USSR 1941

Chapter 107: attack

  Chapter 107 Attack

  The German army built a total of three pontoon bridges, crossed the river almost non-stop all night, and finally transported the 1st Armored Group across the river before dawn the next day.

   When standing on the east bank of the Dnieper River, Admiral Kleist was relieved... Only five tanks and three cars were lost in crossing the river last night.

  In this case, it is acceptable to lose only five tanks when crossing the river. If the Russians find out and block it with artillery fire... Admiral Kleist can't even imagine that scene.

   But there is no such thing as a war. Admiral Kleist looked at the map triumphantly, and then ordered: "Attack, target Romney!"

   "Yes, General!"

  The communications soldier conveyed the order, and then the sound of the tank's motor roared. The hundreds of tanks driving ahead were slowly advancing under the cover of the rain, and pierced straight into the position of the Southern Jiangsu Front Army like a sharp knife...

  The Soviet army was stunned by the overwhelming tank group that suddenly appeared in front of them. They didn't understand when the German tanks crossed the river until they were crushed in the trench by the tank tracks.

   Then, there was a big collapse of the Southern Jiangsu Front Army. They didn't know how to face these steel monsters at all.

   Equally shocked was Moscow.

  Originally they thought that under the obstruction of Yelimenko and Budyonny, the German army could not complete the encirclement so quickly, which means that the Southwest Front Army could withdraw at any time.

  But now... everything is over, and the Southwest Front Army has only one dead end.

   Until this time, Moscow hastily ordered Admiral Kirponos to break through.

At this time in history, Admiral Kirponos was rejected because of repeated requests to break out of the siege. When he received the breakout order, he couldn't believe it was true. ten hours.

   Of course, Admiral Kirponos no longer needs to do this at this time.

  In fact, Timoshenko, the commander of the Western Theater Command, knew about it, so he immediately contacted General Kirponos.

   "The Germans have already crossed the Dnieper River!" Timoshenko said anxiously, "I think you must know!"

   "Yes, Comrade Marshal!" Admiral Kirponos replied: "I know!"

   "If you knew in advance, why didn't you report it to me?" Timoshenko asked a little angrily, "Do you know how much damage this caused to the Southern Army?"

   "If I report to you, Comrade Marshal!" Admiral Kirponos replied: "Will that change anything? Will Moscow agree to abandon the Kyiv breakout, or will it be possible to surround the Germans and defeat them?"

Hearing this, Timoshenko has nothing to say, because the facts seem to be as Kirponos said, nothing can be changed, and Moscow will stick to their so-called "hold" plan, at most it is to strengthen the Dnieper River The bank's defenses were wary of German crossings elsewhere.

   After thinking for a while, Timoshenko said: "Well, I hope you are ready for this!"

   "Yes, Comrade Marshal!" Admiral Kirponos replied: "We are ready!"

   As soon as Timoshenko's connection was cut off, a telegram from Moscow came.

   "Order: The Southwest Front Army abandons Kyiv to organize a breakout!"

  Admiral Kirponos smiled with the telegram, and said to the signal soldier: "Call back: I can't carry out this order, because I think... the time for the Southwest Front to attack!"

   As he spoke, Admiral Kirponos ordered: "Order the 9th Mechanized Army to attack!"

   "Yes, attack!"



  The orders were passed on one after another, and the 9th Mechanized Army, which had been prepared for a long time, came out of the warehouse. Tanks, cars, soldiers...all of them were in high spirits after a few days of rest.

   The first to attack was the 5th Mechanized Army on the Kyiv defense line.

   It is said that the 5th Army is mechanized, but since the light and medium tanks are transferred to the 9th Army, they only have some heavy tanks that are inconvenient to maneuver and have a high failure rate.

   This is when they come into play.

One by one, KV1 and KV2 slowly climbed out of the bunker, like clumsy elephants, and then staggered towards the German defense line...Because the front of the position was muddy, a few of them could not drive. Far away, stuck and unable to move.

   But this does not affect the other tanks to continue to advance. Although the speed is slow, it is at every step. The Germans fired anti-tank guns at these tanks, but these shells hit them as if they were tickling.

   Immediately behind these tanks are the soldiers of the 5th Airborne Brigade of the Soviet Army... During this time, they have already forced the German army back three kilometers by virtue of their own strength and held their positions.

  The German defenses were quickly breached, because no one could withstand the onslaught of Soviet heavy tanks.

But these heavy tanks have almost completed their mission here... More than 30 vehicles have only advanced a certain distance, and only five can continue to drive forward, and there is no way to face the enemy's trenches. The ditch was an insurmountable obstacle to them.

  The Germans who fled to the second trench thought the Soviet offensive was over, but they soon discovered that this judgment was wrong.

  The Soviet offensive has just begun...

  Amidst the shouts and the sound of motors, the Soviet tank group suddenly appeared in front of them.

  The advancing speed of the Soviet tank group was so fast that the Germans didn't have time to set up their anti-tank guns. Their first reaction was to raise their rifles and try to stop the tanks approaching them.

   But it was obviously futile. The tank rushed forward like a crazy monster with mud and water, and then ruthlessly trampled the German army under its "feet".

Shulka's 131st motorized division followed the tank division, so they didn't feel much fighting. They only saw the corpses on both sides and abandoned artillery, machine guns, etc. from the rear compartment, and piles of them Meat squashed by crawlers.

Of course, this meat paste is not completely flattened, it is often a deep tank track mark from the middle, and the organs that have not been crushed on both sides, such as hands and feet, are still intact, and the meat in the middle is connected by some **** things. on the mud.

   That way, it's like pressing a deep mark in the middle of the dough with a rolling pin.


   There were a few sounds of vomiting in the carriage.

   There are many recruits in the platoon, recruits who have not experienced war.

   However, this is not easy even for a "veteran" like Shulka.

  Shuerka cast his eyes on the rifle in his hand, not daring to look at the flesh and blood and broken limbs outside.

  (end of this chapter)


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