Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 107 No Time To Waste.


Hearing Sam's conclusion, Alice's eyes widened in realization.

Odin. The mysterious man that appeared soon after half of humanity was wiped out. The savior who managed to push back against the Calamities and protect what's left of the human race. He's one of the founding members of the Resistance, the only military organization that still exists at this point and the sole producer of the Valkyries, the only weapons that can fight back against their enemies.

"I have nothing to confirm it, but the fact that he decided to disappear right before this message arrived is too suspicious."

If it wasn't clear that they had no hope before then it is now.

"The problem right now is if he's the only one running the game, or if the other big wigs are in on it as well." Sam said. "The only one who disappeared is Odin, but I doubt that he could've run everything on his own."

The most likely suspects are the founding members of the Resistance. Wolf had mentioned that others are trying to find a way to flee the planet, it might be that those pulling the ropes are among them.

"If only we knew what's the thing that had been stolen..."

What could be so valuable that they would massacre billions to retrieve? Why did the thieves refuse to return it? If it's that valuable, how could it be stolen anyways?

As he asked himself those questions, Sam found himself at the start of it all. The one thing everyone wanted to know since the very start of this war.

What are the Calamities and where did they come from?

"Alice, remember the third world war?" Sam asked, causing the woman to raise an eyebrow.

"Yes. It didn't last very long though..." she said, holding her chin as she tried to remember.

"What was the cause behind it?"

"It's not east to point out. The conflict was escalating in different parts of the world and everyone started taking sides..."

The world wasn't very stable before the Calamities appeared. Many speculated that if the monstrosities didn't appear humanity would've ended itself anyways.

In a way the invasion of the Calamities had forced humans to work together, but that didn't mean much when their demise was near.

'I'm not the first one to think that there is some relation between the world war and the Calamities, but is it possible that there is more to it?'

Even now there are some people who still believe that the Calamity are weapons the Americans created to help them take over the world, all because the USA was the first to fall.

Some theories say they're aliens, others called them angels sent by god to eradicate the sinners.

"If Odin really is the one behind it all, aren't we in big trouble?" Alice asked, cutting Sam's train of thoughts. "I doubt he left whatever he stole from those Nephilim behind before disappearing..."

"You're right..."

If they knew what it was that got stolen then they would have had the option to try and steal it so they could renegotiate with the enemy. Sadly that's no longer possible since Odin more than likely has taken it with him before disappearing.

Still, it would have been just an option and nothing more.

"I wonder if they know that we don't have what they're looking for..." Alice said.

"Alice, I don't think those things would've cared even if we returned it to them." Sam said. "Remember what she said when introducing herself?"

The supreme race that overcome the chains of its creator. The true rulers of this world, and any other. Those who stand against them shall know their wrath.

Those weren't the words of someone who would stop if their enemies concede. They're arrogant and prideful. They see themselves above everything else and have no qualms about eradicating those they deem below them.

Even if by some chance they manage to get back what they came for, it's almost guaranteed that they'll either go on with their massacre or enslave what's left of humanity.

"In the end all we can do is fight to the bitter end, or..." Sam went silent at the end.

"Or what?" Alice asked.

"... We can try and escape the planet." Sam closed his eyes and sighed. "I've been considering it lately, though with how little time we have I don't think we can make it."

"Escape the planet!?" Alice exclaimed. "Sam! Do you plan on abandoning humanity!!?"

Though her reaction surprised him, Sam wasn't about to pretend that he cared about what happens to those he can't save.

"Listen, Alice." Pausing for a moment he looked into her red eyes. "When your father visited the other day, he told me that this war is a lost cause. We have no chance at winning it."

"... what?... my father..."

Just then Sam remembered the time he sat down thinking about how Wolf's actions were suspicious. He had speculated that the old man knew more than he let out, choosing to keep his daughter away from the Resistance headquarters because of that.

With this new development it became even more clear that he's hiding something. Sam was now sure that Wolf had something to do with Odin and what the Nephilim are looking for.

"Hey, Sam... you... you aren't saying that father somehow has something to do with this..."

As Alice spoke, the commanding air she had a few minutes ago completely vanished. Sam understood that she had arrived at the same conclusion as him.

"Your old man asked me to find a way to turn humans into Valkyries." Sam spoke honestly. "He said that our only choice at survival is to leave the planet, and that we need to evolve beyond our current form if we want to increase our chances."

Alice didn't reply, looking at him as of everything he said was just absurd.

"Apparently Odin isn't the only one trying to flee and leave the rest of humanity behind." Sam went on. "According to your old man the next battle will be the last and because of that many are trying to find a way out."

Feeling weak in the legs, Alice walked over to her bed and sat down. She remained silent for a while, her head cast down with the white hair covering her eyes.

"This is absurd..." she said in a low voice. "How can they... after everything..."

Sam watched her for a few seconds before joining her, sitting on her left and patting her shoulder.

"Alice, there is no point in pointing fingers now." He said. "We need to figure out our next course of action."

"I... I need to speak to father..." she said. "Surely this is all a mistake. There is no way he's..."

The idea that her father might be one of the people who've brought death and destruction on all of humanity was too much for her to bear. Soon enough the tears began streaming down her face. Seeing that, Sam pulled her closer and tried to comfort her as he usually does.

They didn't have much time, however there is nothing to be done about the situation. That's right. They have no cards to play, that's precisely why there is no point in stressing over it and looking for a solution that doesn't exist.

'I need to calm down...' Sam thought, taking a deep breath then petting it out. 'I can no longer play it safe. I need to do something and quick...'

"Alice, you said the video was released into the Resistance network, right?" Sam spoke, keeping his tone steady as he tried to get her to pull herself back together. "There is no doubt that it's already been shared around. You need to address the soldiers before things go out of control."

Looking up at him for a few seconds, Alice cast her eyes down and and murmured.

"What's the point? We're all going to die anyways."

Sam let out a long sigh. He never expected to strong spirited Alice to become like this, all because her father might turn out to be one of those responsible for this apocalypse.

Too bad for her but he was done wasting time. She already had her chance to cry, now wasn't the time to dwell on a suspicion they can't even confirm.

Getting up from the bed, Sam turned to face his childhood friend and second girlfriend then, without a shred of hesitation, he lifted his hand and slapped her across the face.

After a moment of silence, the white haired beauty turned to look at him with wide eyed disbelief.

"This isn't the time for you your bullshit." Sam said, his face lacking expression. "Your job is to run this base. Get your act together and go make sure those idiots don't do anything reckless."


"If we're going to survive this then we have no time to waste." Sam adjusted his glasses, feeling the slight tingling pain in the palm he used to hit her. "We need a plan."


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