Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 16 Erasing The Evidence.

Once Zero Five got inside Eir, Sam sat down and patiently waited for the examination process to be done.

Since she was the last one to enter it's only natural that the other two would be done before her, which would've proven to be quite the problem. Thankfully until Sam enters the release command for all three devices on the terminal on his side the Valkyries would be stuck inside in a state of slumber. If they all come out at the same time it would be much less suspicious.

A few minutes pass and the examination ends. Stepping out of her container, Zero Three walked to the first room while stretching. She then turned to Sam with predictable complaints.

"Hey, old man. That took much longer than usual, didn't it?" She said, turning to look at the clock on the wall. "Can you not waste my precious time like this?"

"Ah, sorry about that." Sam said, giving them the excuse he had prepared just in case. "I dozed off for a few minutes."

"Tsk. This is why humans-"


Suddenly the young Valkyrie seemed to freeze in her place. Nine was looking her way, the smile she wore was nothing like the one Sam was used to. It sent the chills down his spine and it seems Zero Three felt the same.

"I'm sorry, Doctor." Nine said, a wry smile replacing the scary one. "We know you are working hard for our sake. Please make sure to get proper rest so your health doesn't suffer."

"... y-yeah…"

It was the first time Sam had seen her like that. When someone who's usually all smiles and positive energy gets angry, they become really scary. Add to that the fact that she's a super-bot and the bad feeling only grows stronger.

So what Zero Five said about them arguing was true…

Sam glanced over at the Valkyrie with the long ponytail. Their eyes met for a moment and she averted her gaze, cheeks blushing red. Her adorable actions were getting to his heart so he decided to let them go before anything happens.

"Alright." He said after clearing his throat. "Nothing out of the usual today. You are free to leave."

"Finally!" As usual Zero Three was the first to leave. Nine followed after apologizing for the young one's behavior and Zero five was the last, although it seemed like she had something to say.

Once he was alone it was time to write the usual report, but before that he had something very important to do. Something that will most likely be a part of his daily routine from now on.

Entering the command list from the book he summoned the window with the three secret folders. He went directly to the one named Eir and clicked on the latest file that had been created, the one belonging to Zero Five.

As expected the file contained many more lines than usual. He went through them one by one and once he was done it was time for the editing.

The file contained detailed records of every time Sam had touched Zero five. Ever time he caressed her shoulders, every time he squeezed her ass and breasts. One line even mentioned when he ran his fingers through her hair.

Unlike in Zero Three's file from the day before, The spots marked on the silhouette representing Zero Five were colored blue. Sam guessed that it has something to do with the amount of damage and the needed repairs in each case.

Blue must mean it's safe, even so it still gets recorded…

Even places where they didn't make direct contact due to clothes were recorded. Eir didn't leave out a single detail.

Taking a deep breath, Sam went to the beginning and began deleting the lines that told of what he did to Zero Five. The process went quickly and he soon arrived at the last few. Those were about a substance Zero Five had swallow earlier. It was composed of 99% water plus some other components like electrolytes, mucus and human white blood cells among other things.

Sam began to remember the passionate kiss he shared with the Valkyrie. At that time he felt like all the suffering he went through in the past year was worth it. He enjoyed every second of it and the thought of getting to do it again filled him with excitement.

But seriously… Sam thought as he deleted the line telling of how Zero five had swallowed his saliva. That thing sure doesn't know some stuff are better left out.

Having deleted all the suspicious lines, Sam went through the file once again. Just to be safe he did so one more time while looking at an older report to see if he missed something.

When that was done he went to the folder where the encrypted files are saved and deleted the one automatically created by the terminal before saving the new one.

Alright… only one more thing…

Once he was done writing his daily report he attached the encrypted files and was about to click send. The uneasiness he felt was to be expected. Still, it wasn't like he could go back even if he wanted to. Sending the email proved to require quite a bit of courage and once he did he was forced to experience the uneasiness of not knowing whether his plan will succeed or not.


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