USSR 1941

Chapter 67: Prepare

  Chapter 67 Preparation

   "Number Three, Number Three! I am Number Thirty-Five, and we are surrounded by enemies! Call for reinforcements!"

  No. 3 is the code name of the headquarters of the 79th Division, and No. 35 is the 333rd Regiment.

  As the battle deepened, Major Gavrilov found that the situation was getting more and more severe, and German tanks even emerged from the rear to launch a tentative attack.

  This means that the Germans have circled to the back of the 333rd regiment. Fortunately, the sky is getting dark at this time. Since the tanks do not have the ability to fight at night, the Germans dare not easily try a large-scale attack.

   But the problem is that…

  The enemy has already closed the encirclement, but Colonel Ovich has lost his voice... The division headquarters originally issued a series of orders, but they still insisted on it. Two hours later, the contact was completely cut off.

   "Maybe the enemy blew up the telephone line!" said Commissar Fuming.

   "No, Comrade Commissar!" Major Gavrilov shook his head and replied, "These telephone lines are buried deep in the ground, and several are buried to ensure communication. It is unlikely that they will be blown up!"

   After a pause, Major Gavrilov added: "Unless...they have already retreated!"

   "No, it may be that the Germans have occupied the division!" Political Commissar Fomin certainly did not believe that his superiors would order the 333 regiment not to take a step back, but on the other hand "retreat" as Major Gavrilov said.

  So, if one reason must be mentioned, Political Commissar Fuming believed that the German army occupied the division headquarters.

   "No matter what it is!" Major Gavrilov said: "I mean, whether the division retreats or is occupied by the enemy, this is not a good thing for us!"

   "Yes!" Commissar Fuming nodded helplessly.

He understood what Gavrilov meant. Major Gavrilov was giving Commissar Fumin face. The so-called "good thing" meant that Commissar Fumin's previous inference was wrong, that is, the division clearly knew The reason why the 333rd regiment was ordered to stand firm even when it was surrounded was because there was a larger "overall plan".

   Now that the battle has been fought to this point, the connection with the division headquarters has been severed and there is still no next step. The 333rd regiment may be wiped out by an attack from the back at any time... This shows that the division headquarters has no plan at all.

   "Breakout?" Major Gavrilov asked, "Taking advantage of the time when the enemy's encirclement has not been completely closed and is not fully prepared, otherwise we may face desperation again!"

  Political Commissar Fuming thought for a while, then nodded and replied: "I agree!"

   At this time, he could not tolerate his disagreement, because everyone knew what it would mean to the 333rd regiment to wait like this.

  So the order to prepare to break out was quickly passed on.

   This order wiped away the joy of victory in an instant, and then another soldier complained:

   "What's going on? We are surrounded by enemies again!"

   "Our flank was breached by the enemy, why don't we have any news?"

   "What are the main forces doing? This battle is like we are fighting the Germans alone!"


   It is not surprising that the soldiers have such thoughts. They are tired of being surrounded by the enemy, and they thought that it would be different after joining forces with the main force. At least there would be reinforcements, support or other things from the main force behind them.

  This kind of blow from hope to disappointment is often the most fatal.

   "Shulka!" At this moment, Major Gavrilov called the bunker and shouted: "Come to the headquarters!"

   "Yes, Major!" Shulka responded.

  Don't think about it, it must have something to do with breaking out.

   Exit from the back door of the bunker, ran east along the traffic trench for a while, and then turned into the bunker where Major Gavrilov was the headquarters.

   Several battalion commanders were already inside, but it seemed that the meeting was over, because the officers did not speak or argue.

Sure enough, when Major Gavrilov saw Shulka coming in, he said, "Shulka, I think you also know that we are going to break out. We all think that it is best to break out to the east. I want to hear what you think is different." Opinion!"

   It is normal to break out to the east, because the east is the position of the main force, so it is easy to reach a consensus.

   "Major!" Shulka replied with some embarrassment: "I can't say anything unless I know more information!"

   "What do you mean?" asked Major Gavrilov.

   "For example, the situation of the main force!" Shulka replied: "Will they cooperate with us? Retreat or still defend in place? If defensive, where is it?"

  The officers in the headquarters couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the words.

   "We don't know anything, Shulka!" Major Gavrilov replied: "We have lost contact with the command, and radio calls have not been answered!"

   "If there is no main force coordination, then I don't think we should break out to the east!" Shulka replied.

   "Why?" Commissar Fuming asked suspiciously: "The east is the closest to the main force, and the enemy's foothold is not yet secure!"

   "Yes, Comrade Commissar!" Shulka said: "But the Germans thought of that at the same time, and I think...the whole encirclement plan of the Germans is aimed at us!"

  There is no doubt about this. The German army adopted the tactic of outflanking because it could not attack the defensive section of the 333rd regiment.

"Therefore!" Shulka continued: "Without the coordination of the main force, and the Germans knew that we would attack to the east, and we really attacked to the east... then it is very likely that we will attack It will be German tanks, and their new fortifications!"

   There was an uproar in the headquarters before the words fell. They only wanted to break through the siege but didn't think of this. There were bunker fortifications to the east, and the bunker fortifications were facing west, which meant that they would hit the muzzle.

   "But, Comrade Shulka!" Commissar Fumin said: "If we want to break through, we must face the fortifications, no matter from which side!"

"I don't think so, Comrade Commissar!" Shulka pointed to the map and said, "The Germans in the east will occupy the bunkers and build fortifications because they are prepared, while the Germans in the other direction...they go all the way Attack from the east and don't think there will be enemies in the rear, so there is no need to prepare firepower in the opposite direction!"

   Major Gavrilov nodded in agreement.

   This is obviously correct. Situations like the 333rd regiment are rare on the entire defense line. Of course, the German army with a smooth attack will not be full and have nothing to do.

   "So!" Major Gavrilov finally said: "Our direction of breakout is south, not east!"

   "Yes!" Shulka said: "Besides, we shouldn't rush to break through, we can wait until the Germans are fully prepared in the east!"

  (end of this chapter)


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