USSR 1941

Chapter 72: sergeant

  Chapter 72 Staff Sergeant

   "You make me sick!" Major General Mstislav yelled at Colonel Ovich, "How can you take your subordinate's suggestion as your own, and it's still a suggestion that you rejected!"

   "Comrade General, please listen to my explanation!" Colonel Ovic said: "I was just going to explain that it was Major Gavrilov's suggestion..."

   "No, it was my subordinate's suggestion!" Gavrilov said: "I was going to take him to see you, but you refused to see him!"

   "Yes, that's what happened!" Colonel Ovich wiped the sweat from his forehead, and continued to explain: "I haven't forgotten these..."

   "So you approve of this tactic, Comrade Colonel?" Major Gavrilov asked.

   "Of course, of course I agree!" Colonel Ovich replied.

   "When did you agree?" Major Gavrilov obviously didn't want to let Colonel Ovich go so easily.

   Colonel Ovich couldn't help being speechless, because he couldn't answer this question.

Political Commissar Fomin seemed to hear something, and then asked Major Gavrilov: "Comrade Colonel, you knew it was right when we used the 'chamber camouflage' tactic to repel the German attack, didn't you? "

   "No... I don't think things will be that simple!" Colonel Orvich: "I thought you couldn't resist the second German attack!"

"So, you knew you were wrong when we repelled the second attack?" Commissar Fumin said, "But you didn't report it to your superiors in time? As a commander, you should know what it means , It has been proven to be an effective tactic in actual combat, and it may turn the entire battle situation around, but you didn't report it to your superiors in time?!"

  Major General Mstislav also understood the truth, and understood that this matter may not be as simple as taking credit.

   "We were retreating at the time!" Colonel Ovich explained: "You know, the Germans are attacking fiercely, and I don't have time..."

   "You mean you are retreating after we repelled the enemy's second attack?" Major Gavrilov found another loophole.

   "When you fled shamelessly, you ordered us not to take a step back?!" Commissar Fuming said angrily: "And I still believe you, thinking you have some counterattack plan..."

   "Wait!" Major General Mstislav raised his hand to silence everyone. He looked at Commissar Fumin and asked, "Comrade Commissar, what did you just say? Who ordered you not to take a single step back?"

   "Colonel Ovich!" Commissar Fomin replied.

   "That's not what he said just now..." Major General Mstislav turned his puzzled eyes to Colonel Ovic, and said word by word: "This guy, he told refused to retreat several times!"

   There was silence in the headquarters, and everyone understood at this time that Colonel Ovich had deliberately surrounded the 333rd regiment.

Colonel Ovich reached out to take out the gun in his waist, but Major Gavrilov snatched him up and knocked him down with a punch... Although Major Gavrilov was injured in his left hand, he came out of the battlefield and dealt with only a dull man. The colonel commanding in the office was still more than enough.

   "This is a serious act of treason, Comrade General!" Political Commissar Fumin said: "I demand a thorough investigation of this matter, and I believe that Colonel Ovich is not the only one who knows about this matter!"

   "That's right, Comrade Political Commissar!" Major General Mstislav nodded: "We will deal with this matter. If you want, you can also participate in our investigation!"

   "Of course!" Commissar Fuming replied: "This is my duty, Comrade General!"

  The look in the eyes of Commissar Fumin when he said this made Major General Mstislav feel nervous for no reason.

  So, except for the 333rd regiment, the officers and soldiers of the entire 79th Division were brought under control.

   This is because Major General Mstislav suspects that Major Ovic is a spy for the Germans, and it is very likely that there are his cronies or accomplices in the army. These accomplices will take the opportunity to escape after knowing that Major Ovic has been arrested.

   Therefore, the news of Colonel Ovich's arrest has not been spread yet. Major General Mstislav ordered the 79th Division to retreat and rest, but it is other troops who are in charge of peripheral security.

   This is rare in wartime as of course it affects troop morale.

  But the Soviet army will never let the internal traitors go because of this, and it is the same this time.

   What's more, if Ovich is a traitor or a spy and has accomplices, the entire army may be instigated. Major General Mstislav certainly would not take the risk.

  Then, all the division staff, guards, logistics and other personnel were taken away from the army and underwent isolation training.

  The truth soon came to light: the three staff officers were insiders to varying degrees, and the other two communications soldiers knew something was wrong, but had no doubts.

   But this is only the result of the interrogation of Major General Mstislav. After receiving a phone call, Major General Mstislav was ordered to **** all the suspects to Kyiv for further interrogation.

Even Major General Mstislav was nervous, because several officers in blue caps went to the military headquarters to talk to Major General Mstislav several times... If his subordinates commit treason, then he Could it be because of an order from a superior? !

  For the soldiers on the front line, they just vaguely felt that something was wrong with the 79th Division, and they didn't know anything else, and they didn't dare to ask more.

  But just because of this, it makes people feel a burst of fear and anxiety.

  All they knew was that no one would ever see Colonel Ovich again.

   Not long after, Major General Mstislav was transferred away.

   Of course, instead of being interrogated, he became the commander of another unit that was stationed in Kyiv away from the front lines... obviously, just in case.

   Those who understand know that this means that his career has been affected, that is, the major general has been cast a shadow of distrust, and it is obviously very difficult to get out of this shadow.

   Shulka knew what was going on, he could guess some of it from his conversation with Major Gavrilov.

   "We almost died at the hands of our own people!" Major Gavrilov said to Shulka.


   "The reason for the siege this time!" Major Gavrilov said: "It's man-made, I can only tell you so much!"

   But these are enough. Shulka is not that stupid, and he can guess a lot by connecting the front and back.

  Shuerka did not expect that the impact of this incident would be so large and widespread.

   "But we are very lucky!" Major Gavrilov said: "Under your suggestion, we successfully broke through, otherwise... who knows what will happen?"

   "And this!" Major Gavrilov handed Shulka a brand new military uniform as he spoke: "Congratulations, Comrade Shulka, you are already a sergeant!"

  (end of this chapter)


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