Unserious Beast Tamer

Chapter 368 - 225 Special Invitation_l

Chapter 368: Chapter 225 Special Invitation_l

The next morning.

Xu Ran let out a sigh, slowly opening his eyes.

Feeling his current condition, his face revealed a hint of surprise.

Meditation, is quite a strenuous task, not only does it require clearing out distractions to sense the surrounding forces, it also demands active energy absorption, allowing the energy existing between heaven and earth to merge with contract power, thereby enhancing oneself.

Therefore, unlike resting with eyes closed, long-term meditation can lead to consistent fatigue. After reaching a certain extent of meditation, it is necessary to adjust and recover depleted energy through sleep or other rest methods.

The purple object that Xu Ran previously used, the Meditation Acceleration Card, even though it provides hundredfold speed, it doesn’t make Xu Ran feel the hundredfold fatigue, nor does it reduce the fatigue caused by normal meditation.

Even after using the Meditation Acceleration Card, Xu Ran would still normally feel the fatigue.

This was why Xu Ran could only meditate during the first half of the night and had to sleep during the second half.

But now, Xu Ran surprisingly found another magical effect of the Advanced Meditation Acceleration Card, which was to completely remove the fatigue during the process of meditation.

A whole night of meditation, he didn’t feel fatigued at all, instead, he felt very energetic as though he had had a good sleep.

This means, he can meditate for a longer time in the future, he could only meditate for half the night before, but now he can meditate for the whole night.

The meditation time almost doubled, coupled with the six hundred times acceleration after the stacking of the two different Meditation Acceleration Cards, the efficiency of Xu Ran’s meditation increased twelve times as much as when he used only the Meditation Acceleration Card.

Red Reward, terrifyingly effective.

“It’s really advanced…” Xu Ran mumbled and then turned his head to see the three little ones lying beside his bed.

The three little ones, who used to wake up when he was awake, now are like they have stayed up late, they only slightly moved their bodies when they heard his awakening, and then fell back into a deep sleep.

His cellphone was placed right next to the three little ones.

“You three…”

Xu Ran laughed at their antics, guessing they had taken a sneak peek at the King-level resources that could be redeemed with points on his cellphone while he was meditating last night.

Without waking them, Xu Ran quietly went downstairs after washing up and soon appeared on the basement floor.

With the sound of “clang, clang, clang,” the fostered pet beasts musically filled the entire fosterage space and quickly surrounded Xu Ran.

“Good morning!” Xu Ran greeted them with a smile, then started serving their food bowls one by one and said, “In the following period, I won’t be the one preparing your meals.”

“But don’t worry, the food will be as delicious as always.”

Upon hearing Xu Ran’s words, the residents threw him a curious and surprised look.

“I will be absent from the shop for a while.” Xu Ran took a bowl of freshly cooked Handmade Beef Noodles and sat on a stone to eat, “You stay here and make yourselves at home during this time.”

Upon hearing this, a feeling of reluctance showed in the eyes of the fostered pet beasts.

They had grown accustomed to eating Xu Ran’s food and had come to like everything here, some even didn’t want to return to their Beast Masters anymore.

A home away from home.

“Alright.” Having quickly finished his noodles and seeing the residents had also finished their meals, Xu Ran started to clear the food bowls, then his figure disappeared on the spot.

Watching Xu Ran’s retreating figure, the Bright Spirit among the beasts blinked with a slight shimmer of light, then nudged the Rapid Combat Bee on one side and the Three-headed Demon on the other side.

The three pet beasts that spent all day together began to communicate quietly in a way they could understand.

“This human and his three pets surpassed us yesterday…”

“Now that he’s leaving, is it our chance to overtake?”

“What are you waiting for, improve your strength! Among us three, you are the weakest!”

“What? The weakest one is clearly you!”

The three pet beasts of Fang Yuling argued over “who was the weakest” and reached a conclusion.

Whatever the case, let’s tell the Beast Master about this first!

“Welcome back!”

Xu Ran waved at another client who had come to receive their pet, smiling on his face.

Because he topped the Leadership Level Beast Master leaderboard last night, there were more customers today than before.

Not only that, the previously slowing fame suddenly skyrocketed last night, making its increasing speed fast once again.

The rapid increase in fame was due in part to his topping the Leadership Level Beast Master leaderboard, and more importantly, because he had surpassed Fang Yuling.

The former was mostly followed by Leadership Level Beast Masters, while the latter was followed by Beast Masters of all levels in Xieyun City, so naturally, the discussion was much more intense.

The genius daughter of Chairman Fang was surpassed by her peer, it’s big news. Some even started guessing, how would Chairman Fang react when he heard the news.

[MainTask 3: Out with the old, in with the new

Task Description: Please have the host open a branch shop in a Second Level Town and reach 70% local fame (43.6/70).

Task Reward: Three System Clerks, System Upgrade Experience +400]

With a 3.6% increase in just one day, Xu Ran’s smile thickened.


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