Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 75

Chapter 75 - Lan Qingqing

At that moment, the students gathered around noticed Tang Pianpian among them.

Unfazed by the stares from the crowd, Tang Pianpian handed her phone to Zhang Cheng.

After watching the video, Zhang Cheng asked, “Could you make a copy of this video for me?”

“Of course,” Tang Pianpian replied, and promptly used Bluetooth to send a copy to Zhang Cheng.

“Take these troublemakers to the police station,” Zhang Cheng commanded with authority.

Just then, the Dean of Riverdale College and Leng Xue arrived in haste.

Upon seeing the dire condition of Meng Yongyan and the other twelve students, the Dean demanded sternly, “What has happened here?”

Zhang Cheng succinctly recounted the events.

The Dean glanced at Ye Hao, visibly taken aback, but quickly composed himself and said firmly, “They're still young. Could you give them a chance to rectify their errors?”

The students' futures were at stake; an arrest and a criminal record would mean they could never receive their diplomas from Riverdale College, rendering all their efforts futile.

”Director, you're willing to give them a chance, but what about me?” Ye Hao asked calmly, locking eyes with the Director. “If Meng Yongyan and his group had caught me, they would've beaten me severely. It might be bearable if I were in a good mental state, but what if I weren't? Could I continue my studies then?”

“They knew the potential consequences of their actions, yet they didn't hesitate,” Ye Hao stated icily.

“But there were no actual consequences.”

“They made a mistake. Without punishment, there's no incentive for remorse,” Ye Hao argued. “Mr. Zhang, isn't it illegal for a group of more than three people to be armed?”

At Ye Hao's words, Meng Yongyan and the others' faces drained of color.

Nowadays, involvement in illegal activities could land a person a minimum of three years behind bars.

“Their actions are tentatively classified as illegal, but we need to investigate further,” Zhang Cheng acknowledged with a nod.

Meng Yongyan and the other students were petrified.

They couldn't grasp how their mere involvement in a fight could be construed as illegal activity.

“Ye Hao, if we go down this path, it's the end of the road for them,” the Dean remarked, realizing the connection between Ye Hao and Zhang Cheng.

“They want to hit me; why should I concern myself with them?” Ye Hao stated coolly.

“Ye Hao,” Leng Xue approached and pleaded, “Can't you give them a chance?”

After a brief silence, Ye Hao replied, “I cannot.”

“Ye Hao.”

“If you weren't there when you were needed, then don't show up when you're not.”

Leng Xue instantly realized that Ye Hao was chiding her for her late arrival. “I was tied up with something,” she explained.

“If you had been a minute later, Meng Yongyan's head would have been cracked open,” Ye Hao remarked evenly.

“Take them away,” Zhang Cheng commanded, escorting Meng Yongyan and the twelve students out.

The dean exhaled a resigned sigh. “Ye Hao, please forgive them.”

“Director, they'll be out in half a month,” Ye Hao said with a smile. “My earlier actions were simply to teach them to consider the consequences before acting.”

The dean paused, then gave Ye Hao a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “Try not to be so harsh next time.”

“I'll be mindful of that.”

Once the dean had departed, Leng Xue fixed Ye Hao with a stern gaze.

“Miss Leng, I need to request a day off,” Ye Hao deftly shifted the conversation.

“Why do you need a day off?”

“To pick up a friend.”

“Go ahead,” Leng Xue consented after a moment's thought.

Later, Ye Hao chatted briefly with Yuan Gaoxing and the others before heading to Glento Airport with Tang Pianpian.

Unbeknownst to Ye Hao, a woman in the crowd was silently observing the entire scene. As she watched Ye Hao and Tang Pianpian walk away side by side, a wave of disappointment washed over her.

”This jerk,” Bai Hehua muttered, poised to confront him, but the woman beside her intervened. “What are you planning to do?”

“Ye Hao is being unfaithful. I'm going to teach him a lesson,” Bai Hehua declared, fists clenched with anger.

“Don't be ridiculous,” Zhang Lan countered, looking at Bai Hehua. “Ye Hao and I are not in a relationship.”

“You're lying!” Bai Hehua refused to accept Zhang Lan's words.

“I've been pursuing Ye Hao, but he hasn't accepted my advances. He has the right to choose. Besides, this isn't your concern,” Zhang Lan stated earnestly.

“I'm doing this for your own good,” Bai Hehua said, stamping her foot in frustration.

“I know,” Zhang Lan replied, but suddenly felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. Bai Hehua quickly stepped forward to catch Zhang Lan as she fainted.

Ye Hao and his team had a brief meeting with Taishi Xiu and hammered out the details of their collaboration. Immediately afterward, Taishi Xiu purchased a plane ticket to Blidon. He couldn't possibly develop an app on his own. For this project, Taishi Xiu needed to leverage his network, which is why Ye Hao offered him a salary of five million yuan.

“Will you come with me to look at the office buildings?” Tang Pianpian asked, her eyes shining with hope.

Ye Hao nodded in agreement.

Tang Pianpian had already shortlisted a few office buildings the night before. Today, she made her final choice, selecting one of the floors as their new office space, which had an annual rent of three million yuan. Ye Hao put down a fifty thousand yuan deposit, planning to handle the remaining funds when signing the lease in two days.

To Ye Hao's surprise, at three in the afternoon, he received a text message: “Your bank account has received 28,888,000 yuan.”

“The money's in,” Ye Hao showed the message to Tang Pianpian.

“With these funds, I'm confident we can develop the app. Once it draws interest from other investors, we can seek external financing,” Tang Pianpian murmured.

Fundraising is commonplace in the business world. Without capital, a businessman can't raise the necessary funds to grow his company.

“You make the call,” Ye Hao said.

“Now that we have the funds, let's go order some office supplies,” Tang Pianpian suggested softly, eager to get started.

Ye Hao was about to agree when his phone rang.

“Miss Lan, have you arrived?”

Ye Hao had shared the news of the fitness pill with Lan Qingqing after receiving it from Xiao Ming the day before. Unexpectedly, Lan Qingqing had hurried to Glento immediately. Ye Hao's face grew somber with the thought. Lan Qingqing wouldn't have come so quickly unless the situation was dire.

Miss Lan's soothing voice came through from the other end of the line, “I've just arrived at Glento airport. I'm heading to the Scarlet Raven Hotel next.”

“Alright, I'm on my way there now,” Ye Hao responded gently.

“See you soon.” After Lan Qingqing finished speaking, she was seized by another fit of violent coughing. After a spell of coughing with her hand over her mouth, her palm was filled with fresh blood.

A middle-aged noblewoman spoke with a hint of disdain, “I believe Qingqing ought to be resting at home, but she's been swayed by that college kid's tall tales. She seems to be in such agony.”


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