the other side of the room.

His heart was beating so fast he feared it would jump out of his chest, though that only lasted for a few seconds. Panic hit in the next as he realized it wasn't just a wet dream. This was reality and he had just made physical contact with a Valkyrie.

Raising a trembling finger he pointed at the surprised Nine, still on her knees in the same spot.

"W-what are you doing!!!?"


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