Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 156 Jealousy.

Sam opened his eyes and his mind awakened the next moment. It was his first time experiencing sleep after the procedure and he could tell it was different, mainly because he felt refreshed with no signs of exhaustion on his body.

That said, when he tried to move he found himself unable to. Moving his head left and right he soon understood why; his body was pinned down by three sleeping beauties. Nine was on the left using his arm as a pillow, Five was doing the same on the right and Three had her head on his chest and her arms wrapped around him.

Though he let out a sigh, a smile had crept on Sam's face as he found the situation oddly satisfying despite the slight discomfort. He had spent the previous night making love to the three Valkyries experiencing pleasure beyond anything he had ever imagined. His new body allowed him to go on with no rest and the sensation was so addicting he kept seeking it like a crackhead looking for the next high.

The only reason he stopped was that the three Valkyries became unresponsive after a number of rounds. He realized that although their bodies were sturdy and could recover from any damage, their minds weren't the same and after getting fucked roughly so many times it's only natural that they would end up like that.

The last thing he remembers was him lying down wanting to get some sleep despite not needing any. He has left the three sprawled around covered in his cum, but seeing that they had cleaned up before joining him told him that they were fine.

His mind played some of the scenes from the previous night and his spear shot up the next second. Taking a deep breath he banished the thought then looked for a way to get up without waking the others.

'I need to hold back a little...'

He already knew that sex with the Valkyries was as good as it can get, but after what happened he understood that he might end up in a very bad place if he didn't restrain himself.

'Good thing I have more control over my thoughts now...'

Picking up his underwear he noticed that it was still damp from the time he fell in the pool, same with rest of his clothes. He wished he asked one of the girls to put them in the dryer, but sadly it was too late for that. Thankfully his phone wasn't damaged. Checking the clock he learned that it was 06:45.

'Better go see Elina...'

Now that he met with the Valkyries and assured them that he was fine, especially Zero Three, he needed to go get a more detailed report on how things are at the moment. He also has to start planing how they would go about chasing Loki so there was quite a lot to do.

"AH!!! TOLD YOU!!!" Someone yelled the moment he opened the door.

Before he could see who it was a number of Valkyries appeared surrounding him. Among them were B3, Nino and of course Miku.

"W-What's going on here?" Sam asked.

"Don't try to play dumb, Doctor." B3 said with a teasing grin. "We know you've been doing naughty things with your personal Valkyries."

"When you didn't come back from the roof..." Nino followed, peeking through the gap to his left. "We suspected you were up to something. And then we couldn't find those three..."

"Hey, you're being rude." He replied before giving the Japanese doll a light smack on the head.

He stepped forward and allowed the door to close behind him, but then he noticed a certain someone giving him a cold stare.

"You said you were busy." Miku spoke, her voice emotionless same as the first time they met.

Sam remained speechless, looking into her eyes feeling like a man who was just caught cheating.

"W-well, those three are the closest to Doctor so..." feeling the tension, B3 jumped between the two trying to lighten the mood, however her interference seemed to have have the opposite effect.

"Guess I really am not that special, despite being your personal Valkyrie as well.


Before he could say anything, the petite blond Valkyrie disappeared.

"A~ah, look at what you have done." Nino said, looking up at him with half closed eyes. "You broke her heart."

"He sure did." B3 added, smiling wryly.

Sam couldn't help but sigh and scratch his head. Though he was incapable of having headaches he felt that his head was about to explode.

"And, what are you doing here?" he asked, giving the gathered Valkyries another look. He was glad that he asked Five to lock the door yesterday.

"As I said-"

"I meant what made you think it's fine for you to do any of this?"

When he turned to her with narrowed eyes, Nino swallowed her words and lowered her gaze. The others followed suit not wanting to meet his angry glare.

"A-ah! That's right!" Clapping her hands together, Nino turned to a certain pink haired Valkyrie. "Ichigo said she wants to become your personal Valkyrie!"


Sam reflexively turned in her direction, her height making her easy to spot. Ichigo looked between him and Nino in a fluster, her face going red by the second.

"I'm sorry!" She said before disappearing as well.

'Cute...' Sam thought before bringing his sight back to the others.

"Peeking on people isn't appropriate, never do it again."

"Y-yes! We were just a bit curious." Nino said with a stiff smile.

"Nine already said something of that nature." B3.

"Nine?" Sam was about to walk away but came to a stop.

"Well, it was about a weak ago, I think. Nino found this movie..."

Sam didn't need to hear anything else to understand. Seeing the embarrassed looks on the Valkyries he could already tell what kind of movie they found and gave the Japanese doll a disapproving look. From appearance alone he could've never guessed she would be the kind to watch something like that, then again he thought the same about Nine.

"I-it's not my fault, alright?" Blushing to the ears Nino tried to defend herself. "How am I supposed to know we can't watch those things? Besides, if that's really the case then why did they record it in the first place!!?"

"How many did you watch?" Sam asked.

"Eh!? Well..."

Seeing her embarrassment grow, Sam decided to drop the topic and began to walk away.

"Those things mess up your head so try to avoid them."

"Y-yes!" Nino replied, bowing deeply and apologizing. "I'm sorry! I'll try my best to stay away from them!"

"B3, help me find Miku."

"I think I have an idea where she went." B3 followed after him, her crimson twin-tails swaying behind her.


Just when he began to wonder where B3 was leading him, Sam noticed that they were taking the secret route Nine showed him a long time ago, which eventually led them to the library.

"It's closed..." he said, remembering it was just a little past seven.

"I don't think it's been open in quite a while. Here." twin-tails held out her hand toward him, a blue halo forming over her head.

