Urban: Super God-Ring System

Chapter 7

C7 – The Threat from Long Hair

The classroom swiftly returned to a state of quiet, with all the desks neatly arranged in their proper places. Yet now, not a single student dared to cast a scornful glance at Wen Huaimu. There’s a saying that a biting dog doesn’t bark—had this kid been jolted awake, transforming from a timid soul into someone sinister?

The students sitting near Wen Huaimu were particularly subdued, stealing only fleeting, furtive looks his way, a stark contrast to their previous swagger and provocation. Of course, a few still harbored disdain, but even they refrained from any overt reactions, instead observing Wen Huaimu with curious, enigmatic stares.

“Brother, you’re so amazing,” the elfin exclaimed with dramatic flair from within the molding ring, her pale blue eyes brimming with adoration.

“I’m just average, not as amazing as you. You’re the one with magic,” Wen Huaimu mentally boasted to the elfin, basking in a sense of pride.

“You can use my magic too,” the elfin teased, sticking out her tongue playfully.

Wen Huaimu felt a jolt run through him, leaving him utterly astounded. “What did you say? Diaochan, repeat that,” he asked, his voice quivering with disbelief. How on earth could he wield the elfin’s magic?

Yet, he recalled something from his readings—after signing a contract, humans could indeed harness an elfin’s magical powers!

“Brother, you can be so dense. I’ve entered into a blood pact with you. By the terms of our contract, you can borrow half of my magic. But I must warn you, my magical strength is quite limited at the moment. You’ll only be able to perform a handful of Water Lubricant Skills,” the elfin explained, first playfully rolling her eyes, then speaking with a touch of melancholy.

“I’m going to be brilliant! I can use magic now,” Wen Huaimu mused, momentarily lost in a daydream of heroism.

“Brother, you really don’t get it, do you? I told you, you can only cast a few simple spells. What’s the big deal?” The elfin, puzzled by Wen Huaimu’s excitement, wore a look of mild frustration.

“No worries. I promise I’ll help you grow stronger,” Wen Huaimu assured her earnestly, his heart swelling with joy.

It’s just a matter of tapping into natural energy. The May Day holiday is just around the corner, and Deadwick, a place he’s long admired, is conveniently nearby. He plans to visit and soak up some of that natural energy, which will not only be a refreshing getaway but also provide a boost for his elfin’s leveling up—a perfect two-for-one deal.

The elfin’s spirits lifted at Wen Huaimu’s words. Truth be told, leveling up wasn’t her main concern; it was Wen Huaimu’s attentive care that mattered to her. It gave her a sense of warmth and comfort.

The morning’s lessons flew by, and the bell signaled the end of the school day.

Wen Huaimu quickly packed his textbooks and left the classroom.

As Wen Huaimu’s figure receded down the hall, a scrawny boy lurking in the back of the class pulled out his phone and made a call.

“Mr. Long Hair, the kid’s out of the classroom.”

Stepping off campus, Wen Huaimu joined the throng of students heading down the street.

“Wen Huaimu, stop right there!”

He instinctively looked up at the sound of the shout. Approaching him were three swaggering young men.

The trio, all in their early twenties, was led by a long-haired youth whose tattooed arms were on full display.

Wen Huaimu knew them all too well, having been a frequent target of Long Hair’s bullying.

A flicker of fear crossed his mind. Long Hair wasn’t like the other students; while Wen Huaimu could stand up to his peers, he was cautious around these thugs to avoid worrying his parents.

“Mr. Long Hair,” Wen Huaimu said, trying to ingratiate himself.

Long Hair responded with a nonchalant grunt, casually pulling out a cigarette and lighter. He lit up, exhaled a thick plume of smoke, and then cracked a slight smile. “Heard you made quite the splash this morning, kid.”

“Splash?” Wen Huaimu blinked, his expression turning uneasy. The incident had occurred in the classroom; clearly, a classmate had spilled the beans to Long Hair.

But why bring it up? Was Long Hair here on behalf of Hong Jun, seeking retribution?

“How could I ever measure up to Mr. Long Hair?” Wen Huaimu forced a laugh, offering a flattery-filled response.

Long Hair gave Wen Huaimu a few surprised glances, his smile deepening. “You’ve changed a bit, haven’t you? You used to not have the guts to talk to me like that.”

Wen Huaimu’s heart skipped a beat, but he just offered a dry laugh in response, opting to keep his words to a minimum around these thugs. Too much talk could easily spell trouble.

“Let’s drop it, I’m not here to meddle in your affairs. I’m actually here to propose a business deal to you. How’s that for loyalty? I always make sure to share the good stuff with you guys,” Long Hair bragged with a chuckle.

“What kind of business? Mr. Long Hair, I’m just a student. Am I even cut out for something as serious as business?” Wen Huaimu felt a twinge of unease. Why had Long Hair suddenly taken an interest in him?

“Don’t worry about it. I need a strong young guy like you for this deal, and trust me, it’s something you’ll enjoy,” Long Hair said, his face twisting into a sleazy grin.

“Mr. Long Hair, could you clarify what you mean?” Wen Huaimu’s anxiety grew. Were these thugs trying to drag him down the wrong path?

“You know about the Nighty Night Club, right?”

“Yeah, I know it’s under your wing.”

“Well, forget about your evening self-study session tonight. I’ll take you to the club for some fun,” Long Hair suggested with a laugh.

“That’s not happening.”

“Don’t be so hesitant. Your whole class knows you could skip a week’s worth of lessons and it wouldn’t matter. Don’t you want to go?” Long Hair’s voice took on an edge of irritation.

As Long Hair’s mood soured, the two silent lackeys at his side stepped forward, their glares turning menacing.

Wen Huaimu found himself at a loss for words, his gaze darting around uncertainly.

He had no desire to get entangled with the street thugs, but if they were going to push him into a corner, he might have to reconsider.

“Give it some thought. I’ll come to pick you up this afternoon. Try not to let me down,” Long Hair said with a cold smirk before turning to leave with his henchmen in tow.

“Brother, this guy is bad news. He’s out to get you,” the elfin grumbled from inside the molding ring, her face etched with discontent. She had been in high spirits earlier, but now her master was being harassed left and right, which didn’t sit well with the elfin who was so fond of Wen Huaimu. Why were there so many villains around?

Wen Huaimu jumped at the sudden revelation and asked, “Why would he want to harm me? And how do you know about it?”

The elfin wore a look of bewilderment and replied, “I just do. When you were watching him earlier, I sensed a really weird vibe. It was as if he was suggesting that if you followed him, you’d become impotent later on. By the way, what does impotent mean?”

“You don’t need to concern yourself with that.”

Wen Huaimu couldn’t bring himself to explain, faced with the elfin’s look of utter confusion, yet a surge of anger welled up inside him.

They had crossed the line.



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