USSR 1941

Chapter 79: Tonya

  Chapter 79 Tonya

   This deserter is called Tonya.

In fact, he cannot be called a deserter, because they are executing the order to retreat, but they are hunted down and collapsed during the retreat... This often happens on the battlefield, so there is a saying on the battlefield that "a really good officer is not able to Instead of commanding troops to attack, they can command troops to retreat.”

  This sentence is very philosophical, because the attack often does not require any command art, just pull out the pistol and wave it into the air, shouting: "Comrades, come with me", that's it.

   But retreating... At this time, every soldier has no intention of fighting, and the enemy often pursues and kills, so it is easy to turn into a failure like this battle.

  Of course, this sentence did not come from the Soviet army, because at this time the Soviet army usually did not retreat in their dictionary, they only had to attack, attack and attack again.

  This is also one of the reasons why the Soviet army lost so badly in the early days of the Soviet-German War. They had no retreat experience from top to bottom.

   Shulka appreciates Tonya's behavior.

Because there are few people on this battlefield who care about the lives of their comrades like him... This is not to say that they are cold-blooded, but that there are too many people who die too often. If you want to care, you can't care at all. , habits, of course, it does not rule out that you can't take care of yourself in danger, so you can't take care of others.

  Tonya, however, tried to save his comrades at such a life-threatening moment. Although the method was wrong and he failed, it at least proved that he was not a selfish or cowardly person.

   "How can you shoot another living person?" When the medics bandaged Tonya's wound, he was still struggling with this question: "And they are still your comrades, comrades, and they also have parents..."

  Shuerka rested with his back against the trench and ignored him. Shurka would not waste any more words on what he had already explained.

  The same is true for others. They all thought Tonya was frightened, so they kept repeating these meaningless words.

   "You should leave here sooner!" The thief said to Tonya impatiently, "to make my ears quiet, I don't want to be bombed by you after being bombed by the Germans..."

"Oh, is it?" Tonya became angry: "After you killed my comrades, my platoon commander, and company commander, you blamed me for 'bombing' you. If possible, I really want to have one." Really bombed!"

   "Shut up, you idiot!" The veteran said, "This is an order from your superiors. If you have any opinions, you can..."

  The veteran suddenly realized that it was inappropriate to say this, because it was putting the responsibility on the superior, so he stopped talking in time.

   "But you did it, didn't you?"

   "What's your name?" the actor asked.

   "Tonia, Ivanochka. Tonya!"

   "Comrade Tonya!" said the actor, "Why don't you lay the blame on the Germans and avenge them by killing a few enemies?"

"We've already done this!" Tonya said angrily, "You must not comrades and I stood on the defensive line for seven days, seven days! We repelled the enemy's attack after attack, and killed one after another. An enemy, we are ready to sacrifice, but we never thought that... we will fall under the guns of our own people, and we will die in front of our own people's positions!"

  Hearing the words, everyone couldn't help being silent.

   Before this, everyone believed that it was right to do so.

  However, after hearing Tonya's complaint, everyone became suspicious.

   It's not a doubt exactly, because if it happens again, the fighters will do it again.

  But everyone will be thinking in their hearts, if it is themselves instead of Tonya who fell in front of the battle, what would they think if they had experienced the same experience as them, bleeding and sweating on the front line, but finally died at the hands of their own people?

   It’s no wonder that Tonya is so chattering, it’s not difficult to let go, this is not a simple sentence of right and wrong that can be concluded.

  Tonya left the trench and continued eastward after bandaging the wound. This was his task, and they had to rush to build another line of defense.

  Before leaving, Tonya said bitterly to the soldiers stationed in the trench: "I will wait for you in the next line of defense!"

  Although Shulka knew that Tonya's words were just angry words, the soldiers still felt a chill.

  The next day was a lucky day for the 333rd regiment, and it rained heavily when the sky was about to light up.

The thunder rumbled in the air like the German 600MM caliber mortars, and the bean-sized raindrops fell from the sky and hit people's bodies painfully. It became a sewage ditch.

  Soviet soldiers wanted to leave the trenches to hide from the rain, but were quickly stopped.

   "You are not allowed to leave your post without an order!" Major Gavrilov ordered.

  This order is correct, because the trench is only one meter one, even if it is completely filled with stagnant water, no one will be drowned.

   But if the soldiers leave the trenches, it means that the Germans can easily break through their lines of defense.

   "What the **** is this weather!" the actor couldn't help cursing, although he wrapped the shredded tobacco in a tarpaulin immediately, but it also meant that he couldn't smoke a cigarette beautifully at least at this time.

   "Welcome to Kyiv, comrade!" Leonyev replied: "It's the rainy season in Kyiv now, I'm afraid it will be in heavy rain for some time in the future!"

   "Oh, **** it!" the actor yelled.

   "You should be grateful, Okunev!" Shulka replied.

   "Lucky? What's so lucky about this weather?"

   "Because of the heavy rain, the German planes cannot take off!" Shulka said: "And their tanks will get stuck in the mud!"

   "Yes!" The veteran continued: "Their convoy will also be blocked due to bad road conditions!"

"Know what this means?" Shulka asked. "It is difficult for the Germans to launch an attack, or it is difficult for them to launch an attack with tanks and aircraft as the vanguard. We may easily get through the day and retreat into the The next line of defense!"

  The soldiers in the trenches couldn't help cheering, this is what they most wanted to hear.

   But the actor muttered: "I would rather have a sip in good weather..."

   Of course, this quickly aroused protests.

   "Can I ask a question, Comrade Sergeant?" Leonyev walked across the stagnant water to Shulka.


   "We just found out that you are from Brest!" Leonyev said, "I mean me and the other recruits, we want to know... Are you the one that broke out from Brest!"

  (end of this chapter)


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