When Sam took it she grasped his tightly and the scene in front of them changed alerting them that they had teleported.

Just like when Nine did it they appeared a little above the floor which resulted in a sudden falling sensation, kinda like when you skip one of the steps on a staircase without noticing. He was really interested in how teleportation works, but for the time being he had many things to take care of so studying it will have to wait.

It has been quite a while since he had visited the library and to his disappointment it didn't look like they were maintaining it that well.

'Well, we were at war after all.'

The soldiers had their hands full, and it's not like the library had that many visitors.

"You can take it from here, right?" B3 said. "Just head for the light over there. That's her usual hiding spot."

The place was dark with only a weak light coming from one of the corners. When he made his way there Sam was surprised to see books staked around like walls with a desktop lamp placed on one of them. Sitting amid the pile was Miku. She looked up from the book in her hands for just a moment then looked down again.

Saying nothing Sam walked over and sat beside her prompting her to move away. Letting out a sigh, he glanced at her for a couple of seconds not knowing what to say.

"What's wrong, Miku?" He went with the most generic question even though they both know the answer.

"Nothing." She replied.

"C'mon now. We can't solve this if you don't tell me."

"I said it's nothing."

The light from the lamp flickered a few times as the silent returned. Sam realizes that he had made a mistake in handling the petite blond, but that's just another part of having a harem. In a way he saw Nine, Five and Three as a set owing to the time when they were the only Valkyries in the base. Even if she's one of his personal Valkyries he couldn't really see Miku standing beside those three, that's why he ended up leaving her out of last night.

'Not that I could've called her over...'

The rest of the Valkyries were already making a fuss when he disappeared along with Three and the others. If he summoned Miku as well who knows what kind of mess that would've resulted in. That said, an excuse like that was something better kept to himself. He needed another way to win her over once again.

"How much do you know about what happened in the last battle?"

"... The female soldier that said she was your lover turned out to be an enemy." Miku spoke in a small voice. "She was after a young girl that resembles commander Schneider."

"The little girl is the one the Nephilim were after all along. The whole reason behind the war." As he spoke, Sam remembered the sight of his childhood friend floating inside the glass container, a sharp pain assaulting his chest at the same time. "When I was injured I... I didn't think I would make it... that's why I ordered Three to take her and escape. As you already know she disobeyed my order and took me instead, but thanks to that my life was saved."

Miku understood what he was trying to say, this wasn't the first time she thought about what happened in the obsidian castle and how things would've went if she had been there.

By the time she came out of Eir the battle had ended and Sam was in a critical condition. Seeing him on the verge of death messed with her emotions and she ended up having a fight with Three and the others, saying many hurtful things about how they failed to protect him even though they were his personal Valkyries.

The three let her yell at them without saying anything and seeing the looks on their faces caused her anger to fade. It was clear that they were impacted the most by what happened, the pain she felt being nothing compared to what they were going through. That's when she asked herself; would things have been different if she were the one who went instead?

"Three made a very important decision back then, I had to tell her that she wasn't wrong, and thank her for saving my life." Sam continued. "The rest was, well, it was unplanned. We just ended up doing it without thinking."

"... I'm not angry." Miku spoke after a long silence, placing her book aside and hugging her knees. "It's just... I understand why you'd prioritize them and... it's really frustrating..."

The three from the forty sixth base knew him the longest, it's only natural that the bond they share with him is much stronger. Miku realizes that she has a lot to work on, but that would have to wait until her jealousy eased up a bit.

"You shouldn't think about it as you versus them." Sam lifted his hand and patted her head gently. "You are all my precious Valkyries. I love all of you equally, even if it might not look that way at first."

"Is that so..."

Miku didn't seem too convinced, giving him a side look filled with suspicion. Sam found it difficult to believe what he said as well. He's a human after all; it's only natural that he would have preferences. Still, the number one spot in his heart belongs to Alice and that didn't change for a long time. That's why he could say with utmost confidence that he loves all of his personal Valkyries equally, though he would never say it out loud. He already has enough problems so he knew when to shut his mouth.

"Yes. That said, I still feel bad for leaving you out..." he said, feeling a little guilty. "I will try to make it up for you in some way."

He couldn't think of anything at the moment, but he was convinced it has to be something that doesn't involve anything sexual. He felt that it wouldn't be right if he slept with her just because she is jealous of the others.

"Then..." turning toward him with flushed cheeks, Miku made her request. "I want a date..."

"A date?" Sam asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, a date!" Energy returning to her eyes, Miku leaned in toward him and spoke with a smile. "It's when a man and a woman who like each other go somewhere to have fun, right? I want to do something fun with Doctor!"

Sam was a bit dumbfounded, having expected her to ask for something completely different. His lips curled up and he couldn't resist patting her again.

"A date, huh..." he said. "Been a long time since I went out on one..."

The state of the world didn't really allow for such luxuries, even so the survivors always found a way to make good memories with their loved ones. The closest thing to a date Sam had in recent times were his dinners with Shizuru, however those had become nothing but a source of pain after her betrayal.

"Then, as the man it'll be my job to make plans." Banishing the images his mind conjured, Sam forced himself to focus on the present. "I'll do my best to come up with something so look forward to it."


Her mood improving quite a bit, Miku leaned against him with a big smile on her face. Her cuteness filled his chest with warmth and eased his troubled heart. The Valkyries might not be able to replace his white haired childhood friend, but without them by his side he would've been deep in despair right now.

Even if he only saw them as a way to satisfy his lust at first, Sam was now determined to properly love each and every one of them. Thankfully he now has all the time in the world to do so.


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