USSR 1941

Chapter 52: lie

  Chapter 52 Lies

  The sergeant had no doubts at all.

   But having said that, the driver is an authentic German, and there is a German car, and then swaggering through the car on this occasion... No one can believe that all this is fake.

  Then, the sergeant just straightened up and motioned for the front to let him go, but his face was a little embarrassed that he flattered a beautiful woman and ended up on the horse's leg.

   "Well done!" Shulka said to Agata, he even spoke Russian... It was "normal" for him to use Russian at this time.

   "You told me!" Agata replied: "If you don't know German, use Russian!"

   "I'm not talking about this!" Shulka said, "I'm talking about your reaction, that's calm!"

  At that time, what was more important was not what was said, because the other party could not understand no matter what was said, what was important was to be calm.

   "I'm actually scared to death!" Agata replied, then looked back into the car and said, "It's still..."

Agata should be afraid, because the convoy has already entered the German tank latent area. Tanks are parked on the side of the road, with black gun barrels sticking out from under the camouflage and pointing into the distance. Before firing.

  As long as any tank, any one... finds the convoy's flaws and points its gun barrel in this direction, then this Soviet army team of more than 500 people will all be buried here.

But of course, the possibility of the tank finding a flaw is very small, and the tank crew is more focused on the target on the opposite side than the side. Even if someone sees the "Soviet soldiers" on the convoy, they just smile knowingly like everyone else Or make fun of the "Russians".

   "Stop!" At this moment, the convoy was stopped again.

"Are you crazy?" A German soldier waved his hand at the convoy: "Are you going to drive your car into the enemy's artillery fire like this? Oh, very good... If this is the case, you will not mix with the Russians, you Infiltrated with the corpses of the Russians!"

  The second lieutenant whispered to Shulka: "Get out of the car!"

   Shulka understood, and then ordered loudly: "Get out of the car, you bastards, we are going to walk! Quick, quick, quick, lift your **** immediately!"

   Shulka tried to use profanity in his speech.

   On the one hand, this is because German soldiers can also understand Russian swear words... This seems to be a custom, and the first thing to learn before learning a certain language is always swear words.

   On the other hand, it's the swear words that make them more Soviet-like.

   This made the surrounding German soldiers marvel:

   "Oh God, they're so alike!"

   "Yeah, if I didn't know what was going on, I'd definitely take them for the Soviets!"

   “I even felt the urge to raise a gun at them and pull the trigger!”


   There are many German soldiers who have such an impulse.

   It is right to have such an impulse, because this is a soldier's instinctive reaction, or it can be said that their sixth sense has seen through these "Soviet soldiers".

  The problem is that they use their reason to tell themselves over and over again, that is their own people, that is their own people... They are just pretending to be Soviets.

   "Follow me!" Two German soldiers took the initiative to lead the way: "I will take you to a safe place, and from there you can more easily cross the line of fire without being noticed!"

  So the team, led by the German soldiers, left the road and walked towards the wilderness.

   It feels very strange, the armies of the enemy and our side walk together in harmony, as if the war has ended and the world is peaceful.

  But Shulka knows that this is not the case. This phenomenon occurs only because one of the parties does not know the truth, otherwise they will immediately fight to the death.

   This once again proves that there are indeed "beautiful lies" in the world.

After walking for a few minutes, a German soldier pointed to a bush in front of the left and said, "You can go there. Some Russians hid in the forest on the left and fled back through the bushes. We haven't come in a hurry yet." Block it, you can take advantage of this!"

  Then the German soldier added: "You must move quickly, we may start bombing that area in half an hour!"

   "Thank you very much, Sergeant!" The second lieutenant shook hands with the German soldiers.

   "This is what I should do, sir!" The German soldier replied: "Good luck!"

  Another German soldier stared blankly at the second lieutenant's waist, and asked strangely, "Sir, where is your gun?"

Then the two German soldiers seemed to react immediately, and turned their guns to shoot, but it was too late... Several Soviet soldiers rushed forward and covered the mouths of the two German soldiers and gave them a hard blow. A few knives came, and the second lieutenant even helped.

  In fact, the second lieutenant was the fastest to act, otherwise the Soviet soldiers would not know that the matter had leaked because they could not understand German.

   "Thank you!" Shulka said to the second lieutenant who stood up panting heavily.

   "No, you don't need to thank me!" The second lieutenant gritted his teeth and replied, "I just want to live!"

  The second lieutenant was right. Once the Soviet army was exposed, the German prisoners would be the first to suffer.

  From this point of view, the second lieutenant is very smart and decisive, knowing what he should do without any hesitation at critical moments.

  And other German prisoners, some of them didn't even understand what happened until this time.

   "Now, can you keep your promise?" the second lieutenant asked.

   "Yes, of course!" Shulka replied.

   But having said that, Shulka was not sure, because the situation at this time was a little different from what he said before. Soviet soldiers could kill German prisoners like they killed two German soldiers without being noticed.

   Shulka hoped to fulfill his promise, but the problem was that the power was not in his hands, so he set his sights on Major Gavrilov.

  Venyakov said: "We should not be soft-hearted to the enemy, Shulka!"

   "No!" Shulka stood in front of the second lieutenant without thinking, "We can't do this!"

   "When they killed our fellow men and invaded our country, no one interceded for us!"

   "It's none of their business!" Shulka insisted.

   "Get out of the way, Shulka!" said Venyakov, "I order you..."

   "Comrade Venyakov!" At this time, Commissar Fumin made a decision: "We should keep our word, otherwise, we will be no different from these invaders!"

As he said that, Commissar Fumin said to Shulka: "Let them go back and tell others that this kind of German aggression will definitely fail, and don't imagine that they can conquer the Soviet Union. And let them not appear on the battlefield, otherwise we will never Don't be soft!"

   "Yes, Comrade Commissar!" Shulka answered boldly.

  (end of this chapter)


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