Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 21 Bad Timing.

If he excluded the Valkyries, Shizuru was the woman he wanted the most. If they're talking about a potential partner then she's at the top of the list.

By dating her not only would he have better coverup for what he does to the weapons, he would also secure someone to be with when the war comes to an end.

Sam wasn't such an idiot that he would think that his play time with the Valkyries would go on forever. As soon as the war ends the weapons would definitely get collected and to make use of their secondary function as artificial wombs they most likely would end up as play things for the wealthy and he would never get the chance to touch them again.

"Um… well…" coughing a little to clear his throat, Sam then gave his answer. "I will be in your care from now on, I guess."

Hearing that, Shizuru's eyes slowly went wide as she turned to look at him.

"Really?" She asked. "Are you sure you're okay with that?"

"Well, I would be an idiot if I don't accept." Feeling a bit embarrassed Sam looked away and scratched the tip of his nose.

"I can't believe it!" Barely able to contain her excitement, Shizuru stood up. "To think just asking would be enough!"

"You say that as if asking is the easy part." Sam replied.

"Does this mean we are a couple now?" The girl asked.

"Well, yeah. Starting now, I guess."

Sitting back on the bench, Shizuru giggled a little before going silent. She was clearly in a good mood; her smile was more radiant than usual, her profile all the more beautiful. Sam felt his heart skip a beat.

The feeling he had moments earlier was now gone and he no longer felt that his relationship with the Valkyries would be a problem. Even if her appearance isn't on pare with the perfect walking weapons, in Sam's heart Shizuru was now on the same level as them.

As he watched her humming tk herself the girl Suddenly turned to him looking a bit confused.

"What do you think couples usually do, beside, you know…"

"Even if you ask me…"

Everything happened so abruptly that they didn't really know what to do.

"We can't really go on dates here. Guess those romance novels won't be of any help to us." She added with a sigh.

"Well, we can-

Just then Sam felt how phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out and checked the notifications, his mood taking a swing for the worst in less than a second.

"Is something wrong?" Seeing the change in his expression, Shizuru asked.

"Yeah, it's nothing important." Sam said, his annoyed expression betraying him. "Still, I have to take care of it."

The timing couldn't have been worse. He had just obtained a girlfriend yet that message decided that now was tbe right time to arrive.

"... I see…" Shizuru said, looking a bit down. "Well, we can always contin-"

Before she could finish the sentence her mouth was suddenly sealed. Shizuru was frozen still.

Sam's movements took her by surprise allowing him to steal a kiss before she could react. After a few seconds he finally backed away leaving the girl stunned by what had just occurred.

"C'mon." Sam said, turning away to hide his expression. "I will walk you back first."

"... um…"

Saying nothing, ths two of them got up and headed back to the dorms. The kiss had helped better his mood and as they walked Sam could only think of one thing.

That wasn't so bad…


Today, the 25th of July 2035, was the best day in Sam Sanderson's life. He discovered a way to have fun with the Valkyries, got to enjoy making out with one of them and he started dating the woman he had his eyes on.

All he had to do was go back to his room for the night and it would've been perfect. He just needed to place his head on the pillow and fall asleep, that way the day would've been complete.

Sadly that message came.

It was a summoning from the base's commander and while he had reasons to fear it, more than the average soldier, Sam knew what it's most likely about and that only served to drag his mood into the ground.

Once he walked Shizuru back he went to the administration building and stood in front of the commander's office for a couple of minutes fighting urge to just leave. He took a deep breath then knocked on the door. When no answer came he twisted the knob and went in.


The first thing that hit him was the stench of alcohol. It was so unbearable that he went directly to the window and opened it. Once he let some fresh air in he turned to look at the desk where a mountain of whiskey bottles were stacked, along with some vodka here and there.

As if woken up by the cold night breeze cleaning the air inside the room something emerged from between the alcohol bottles.

Long silky white hair, a tall figure with an ample bosom, round ass and slender legs. The uniform she wore was blue in color, the four stripes on her shoulders telling of the position she held.

The woman slowly opened her eyes. Red irises slowly turned in Sam's directions. If anyone else had witnessed that scene they would surely think they saw a goddess, however by now her looks no longer had an effect on Sam.

"Doctaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" The woman cried as she threw herself into his arms. "He left me, Doctor! He actually left me!"

"Yeah yeah, that's horrible, I can't believe it."

Sam's voice was monotone lacking all emotion. Even though he was being hugged by a crying gorgeous woman, his heart was as calm as monk meditating at the top of a mountain.

Alice Schneider. The colonel in charge of the the forty sixth military base located at the far end of the frontier around what was once known as South Africa. She was a woman of unparalleled beauty competing even with the Valkyries themselves. The success she had achieved in a short amount of time was record breaking earning her the reputation of the iron maiden who would stop at nothing to achieve her goal.

That woman was now crying her eyes out on Sam's chest and with this happening more times than he could count he no longer felt anything when it does.

"He said… he said that he found someone else!!"

Sam listened to the same story once more. Her fiance had broken the engagement, again. His reason being that she's always away for work and that he could no longer put up with it, deciding to find a woman who wouldn't prioritize her career over him.

This was the fifth time it happened. And the reason was the same in each one. Being responsible for a military base meant that Alice had to be present at all times, and with he forty sixth base being the furthest from any human settlement it meant the time she gets to spend with her now ex fiance was far too limited.

It was the curse of success and being a woman who had just reached her thirties Alice felt it more than anyone else. Her desperate search for a marriage partner always seemed to end with failure. And each time that happens Sam is forced to comfort her after she drawns herself in alcohol trying to ease the pain of being left alone.

I wonder how she would react if I told her I got a girlfriend. Sam thought as he gently patted Alice's hair. It would be really funny if she killed herself because of that.


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