Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 45

Chapter 45 - Three Roommates

Cultivation was never a feat to be achieved overnight.

For the past two months, Ye Hao had dedicated himself to cultivation day and night, yet he had not reached the first layer of the Body Refining Realm.

Nonetheless, Ye Hao sensed he was on the cusp of this milestone. He believed that within another fortnight, he would attain that level.

However, at this juncture, Ye Hao had to cease his cultivation, as Riverdale College was set to commence classes in two days.

Guo Xiu had meticulously prepared Ye Hao's luggage well in advance.

Looking at the two hefty suitcases, Ye Hao gave a wry smile and remarked, “Mom, this seems to be a bit excessive.”

“We're still short,” Guo Xiu replied while massaging her temple, murmuring to herself, “I need to think if I've forgotten anything else.”

“Mom, as long as I have my ID and bank card, the rest isn't necessary,” Ye Hao gently suggested. “I can purchase what I need locally.”

“Here's the bank card I got for you. The PIN is your birthday,” Guo Xiu said as she handed Ye Hao the card.

Ye Hao placed the bank card into the black wallet Guo Xiu had purchased for him.

“Also, here's three thousand yuan in cash,” Guo Xiu continued, presenting three bundles of bills. “Don't carry too much cash on you; three thousand should suffice.”

“That will be plenty,” Ye Hao replied, smiling.

“There's one hundred thousand yuan on this card. If you run out, just let me know.”

“One hundred thousand yuan?” Ye Hao responded, astonished.

Previously, Ye Zhiguo would never have given Ye Hao such a sum in one lump. But now, having witnessed his son's capabilities, they deemed it necessary to provide him with more financial resources.

Ye Hao accepted without demur.

Preferring not to reside on campus, Ye Hao faced the high cost of living in Glento, which boasted the nation's most expensive housing market. This hundred thousand yuan would alleviate many of his financial concerns.

Riverdale College was among the most elite medical universities in Castoace, second only to the Cypress Institute. In the realm of traditional medicine research, it even surpassed the Cypress Institute, largely due to its president, Hwa Xu, a luminary in the medical community.

Ye Hao, slightly exasperated, pushed two large suitcases under the blazing sun, making his way half the distance to Riverdale College before finally spotting it. He then noticed two upperclassmen approaching him.

Ye Hao was aware that they were there to welcome new students.

To his surprise, however, the two upperclassmen walked right past him, heading towards a girl standing behind him.

Ye Hao muttered a curse under his breath.

Riverdale College had clear signage, so Ye Hao easily located the registration area.

After paying his tuition, he received the key to his dormitory.

His new home was Room 101 in Block 2.

Upon opening the door to Room 101, the two students inside ceased their conversation.

“You must be Ye Hao?” a dark-skinned student asked with a welcoming smile.

Ye Hao nodded and replied, “Do you guys also live here?”

“Yes. Let me introduce myself. I'm Xiao Laoshi, from Groby in Trery.”

“Your name is quite unique,” Ye Hao remarked with a smile. “I'm from Weyphia.”

“It's the name my parents chose. I guess there's no changing it now,” Xiao Laoshi said, scratching his head with a good-natured grin.

“I'm from Naymouth,” interjected another strikingly handsome student. “My name is Zheng Xiaolong.”

“That explains why you two were having such a lively chat. You're both from the same place,” Ye Hao realized.

Just then, a student soaked in sweat entered, bouncing a basketball before tossing it into a corner.

“I'm Yuan Gaoxing from Chille,” he announced.

“And I'm Ye Hao, also from Weyphia,” Ye Hao introduced himself.

Yuan Gaoxing nodded, peeled off his sweaty shirt, and said, “Ye Hao, tidy up your bed. We'll head out for lunch at noon.”

Ye Hao glanced at his luggage and chose the bed nearest the bathroom.

The dormitory had only four beds.

The other three, more desirable, beds were already taken, leaving Ye Hao with no choice but the one he was left with.

The bed was filthy.

Ye Hao cleaned his bed three times over.

It took him an hour to organize his belongings.

Yuan Gaoxing checked his watch and announced, “Time to go.”

Yuan Gaoxing opted for a restaurant close to the campus. Once the group settled into the private room, they started chatting. Initially, there was a hint of restraint among the four, but as they knocked back a few beers, the conversation flowed more freely.

“Our class has some real beauties,” Zheng Xiaolong said with a grin.

“How do you know?” Yuan Gaoxing's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

“I can't reveal my sources. But if you're interested in pursuing them, you'd better move fast,” Zheng Xiaolong advised, prompting Yuan Gaoxing to reflect for a moment. “Can you get their contact info?”

“The counselor is setting up a class QQ group tonight. You can get their contact details through that,” Zheng Xiaolong explained, pausing before adding, “But you're off-limits when it comes to Bai Hehua.”

“We're aware she's your girl,” Xiao Laoshi chimed in quickly.

“She's not my girlfriend yet,” Zheng Xiaolong corrected as he lit a cigarette. “But I have a feeling she will be someday.”

“By the way, do you know who our school's belle is?” Yuan Gaoxing interjected with a new question.

“Tang Pianpian,” Zheng Xiaolong answered without hesitation. “Haven't you seen the girl's picture on the admission notice?”

“That's Tang Pianpian?” Ye Hao expressed his astonishment. Indeed, Tang Pianpian seemed like a celestial being gracing the earth with her presence.

“Right from the start, Tang Pianpian was named the campus belle at Riverdale College. She retained the title into her sophomore year. I doubt anyone in our cohort could surpass her beauty,” Zheng Xiaolong commented. “Many upperclassmen say that as long as Tang Pianpian is here, no one else stands a chance at being the campus belle.”

“Does Tang Pianpian have a boyfriend?” Yuan Gaoxing inquired cautiously.

“No,” Zheng Xiaolong stated emphatically. “Tang Pianpian is a super achiever at Riverdale College, only ever seen in the classroom, cafeteria, dorm, or library.”

“Over the years, plenty of guys have tried to win Tang Pianpian over, but she's never been interested in dating any of them.”

Zheng Xiaolong turned to Yuan Gaoxing and inquired, “Are you interested in pursuing Tang Pianpian?”

“I am considering it,” Yuan Gaoxing admitted without concealing his intentions.

“Well, I wish you the best of luck,” Zheng Xiaolong said, lifting his glass in a toast.

The group carried on with their drinking.

Once they had finished their meal, it came time to pay the check.

Ye Hao was taken aback to see Zheng Xiaolong, who had been so animated during the meal, now trying to avoid paying.

“How about we split the bill?” suggested Yuan Gaoxing with a grin.

“No, let me cover it,” Xiao Laoshi interjected, pulling out his wallet.

“Here, use my card,” Ye Hao said, offering his bank card to Xiao Laoshi before anyone else could.


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