Unrivaled Martial Emperor

Chapter 512 - A Desperate, Hopeless Situation?

Chapter 512 - A Desperate, Hopeless Situation?

“Do it, now!”

A sudden and shocking event unfolded on the battlefield.

“Ah!” A miserable scream resounded throughout the world.

Immediately, chaos engulfed the ranks of the Spring Autumn Sect.

“Duan Jingtian, what are you doing?” A furious roar shook the heavens.

“What am I doing? I’m killing people, of course. Can’t you see that!” Duan Jingtian smiled eerily, thrusting his halberd again, striking down a ninth-level Core Formation realm grand elder with swift brutality, not even leaving a corpse behind.

This unexpected betrayal threw the Spring Autumn Sect into disarray.

No one could have anticipated that Duan Jingtian would treacherously attack one of their own.

There weren’t many ninth-level Core Formation realm grand elders in the entire sect, so they were crucial for their defense against the Blood Demon Cave. The loss could break the current stalemate, causing the Spring Autumn Sect’s side to slip into a dangerous situation.

“Ahhh!” Another miserable scream rang out.

Caught off guard by the betrayal, the Spring Autumn Sect faltered momentarily. The Blood Demon Cave’s side immediately seized the opportunity and heavily injured several grand elders.

Many Spring Autumn Sect disciples were also caught off guard and were killed off one after another. A rain of blood spattered; wailings could be heard everywhere.

With this betrayal, the stalemate was shattered, plunging the Spring Autumn Sect into a dire crisis.

The higher-ups had barely fended off the blood demons’ attacks. So, the murder of a ninth-level Core Formation realm grand elder and the severe injury of several other high-level elders drastically weakened their defenses. They could no longer resist the Blood Demon Cave’s experts.

“Ah, damn it, Duan Jingtian, you deserve to die! You defected to the Blood Demon Cave; you deserve to die a thousand deaths for your sins!” The law enforcement grand elder had always been upright and hated evil. His voice and aura reverberated through the heavens as he struck out with a powerful palm strike aimed at Duan Jingtian, shaking the heavens.

The law enforcement grand elder was the strongest member of the Spring Autumn Sect, aside from the two Divine Nascent realm powerhouses. As a supreme expert of the Nine Revolutions of the Golden Core realm, his enraged attack had the potential to obliterate stars and shatter the universe.

Duan Jingtian’s expression darkened, but he was not afraid.

He was a gifted child of the heavens. With his immense strength, a single strike wasn’t enough to kill him.

“Break!” Duan Jingtian slashed with his halberd, breaking apart the attack.

Chen Fan’s expression also changed drastically.

This turn of events also caught him off guard. The saboteur, planted by the Blood Demon Cave within the Spring Autumn Sect, had finally revealed himself.

The revelation had thrown the Spring Autumn Sect into a hopeless situation.

Chen Fan finally learned the identity of the spy inside the Spring Autumn Sect. It wasn’t the sect elder, the merit elder, or the others.

“Hahahaha, good, very good. Kill them, wipe out the Spring Autumn Sect completely!” The eighteenth commander of the blood demons laughed out loud from above the nine heavens, his voice resounding throughout the world.

Meanwhile, Feng Baiyu’s expression turned completely frosty.

He had never suspected his favored disciple to be from the Blood Demon Cave, delivering a fatal blow to the Spring Autumn Sect at the critical moment. It was infuriating—Duan Jingtian deserved to die!

An intense look of regret appeared on Feng Baiyu’s face.

Had he known Duan Jingtian was from the Blood Demon Cave, he never would have protected him. He would have allowed Chen Fan to kill Duan Jingtian earlier, preventing this catastrophe.

“Hahahaha, Feng Baiyu, didn’t expect that, did you? Haha, you spent all that time doing your best to nurture him and even saved his life not too long ago. This is my thank-you present for that. How is it? It must be a surprise, huh!” The eighteenth blood demon commander laughed out loud, hoping to provoke Feng Baiyu into making a mistake.

“All of you deserve to die!” Feng Baiyu’s gaze became incomparably icy. The storm of desolation in the nine heavens froze as an icy intent capable of nearly freezing the universe erupted, causing the eighteenth blood demon commander's eyes to narrow in alarm.

The eighteenth blood demon commander knew that Feng Baiyu was thoroughly enraged.


“Hahahaha, good job, Duan Jingtian. You did very well to achieve merit for the holy cult. After we wipe out the Spring Autumn Sect, the holy cult will surely reward you generously!” Young Master Xue Jia laughed out loud.

“All of you deserve to die!” Chen Fan shouted. The sound of him gnashing his teeth rang out and a terrifying chilling intent erupted from him.

“Die? Chen Fan, I have to admit you are indeed very strong, but now, victory no longer belongs to you. The Spring Autumn Sect is destined to be destroyed.

“ I can offer you a way out. Pledge your allegiance to our holy cult, and you'll be spared. Our cult is always willing to accept talents like you. What do you say?" Young Master Xue Jia smiled.

Chen Fan's response was swift and fierce—a thrust of his spear.


This attack shook heaven and earth, causing the ghosts and gods to weep, the winds and clouds to roll backward, the heaven to fall, and the earth to crack open. Young Master Xue Jia smelled the aura of death and his expression darkened, forcing him to dodge the attack.


The terrifying attack struck a hundred-thousand-foot-tall mountain and pierced through it. The entire mountain blew up, reduced to countless rocks. The whole of the Spring Autumn Sect felt the ground shaking for some time.

The Spring Autumn Sect was now in a dire crisis. Chen Fan needed to kill Young Master Xue Jia immediately, freeing himself to handle the disaster.

“What are you waiting for, Duan Jingtian? