Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 - Securing a Room

“How did you know?” Tang Pianpian stepped forward and inquired.

“This isn't an illness, so medication won't help,” Ye Hao said, locking eyes with Tang Pianpian.

Ye Hao's words seemed so incredible that Tang Pianpian was momentarily speechless.

“Let's talk,” Ye Hao suggested, hanging the IV bag on the stand with a serious demeanor.

“Okay.” Tang Pianpian had come to the infirmary specifically to get some sleep aids.

Xiao Laoshi watched, dumbfounded, as Tang Pianpian followed Ye Hao out. What was happening? Ye Hao had convinced Tang Pianpian to go with him in just a few words? It was astonishing.

Ye Hao and Tang Pianpian found a bench and sat down.

“What do you actually know?” Tang Pianpian pressed.

“You have a magical beast inside you.”

“A magical beast?” Tang Pianpian's expression turned incredulous. “How could there possibly be a magical beast in this world?”

“The mysteries of this world are far beyond what you can imagine,” Ye Hao said with a chuckle. “The magical beast inside you is called the Nightmare Incarnate, which is why you experience nightmares every time you sleep.”

As Ye Hao explained, Tang Pianpian slowly started to trust his words.

“How can I resolve this issue?”

“I'm not yet capable of resolving it,” Ye Hao admitted, shaking his head.

“What impact will the Nightmare Incarnate have on me?”

“It will relentlessly torment your mind until you can no longer bear it,” Ye Hao answered.

Tang Pianpian understood all too well what it meant for her mind to collapse.

“How did the Nightmare Incarnate end up inside me?”

“You've just had some bad luck.”

Tang Pianpian was taken aback.

“What do you mean?”

“There are some things I can't disclose to you,” Ye Hao said, shaking his head.

Ye Hao wasn't deceiving Tang Pianpian. With the collapse of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, it was expected that ghosts and demons would escape. It made sense that the Nightmare Incarnate would attach itself to her.

“So, what should I do?” This was Tang Pianpian's primary concern.

“Wait here for me,” Ye Hao decided after a moment's thought.

“Where are you headed?”

“I'm heading back to my dorm room.”

It wasn't long before Ye Hao approached Tang Pianpian.

“Feeling sleepy?” Ye Hao inquired.

“I'm exhausted.” Tang Pianpian hadn't rested for a full day and night. How could she not be?

“If you're that tired, you should sleep now.”

“Here?” Tang Pianpian responded, taken aback.

“I really want to test if this item is effective.” Ye Hao said, revealing the bronze dagger he was holding.

Tang Pianpian eyed the dagger with curiosity and asked, “What's this?”

“It's a spirit treasure capable of slaying magical beasts,” Ye Hao explained with a grin.

“Are you certain it will work?” Tang Pianpian pressed.

“The Nightmare Incarnate won't kill you right away, so there's no harm in sleeping.”

Tang Pianpian shot Ye Hao a look of annoyance and remarked, “That was quite impolite of you.”

“Just try to sleep. If the spirit treasure fails, I'll have to figure out another solution,” Ye Hao deftly shifted the conversation.

After a brief pause, Tang Pianpian admitted, “I can't sleep in this place.”

Tang Pianpian couldn't relax enough to sleep with an unfamiliar guy watching over her, especially not on a campus chair.

“So, what's our next move?” Ye Hao asked, at a loss for words.

“Maybe we should book a hotel room?” Tang Pianpian suggested after a moment's thought, her lips pursed.

She was desperate for sleep after being tormented by the Nightmare Incarnate for days on end.

“Alright, let's go,” Ye Hao responded nonchalantly.

“If you even think of taking advantage of me while I'm asleep…” Tang Pianpian warned, shaking her fist at Ye Hao.

“Don't flatter yourself,” Ye Hao retorted with a dismissive glance.

“I'm a Taekwondo master, you know.”

“That's just basic stuff,” he dismissed.

“What did you just say?” Tang Pianpian challenged, blocking his path.

“So, are we getting that room or what?”

The suggestion hung in the air, oddly suggestive.

As Tang Pianpian and Ye Hao stepped out of the school gates, she reached out to hail a taxi.

“Isn't there a motel right over there?” Ye Hao gestured towards the nearby hotel.

Tang Pianpian gave Ye Hao an exasperated look and said, “Do you really want the whole school to find out we're checking into a hotel together?”

The hotel's proximity to the school made Tang Pianpian apprehensive about being seen.

“Fine, have it your way,” Ye Hao said with a laid-back attitude. He was indifferent to the location; she preferred a hotel a bit further away.

Tang Pianpian pulled up the Quincize Maps app and after a brief search, she instructed the taxi driver to head for a hotel a little more distant from the school.

Upon their arrival, Tang Pianpian handed her ID to the receptionist.

“Room 301.” The receptionist passed the key card to Tang Pianpian.

She nodded in acknowledgment and joined Ye Hao in the elevator to Room 301.

As they entered Room 301, a man emerging from the room across the hall caught sight of them and his face registered shock.

Tang Pianpian was at a hotel with a man!

Zhuo Jing blinked in disbelief and eavesdropped at the door.

Before long, he recognized Tang Pianpian's voice.

“It really is Tang Pianpian,” Zhuo Jing muttered to himself, taking a deep breath.

He was astonished that Tang Pianpian, known for her aloofness towards boys, was now in a hotel room with one.

After a moment's contemplation, Zhuo Jing decided to inform Wei Tuo.

Wei Tuo was among Tang Pianpian's admirers. Zhuo Jing had once pursued her himself, leading to a rivalry with Wei Tuo. However, recognizing Wei Tuo's capabilities, Zhuo Jing had quickly abandoned his pursuit and instead became Wei Tuo's sidekick.

Zhuo Jing returned to his room across the hall, where a woman was applying the finishing touches to her outfit.

“Zhuo Jing, you're back already?” she cooed, casting a seductive glance his way.

Zhuo Jing signaled for her to be quiet and dialed Wei Tuo's number.

“Zhuo Jing, what's the matter?” came Wei Tuo's clear voice as the call connected.

“Wei Tuo, I've come across something. Want to hear about it?” Zhuo Jing held back on immediately divulging Tang Pianpian's situation.

After a brief silence, Wei Tuo responded, “Go ahead.”

“I spotted Tang Pianpian staying with a man at the Royal Ridge Hotel on Midtown Welp.”

“Repeat that!”

Zhuo Jing reiterated his previous statement with emphasis.

“I'm tied up in a meeting in Clester. Start investigating that guy right now. I want his details before I get back,” Wei Tuo instructed icily. “If you can't dig anything up, get in touch with Zheng Lang. I'll send you his contact info later.”


From Wei Tuo's tone, Zhuo Jing could already picture the grim fate awaiting Ye Hao.

But that was no longer Zhuo Jing's concern.

Truth be told, Zhuo Jing wished death upon Ye Hao, enraged that the goddess he couldn't win over had been intimate with Ye Hao.

At that moment, he was tempted to burst in and give Ye Hao a thrashing.

Tang Pianpian lay in bed with her eyes shut, yet they soon flickered open.

“I can't sleep.”

“You'll drift off soon enough.”

“Ye Hao, is what you're telling me actually true? Are there really magical beasts out there?”

“Consider the enduring tales of witchcraft from the Southern Borderland, Black Magic from Thailand, and Corpse Driving from Cuvine. Do you seriously think they're all fabrications?” Ye Hao asked, his voice tinged with amusement.


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