Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 211 Things That Require Attention.

The Giant Ants were dealt with swiftly and without a problem, exactly as Ramla had envisioned.

Before running into Sam and asking for his help, her visions would always end with her people being devoured by the ant swarm. If they somehow managed to survive the first wave, the second one would finish them, but the likelihood of something else leading to their demise was much hight.

Without the Doctor's and the Valkyries' help averting that future would've been an impossible task, but fortunately they were able to make it, and there was no going back now.

Almost everything from this point onward was uncharted territory.

Before the Olympians attacked the plan was to use the Bifrost to move the survivors of the Sanctuary to Sam's world, but with the portal gate destroyed that had to be scrapped.

The only choice left was to regain control over the Nephilim palace and use the portal over there. When Sam suggested that he takes his Valkyries and go deal with the Olympians first so nothing would be in their way, Ramla shook her head and told him that that was exactly what happened in her last vision.

Things were going to get chaotic soon. If he were to leave with the Valkyries another wave of monsters would attack the sanctuary, and this time the survivors would all get wiped out. Sadly she had no idea what would happen if Sam decided to stay back and handle the situation, and attempting to use her powers once more was out of the question. She was already holding on to dear life with a single thread, hoping to stay with her people for as long as possible. Asking her to risk what little time she had just so they could peek at the future was something Sam couldn't bring himself to do.

Other than the visions where he leads her people through the portal to his world, Ramla had never seen a future where they achieved their goals. Now that the Bifrost was destroyed they were trapped on the Nephilim world, and since she can't use her powers he couldn't rely on his future self to send him any hints through her. In the first place, the old woman only had three more days to live. Even if she were to use her powers she wouldn't have been able to see them succeed unless he somehow managed to fix all of their problems in the next three days.

Putting aside the things he would have to see first to understand, Sam put his focus into dealing with the other things that require his attention.

With it hidden deep underground he didn't understand how the monsters were able to find the Sanctuary not once but twice. He didn't believe it was just a coincidence and that thought led him to the conclusion that the monsters were specifically after the humans, which should've been obvious from the start.

The monsters were a mystery. They aren't native to Earth, that's for sure, and they also have a taste for human flesh seeing how they are able to track the last few remaining humans in a post apocalyptic world. They appeared as soon as the sky went red so Sam concluded that they had something to do with the crimson tower the Olympians created.

Speaking of the Olympians, whatever they were cooking in that tower of theirs, Sam doubted that it was anything good, especially after hearing what Nino told him about the dream she had which revealed that she began to regain some memories from her previous life.

Though they lacked proper context they still managed to learn a few things about what occurred before Lachesis lost her life. Zeus was gathering some sort of Keys, which was quite funny in Sam's opinion since the big bad guys always seem to be gathering something, whether it was magic stones, magic balls or magic beasts.

When Lachesis was still alive Zeus only had one Key in his possession, but who knows how many he had managed to get since then. Apparently he needs to travel to other dimensions to get more, which made Sam suspect the Olympians were on this world for that exact reason.

The oldest of the Three Fates had tried to convince the other two to submit to Zeus, but both were against it, especially Lachesis who seemed rather hostile to the idea. Apparently the three sisters didn't have a very good relationship with the self proclaimed king of gods.

Clotho, the youngest among them, had said that it was too late for their world, and that they needed to do something to prevent the same from happening to other worlds.

Hearing that, Sam concluded that the process of obtaining Keys would result in planet wide destruction, but after giving it some more thought he realized that it might be the opposite.

Perhaps destruction was needed to obtain the Key, or maybe it was the number of human lives lost.

Sam didn't want to believe that the whole thing required a blood sacrifice let alone one of that magnitude, but with both sides using runes and halos to perform feats that baffled their current understanding of science he couldn't just write other types of magic off.

The youngest of the fates had suggested that they try to create heroes that could stop Zeus from repeating what he did to their world somewhere else. Atropos had laughed at the idea, and Sam found it ridiculous as well, but he was sure that it was what got Clotho and Lachesis killed.

According to mythology, the Three Fates were involved in deciding what kind of lives humans would lead. Many of the stories they appear in involved the kings and heroes of ancient Greece.

Clotho weaves the threads of fate, deciding if and when someone is born while Lachesis decides the length of the threads and subsequently what events they would live through.

Assuming their real life counterparts are capable of the same feats, it made sense to eliminate those two so they wouldn't be a nuisance in the future.

Atropos cuts the threads of fate and puts an end to the lives of mortals. That made her the perfect counter to her sisters so maybe she was kept alive just in case they came back, and Lachesis reincarnating as Nino was evidence of that.

After giving it much thought and discussing the matter with Ramla and some of her people, Sam concluded that the only choice they were left with was to head for the Nephilim Palace right away. Moving around two hundred thousand people across the world wasn't going to be an easy feat, and they had to do it in less than three days. The real challenge, however, will only start after they reach their destination.

Even if they somehow make it there without any incidents, they would still have to face the Olympians.

No matter how you look at it, it's going to be a brutal battle with only ten Valkyries to do the fighting. They know nothing about the enemy's real numbers and strength, and Atropos alone was going to be their biggest hurdles. Her abilities, Limited Rift and World Cleaver, were just too powerful. Then there is her scissors like crimson sword.

It didn't help that what they have on Greek mythology contained no hint of how to defeat the Fates. They were supposed to be neutral figures who represented the inevitability of life and death, not engaging in any conflict and only doing their thing.

The only hope they have is Nino remembering something from her previous life that could help them defeat her older sister, just like she did when fighting the Giant Ants. Apparently she didn't recall anything specific back then, however the knowledge came naturally to her when fighting the monsters, as if she was already well acquainted with them.

The monsters targeting the human survivors, transporting hundreds of thousands across the world, the Olympians and their plans. There were quite a few things Sam needed to handle, but unfortunately, there was one more topic that needed to be addressed: the madness Ramla had informed him about when they had their first meeting.

Compared to the rest, the last one was what worried Sam the most.


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