Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 132 Against The Ragnarok Heralds.

A loud screeching sound cut through the skies of Somali where the fight against Niddhog was taking place. So far none the Valkyries have suffered any major injuries. Though the serpentine like dragon had the largest army following in its tracks, most of it has been eliminated with only a few having slipped through.

Only the Ragnarok Herald was left and the battle entered its second phase. In terms of power Niddhog wasn't the most powerful enemy humanity had face. Of course it's still an S class Calamity so the destruction it could bring was devastating, however according to the data collected by the Resistance the dragon should be the easiest Herald for the Valkyries to take down.

If that really was the case, why did they wait until now to do after it?

The dragon twisted its long body as it dove down. Letting gravity and momentum do the work it wrapped its wings around its upper half then started spinning as it headed for a group of five Valkyries.

Seeing the giant drill heading their way the girls spread out to avoid getting hit. At the same time several others were pointing their cannons at a certain point, raining fire the moment their enemy entered it.

The beams and bullets hit the target but didn't seem to do much damage. Niddhog continued spinning in its downward fall like a gigantic missile and just like a drill it pierced the ground and dove deep into the earth; at least that's what happened the first time it had performed this attack.

For miles and miles the land had turned into nothing but a large pool of molten rock. Each time the beast dove into the earth it brought with it a torrent of lava that spilled out like spring water that followed in the track it drew. In the span of an hour several new volcanoes have been created transforming the terrain into something more suitable for the Ragnarok Herald.

Lava wasn't much of a threat to the Valkyries a long as they kept their force fields active, but the same couldn't be said for their weapons and equipment. It takes a bit of concentration to extend the field to the weapons they carry in their hands, but the support drones and energy containers were out of reach and would be lost the moment they sustain any damage.

Niddhog emerged from the sea of fire once again pulling behind it a long twister glowing with the color red. Its once golden brown scales were covered in scorched black, veins of of fire spread on the surface of its wings as opened them in a single motion. The molten rock rained on the Valkyries like a meteorite shower, each drop random and difficult to calculate. The dragon didn't wait for them to escape the thread, swimming through the air with open jaws and heading for them as they dodged.

Once again the Valkyries managed to avoid the threat, however more of their equipment was lost leaving them with the melee fighters and only a few ranged ones with ammo.

There was no telling for how long this could go on, however that worked for the Valkyries as well. Their job this time wasn't to defeat the Calamity; it was to keep it away from the forty sixth base for as long as possible.

The dragon could dig through the earth and head straight to its target, if that happens it would be a really big problem. However there is nothing they could do but hope it wouldn't suddenly lose interest in them.


In France Near the city of Caen a devastating blizzard slowly marched south.

Fenrir walked in slow steps, its ears moving in this direction and that studying the hawling wind looking for something.

Its head snapped in one direction having sensed some movement. A second later frozen spikes jutter out of the ground stopping the enemy heading its way with a raised blade.

As the Valkyrie came to a sudden stop another leaped toward the black wolf and swung her axe, but a number of spikes appeared once more blocking the blade.

The two Valkyries made a swift retreat hiding behind the cover of the blizzard.

Among the Ragnarok Heralds, Fenrir had the second place as the most dangerous. Going by most of its actions one can hardly say it's an active fighter.

Most of the time all it did was walk around and unleash strong snow storms on its surroundings, spreading them far and wide freezing everything that came in its way.

The temperature dropped significantly the closer one gets to the beast. Thanks to the force field isolating the Valkyries from the effects of the cold they're able to move around without freezing instantly, however with the heavy snow blocking their view it was very difficult for them to fight efficiently, making them unable to coordination and take advantage of their greater numbers.

At first the black wolf did nothing and simply walked. The Calamities around it engaged the Valkyries and kept them away from the Herald, but soon enough every last one of them were defeated leaving the beast all alone.

Not having to worry about its allies anymore Fenrir launched another blizzard scattering the Valkyries and keeping them at a distance. Its priority at the moment was reaching the location indicated by its queen so unlike Niddhog it decided to ignore the Valkyries' presence and continue its advance.

Still, it was difficult for the black wolf to increase its speed and keep the storm going at the same time. Not to mention, the assault didn't stop and the Valkyries were working hard at finding a way to take it down.

Though it didn't work as well as intended, it's still possible for the girls to use the storm to hide as well. Their small size meant that the wind pressure got in their way limiting their movement, but by carefully analyzing the currents they are able to get close enough to strike.


Fafnir was he most formidable enemy humanity has faced so far, beside the Nephilim of course. Out of the sixty three Valkyries that went to intercept it, nine were already dead.

The black dragon didn't play around. It rampaged through a the sky swallowing the light in its surroundings and turning it into raw force.

When its jaws spread open, black flames spewed out. The Valkyries already knew that getting hit with that attack was the end, but many fell victims to it along with many Calamities that just so happened to be in the way.

The Herald was an incarnation of destruction. Its fire burned everything and its body crushed anything. Nothing seemed to to inflict any damage on it and fighting began to feel like a waste of time.

Twenty Valkyries gathered together and shot their Proton Cannons from above. The beams seemed to fit an invisible barrier, slowly disintegrating into small specs and melting into the monster's obsidian scales. The force they generated however was still applied pushing the black dragon toward the ocean, submerging it in the water and causing large waves to form.

The black flames burned and burned. Steam exploded forming hot wind that blew toward the sky.

There was no moment of silence as the Herald emerged once more. This time however the rage in its roar shook something inside the Valkyries. The restraints on their emotions were breaking one after the other and most of them were beginning to wish they could go home.


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