Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 130 Was It Worth It?

''The procedure will take two hours at the very least.'' Sliding his index finger on the surface of his tablet, Sam looked up at the three large glass containers that made up Eir. ''Even if it's a success, everything will still depend on how you'll make use of it. But I trust your abilities. I'm sure you three will lead us to victory.''

On the other side of the glass wall, Nine, Zero Five and Zero Three nodded with solemn expressions. The three of them were completely naked, but considering the context of what's about to happen the scene didn't look sexual in the least.

Sam had modified Eir so it could do more than just repair the damage Valkyries take. Instead of healing them, the device will open a hole in their chests, reveal their hearts and remove their outer layers. After that the nanomachines he designed will come in and rebuild the new part, ending the operation and closing the hole.

''Doctor.'' Zero Three spoke, drawing his eyes to her just as the containers closed. ''Thank you.''

The green liquid began to flow and the three entered a state of slumber. As he watched them in silence, Elina stepped to his side, her eyes observing them as well.

''To think this day would ever come.'' She said, her voice lacking the usual lighthearted tone.

Sam glanced her way for a moment unsure as to what she was referring to.

''The way you're looking at them.'' She flashed him an honest but sad smile. ''It's the same look you used to give that childhood friend of yours. I always wished you would look the same way at me.''

Though she played it off as just something funny to remember, the female scientist was seriously heartbroken when he ended their relationship just to follow after his crush. Even now she has yet to get over him, and seeing him surrounded by so many beautiful women only helped to make the pain worse.

''Hey, was it worth it in the end?'' She asked only to feel stupid about her question.

Of course it was worth it. He now has an entire harem sharing his affection, and even if that might make it easier for her to get with him, she knew there is nothing she could do to compete and win him over.

Meeting her gaze for a moment, Sam let out a sigh and turned to the glass wall once again.

''I never told you this, but...'' pausing for a moment, he added in a tired tone. ''I'm actually dating Alice as well.''

For a moment the female scientist didn't understand what he meant, but the next moment her glasses cracked as it dawned on her.

''Eh? Seriously?'' She asked, her lips curving up for some unknown reason.

''Yeah. One thing led to the other and we have been together for a while.''

Sam gave the tablet in his hand a glance then started walking toward his desk. Still in shock, Elina followed him feeling her curiosity grow as her heart slowly crumbled.

''But... what about your girlfriend? The Asian one?''

''She said she would allow it as long as it's just the two of them.'' Coming to a sudden stop, Sam leaned on the table as he remembered how bad the situation really was, and it wasn't all the Nephilim's fault. ''She's gonna kill me when all of this is over.''

The worst part of it is that he had no intention on stopping. At the moment he had fifteen other Valkyries in hiss hand, and lady luck smiles at him he wouldn't hesitate to make them his as well.

''Well... I guess you have to make sure you save humanity, then.'' Elina commented, giggling at his depressed state. ''I doubt she would be angry at you after that.''

''Yeah, let's make sure to survive.'' Sitting down, Sam typed on his keyboard and opened a number of new files. ''No matter what.''

Elina was quick to notice the title and as she skimmed over what the screens displayed she completely forgot about the topic they were discussing a moment ago.

''Project... Asclepius?''

~[ ]~

In the sky above the forty sixth base, the fifteen Valkyries stood at the ready guarding the base as the remaining three went through the Doctor's procedure.

Saying they were on edge wasn't enough to describe their current state. Though they had their second armor on, it provided them with no sense of safety at all. To make things worse since they escaped the HQ in a hurry they didn't have the time to bring any ammo or spare energy cells with them making what they had at the moment everything that could be used.

[I so don't want to do this...] one of them said.

[Shut it, Ichigo.] CS's harsh voice rang through the communication channel. [None of us wants to be here.]

[This might be our last battle, huh...] Nino said, sounding maybe a little bit too relaxed.

[Then...] taking a deep breath, Miku slowly exhaled as her eyes surveyed the horizon. [We better make sure it's our win.]

She was the only one who was using a weapon other than what she was used to. Though it was given to her by her beloved Doctor, the petite blond Valkyrie didn't seem all too happy about receiving it. After all it was the proof of her position in the forth rank and that wasn't something that she felt ready to accept.

[Yeah. I really want to learn more about that Doctor.] Nino said, pulling Miku out of her thoughts.

[Me too.] Said B3. [From what i have seen he isn't anything like the other humans.]

[He sure has guts.] CS added, the smile she had on visible through her voice. [Unlike that bastard Odin who didn't even show his face even when ordering us to fight.]

[He seemed to care about those three, don't you think?] B3 spoke. [I would say it's favoritism, but if it was that he wouldn't have picked them first.]

The heart operation wasn't something that has been attempted before and the danger was clear. Even so the three to get picked first were the ones closest to him.

[That's because they're his personal Valkyries.] Miku said, remembering what happened a few minutes ago.

The first one to volunteer for the experiment was Zero Three. Just like the HQ refugees she has been unable to fight after losing to one of the so called Nephilim, but despite that she jumped at the chance to improve herself wishing to go back and claim victory in the next fight.

Though she was about to do the same, Miku hesitated for a single moment allowing Nine to beat her to it, then Zero Five. The two of them said that they have trust in the Doctor and that they were sure his experiment would be a success. Listening to their words and seeing the way they looked at him, Miku felt those three had something she lacked, and that only added to her frustration.

[You said you're one yourself, didn't you, Miku?] a new voice joined the chat.


[Hey, what does it mean to be one?] Nino asked, her curiosity peaked. [Is it some special rank or position?]

Miku was a bit hesitant to answer fearing that it would make the others desire it as well, however she went and did it anyway, knowing that her feelings for him wouldn't lose to anyone else.

[It's... well, just like it says. A personal Valkyrie is a Valkyrie who answers to only one person no matter what his rank might be.]

[Is that so...] Nana replied. [So that's why it was easy for you to defy the general's orders.]

[Yes. Doctor ordered me to prioritize my own safety. That's why.]

[Doesn't make sense.] CS scoffed. [Shouldn't rank matter the most? Why would you disobey your general in favor of a simple physician?]

[Well, because I love him, of course.]

The channel went silent for a few seconds after the heard those words.

[Umm... Miku, does that mean...] the first to speak was Ichigo, the rest were still stunned. [You prioritize him because you... like him?]


[That's ridiculous...] CS added.

[It's not!] Miku shot back. [By being his personal Valkyrie you get to become his female mate as well! You saw how devoted those three were, right? That's probably because they were having sex with him all this time!]

[Female mate?]


As they repeated the words, the Valkyries seemed to be quite confused even more so than when the blond one confessed her feelings. A few seconds later Nino spoke again, apparently having understood everything.

[You become his female mate, huh.] she said. [Now that I think about it, there are no male Valkyries.]

[Hm? What would we need them for?] CS asked, her irritation growing.

[Most living beings have males and females. You need one of each to produce an offspring.] as everyone listened with great attention to the conversation, Nino revealed something that even Miku was unaware of. [What Miku is trying to say is that she wants to take the role of a female human and help the Doctor make human babies.]

Another moment of silence came and as they finally began to understand all of them cried in unison.



Hearing Nana's serious voice, the Valkyries put an end to their little conversation and switched to battle mode in an instant. They were still far away, but a number of calamities have started appearing in the east.

[Now I'm even more curious about this Doctor.] Nino said, preparing her log spear. [Let's finish this quick so we can hear more about him.]


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