Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 198 Reunion.

When she woke from her sleep, Ramla hurriedly called for Sam and his guards to warn them about what she saw in her vision. The future had indeed changed from what she saw the previous time she used her powers. The monsters that were supposed to attack the Sanctuary that night didn't attach until a couple more days. Not only that but the soldiers keeping watch outside reported a strange aircraft appearing, followed by fire and explosions coming from the direction where he left his ship and the rest of the Valkyries.

After hearing her story Sam tried to contact B3 and the others but to no avail. He realized that the signal was jammed and quickly left to check on the rest of his team. He thought he still had time, but when he found ran into one of the drones carrying Ichigo's message it was already too late.

The underground tunnels leading t the Sanctuary trembled warning of the bombardment happening outside. Once they reached the surface, Sam immediately gave the order for Zero Five, CS and Nino to go ahead first while Zero Three remained behind to guard him. 

After teleporting a couple of times the camp came into view. Despite how confusing things looked at first, Zero Five was quick to summon her bow and fire arrows at the enemy targeting Ichigo. CS rushed ahead eager to join the battle, donning her white armor as she clawed her way through the forest, gaining more momentum by the second. 

The only one who remained unmoving was Nino. When she came close enough to clearly see the mayhem the first thing she noticed was B3's motionless body and the figure standing beside it. When her eyes met what she presumed is the enemy, something inside her snapped and the world went silent for a moment. Her spear flickered into existence six diamond shaped wings appeared on her back. With anger boiling up in her chest, she took off causing several sonic booms as she accelerated further.

Seeing her approaching, the girl with onyx hair went wide eyed before her lips spread into a terrifying smile.


The two clashed in the air. The confusion she should've felt when confronting someone with her exact face didn't come. The only thing Nino felt was hatred. Hatred and unstoppable anger. 

"It has been a while, sister~ I will make sure to kill you properly this time."

The words themselves meant nothing to the Japanese doll, however hearing the voice only served to anger her further, her emotions manifesting in the erratic movements of her halo. 

Their clash went on for a few seconds before the force caused them to separate. Four new spears formed around Nino as she prepared to charge her doppelganger. Atropos prepared to do the same. The two glared at each other for a moment before disappearing, the speed of their movements surpassing what the naked eye could see. They swung their weapons striking at each other with everything they got, fully intending on taking each other's life, but before they could make contact an invisible wall manifested between them deflecting both of their attacks. 

The force of the impact sent both of them flying. Once they regained their balance, only Nino attempted another attack. 

Atropos looked away, her eyes turning to her subordinates on the ground. The one casting the barrier was Daedalus, however she knew he wouldn't do something like that without someone telling him.

"Lady Atropos…." Perseus stepped forward as if to admit that he was the one who gave the order. "I believe it is time to retreat."

He bowed his head to avoid her glare, but after a couple of seconds she lets a long sigh and began floating down. 

"HEY!" Nino shouted, striking the barrier again and again. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!!!?"I think you should take a look at

Atropos came to a stop and looked back at her. They locked eyes for a moment, but when the Olympian smiled Nino lost herself in anger once more.

"It's a shame, dear sister." Atropos said. "But… I'm sure we will meet again. Don't die before that happens, okay?"


Ignoring the angry shouts, Atropos made her way down. Beside her, three more Olympians joined Perseus and the others. Only one was unharmed, while the other two seemed to have sustained some heavy injuries.

"We… lost Protesilaus…" Perseus said, his head still lowered.

Daedalus fiddled with the orb in in his hands for a moment and a number of runes shimmered into existence around it. 

"A cheap price." Atropos said, turning to look at the Valkyries still striking at the invisible wall. "We achieved our objective, and I got to meet my sister. Let's not worry about trivial matters for now."

Despite losing one of their comrades, their leader seemed to be in an especially good mood. No one dared to comment on it though. They knew better than to do so. 

A circle of light appeared around the Olympians and their bodies were enveloped in a faint glow. One moment they were standing there, but in the next they were gone, leaving not as much as a spec of dust behind. 

The invisible wall disappeared and Nino rushed down. She didn't know what she would've achieved by doing so, but once she got there her anger only grew causing her to fling her weapon at the forest destroying some the the burning trees.

CS arrived a moment later holding a bloodied arm in her hand. She had ripped it off the dark skinned woman Juni was fighting. The tomboy landed soon after, but when she saw the enraged look on the Japanese doll she walked away without saying anything.

"Hey, I thought I saw someone that looked exactly like you back there." CS spoke, tossing the severed arm aside. "What the hell is going on?"

Nino offered no response. She continued to stare at the ground, her mind becoming more of a mess with each passing second. 

Realizing she wouldn't be getting any answers, CS scratched the back of her head as she turned away.

"This is getting out of hand…"


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