Unserious Beast Tamer

Chapter 330 - 199 - Open-minded Grandfather

Chapter 330: Chapter 199 – Open-minded Grandfather


Translator: 549690339


Looking at the shop that had returned to normal, Xu Ran couldn’t help but feel moved.

What a generous Grandfather He.

At the same time, his curiosity about He’s Martial Arts Hall grew.

It seems that he should find an opportunity to visit them.

“That Starfire Foster Care Shop is just a short way ahead.”

On the street, Li Dajin lowered his gaze slightly and concealed the grin in his eyes, pointing ahead.

Behind him were five people, three men and two women.

They maintained a certain distance from each other, seeming to not know each other but yet obliged to walk together for a common purpose with resigned looks on their faces.

“Mr. Li, I still feel your earlier words might be exaggerated.” A lady in a long dress slowly began, “How can a pet shop that just recently opened pose a threat to our shops which have been operating for decades?”

“Hrnph-” After the lady finished, a middle-aged man with split-end whiskers sneered, “Our Beast Washing Foster Store will naturally not be threatened by such small fry, but it might not be the same for your Pearl Foster Shop.” “Then why did you come?” The lady calmly looked at the split-whiskered man, showing no indication of anger at his provocation.

The man with split whiskers did not answer, only adjusting his whiskers with his thumb and forefinger.

A tall thin man standing somewhat close to him spoke up, “After all, Brother

Du has the freedom to go where he pleases.”

“Everyone knows that your Emperor Foster Shop and Beast Washing Foster Store are in cahoots, what’s the honor in bullying a woman!” The man dressed most formally of the group snorted, while sneaking peeks at the lady.

“Ha, bootlicker!” The tall man scoffed disdainfully.

“You…” The formally-dressed man’s face grew cold and was about to retort when he was interrupted by the only short-haired woman in their group.

“Is that it up ahead?”

The woman showed an expression of surprise as she pointed towards a shop not far in front of them, “So many people are queuing up, didn’t they just recently open?”

Upon hearing her words, everyone’s attention shifted to the Starfire Foster Shop. Their countenances reflected their unease.

After only a few days, such a long queue had formed?

Li Dajin’s words were not false; if they ignored this, the business of their shops might indeed be affected.

Li Dajin was puzzled by the long line himself, but upon noticing a particular group of people, his smile widened.

“You misunderstand, those queuing outside are not necessarily customers.” “Yesterday, the owner of this shop usurped the first place in the Personal Power Listing for Leadership Level Beast Masters, replacing Grandmaster He Hongtu of He’s Martial Arts Hall who had held the position for dozens of years. He also offended He’s Martial Arts Hall in the process.”

“These seem to be people from He’s Martial Arts Hall.” The split-whiskered man interjected with an odd expression playing on his face, “Mr. Li, you’re implying that…”

“Exactly, these people are most likely here to cause trouble for this shop, just like us.” Li Dajin chuckled, “Isn’t it quite a coincidence?”

“Regardless, even if they were really customers, they would not pose a threat to our Emperor Foster Shop.” The tall man’s face relaxed slightly and hastily added, “His popularity is merely temporary. They won’t be able to retain customers without proper service.”

“Brother Qi is correct.” The man with split whiskers subgroup-consciously touched his beard with his forefinger and thumb, nodding in agreement.

“Hehe, let’s go.” Li Dajin laughed, a glint in his eyes, “Let’s see what the Starfire Foster Care Shop is really capable of.”

Xu Ran’s appearance atop his head could be likened to trampling on Li Dajin while he was advertising his own shop. Doing such a thing always came at a price.

The group of six quickly walked towards the shop, ignoring the queue of disciples from He’s Martial Arts Hall standing outside the door, heading directly towards the entrance.

They were suddenly stopped by several muscular hands.

“Stop!” The disciple from He’s Martial Arts Hall who reached out to halt them looked stern, “Can’t you see we’re all queuing? Go to the back!”

“Queue…?” Li Dajin momentarily felt awkward as he readjusted his glasses. For some reason, he had a sudden premonition.

The expressions of the five pet shop owners standing behind him shifted slightly.

Who would queue up when they came looking for trouble?

Unless… these guys weren’t here to stir up trouble, but really brought their pet beasts for fosterage or other business at this shop.

“Haha, you misunderstand, we’re not here for any washing and protection services or other business,” Li Dajin chuckled, “We’re here to speak to the boss of this store.”

“Is that so?” The leading disciple from He’s Martial Arts Hall looked at Li Dajin incredulously, slowly lowering his hand that was in front of him, “Then I apologize for misunderstanding.”

After him, the others who had their hands out to stop the six men also slowly put their hands down.

Without saying a word, Li Dajin walked straight into the shop.

But those who followed him in were no longer the original five.

The beautiful woman’s eyes shone with curiosity as she suddenly reached out to stop the shorter-haired woman next to her, subtly shaking her head. The shorter-haired woman’s eyes flickered, seemingly catching on to what the beautiful woman was implying, and stayed put, not making a move to follow. The well-dressed man who had always been observing the beautiful woman, also silently stopped in his tracks now.

The only ones who followed Li Dajin were a small mustachioed man and a skinny tall man.

One was the owner of the Beast Washing Foster Store and the other was the owner of the Emperor Foster Shop.

The former was recognized as the top foster store offering washing and protection services in Xieyun City. The latter was the only shop in Xieyun City that could foster Overlord stage and Emperor stage pet beasts. Even Chairman Fang who was an Emperor Level Beast Master, had once fostered his pet beasts at this shop.

“Welcome to…?”

Xu Ran, who had just finished the washing and protection service for a previous customer, sensed someone entering the store and instinctively greeted them. Puzzlement filled his eyes as he glanced at the queue that was still a long line outside the door, “I’m sorry, please join the queue.” “Haha, it seems Boss Xu Ran has misunderstood something,” Li Dajin said with a push of his glasses and resumed his smile, “Allow me to introduce, this is…” “I’m sorry, everyone has to wait in line,” Xu Ran pointed outside unflinchingly. With so many customers waiting in line, it wouldn’t be fair to let someone cut


Interrupted, anger flashed across Li Dajin’s eyes.

Before he could continue, the mustachioed man behind him grunted, “Quite arrogant, aren’t you? Just a mere foster shop that’s only opened a few days ago”

“And these prices.” The skinny tall man quickly interjected, pointing to the price menu he had just seen, “With these rates, can you look yourself in the mirror and justify them?”

“I can, and they’re justified.” Xu Ran patted his own chest, unwavering and turned his head towards the door, “Uh… is it Li Dong? Come in together!” “Coming!” The leading disciple from He’s martial arts hall sprinted into the shop, a respectful smile replacing the arrogance he had shown initially, “Brother Xu, what’s up?”

“These three came to cause trouble.” Xu Ran indicated the three men before him, and then shouted to the outside, “Next please-”


Li Dajin and his companions wore surprised and angry expressions. Before they could react, they saw Li Dong’s jovial smile twist into a menacing snarl. The old master had said, anyone that came to stir up trouble, makes for excellent practice!


“Brothers, let’s get to work!” With Li Dong’s command, ten and more disciples from He’s martial arts hall rushed into the shop.

Surrounded by these burly men, Li Dajin and his companions were like small lambs caught in a pack of wolves. Without a chance to resist, they were promptly lifted and tossed out of the shop.

“Thump-” x3

As the beautiful, short-haired woman, and the well-dressed man looked at the three men sprawled before them, they exchanged glances, and silently took their places at the end of the queue.


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