Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 24 Dating In A Military Base.

Morning came and Sam woke up feeling rather refreshed. Remembering the events from the previous night he couldn't help but let a giant grin creep on his face.

Somehow he had managed to get a kiss from three of the most attractive women on his list. And that wasn't all of it.

A new life had opened its doors for him. He managed to obtain a cute girlfriend, one of the Valkyries is now his plaything and the other two will soon follow. Before he knew it Sam already had a harem of his own. His only regret was that he can't make Alice a part of it, but he knew that would be asking for too much.

I wonder who I should play with today. He was in such a good mood that he started humming to himself while showering. Guess I will give Nine a try. I have been looking forward to banging her ever since I saw her for the first time.

He started to recall the time she kneeled in front of him preparing to give him a blow job. That thought alone was enough to make him hard and his excitement only grew from there.

I need to calm down…

Taking a deep breath he forced the lewd thoughts out of his mind and wore his usual calm and stoic mask. No matter how happy he was Sam knew it would be for the best if he didn't let it show. Coming out of the shower he heard a beep from his phone. Shizuru had sent him a message saying she'll wait for him at the spot they parted in last night.

Despite his efforts Sam began to grin once more. He quickly wore his clothes, put on his glasses and lab coat then left his room. The meeting spot wasn't that far away and soon enough he was able to spot the short Asian girl. It seems she saw him as well, waving in his direction with a big smile on her face.

"Good morning, Doctor."

"Sergeant Kurokami. Good morning."

Shizuru's radiant smile was even more brilliant this morning. After silently staring at each other for a few seconds she suddenly looked away, her embarrassment evident by the red color reaching the tips of her ears.

"Shall we head to the cafeteria?" Sam asked, enjoying the sight of his bashful girlfriend to the fullest.

"Yes. Let's".

The two turned around and began to walk. The silent was a bit awkward but enjoyable nevertheless. Sam had dated a few women back in college but this was the first time he felt so much fun.

"Ah! By the way." Breaking the ice, Shizuru brought up something she was waiting to tell him about. "Apparently the military has some rules about intimate relationships among soldiers."

"Really?" Sam raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Well, most are what one would expect in a professional workspace. Something about public morals and such."

"I see…"

"To summarize everything, those in a relationship aren't allowed to show it in public. They must treat everyone with the same professionalism."

"Hmm… that means we just have to go about things the same as we did so far, right?" Sam said.

"I don't really see a problem with that."

The two reached their destination and got their food. It was early in the morning so there weren't that many soldiers around. Sam's favorite table was empty so they walked over to right away, but before they sat down an idea popped into Sam's head.

"Sergeant Kurokami. Can you move to the other seat?"

"Huh? Y-yes! No problem!"

Instead of sitting across from each other, Sam asked Shizuru to sit at the edge of the table while he took the chair beside her. With the wall on her left and Sam on her right, Shizuru had nothing to worry about even if a certain someone decides to show up. Or so were Sam's thoughts.

About to bite into his toast he noticed that his cute girlfriend was looking at him from the corner of her eye.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"N-nothing!" Picking up her cup she blew over the steaming hot milk then took a sip.

Sam didn't let it bother him and turned his focus to his food. A few minutes later he began to feel that something was strange. Whenever someone new enters they look in his direction and their eyes would go wide. Some continued to stare for a few seconds before going to get their food, others didn't look away even after taking their seats.

"Is it just me or…Are we getting more attention than usual?" Sam said, taking a sip of his coffee substitute.

"Well… it's to be expected…" as she spoke, Shizuru refused to look up from her tray. When he turned to look Sam noticed the steam rising from her head making him realize that he might've done something to embarrass her.

"Could it be…" looking around the room, Sam noticed that they were the center of attention and most of those present were looking their way. "Did they already find out about us?"

Being the subject of scrutiny ever since he started his job at this base, Sam had developed a habit of sitting with his back turned to the rest of the crowd. By doing so he avoided looking at anyone while eating his meals, but now that he changed the angle he was forced to notice things he didn't see before.

"Eh!? You don't know!!?" Shizuru turned to him with a look of surprise.

"Know what?"

It wasn't the first time the two of them sat at that table. The only difference was that Sam had changed his seat. For a moment he thought that it might be something else, however turns out he was right on the spot.

"Um… you see, corner seats like these are usually taken by couples." As she spoke, Shizuru was fidgeting a little as she did her best to not cover her face with both hands. "Whenever a duo sits in a place like this, it's as if they're telling the others to leave them alone."

"Hmm… but, we sat here many times before, didn't we?" Sam asked. Even if he was used to ignoring the crowd he was sure that people never gave them those looks before. Also, a certain someone joined them quite frequently. If such rules really existed then no one would've bothered them before

"Well, when you take that seat instead of the one you're used to, it's as if you're declaring that I'm your girlfriend now."

"Is that so…"

His intentions might have been different but in the end the results he got were far better than he had expected. And as if to confirm his conclusion, Jordan entered the cafeteria a couple of minutes later and froze when he spotted them. Sam had to fight the urge to smirk but he must've failed to suppress his smile as the orange haired man stormed out soon after their eyes met.


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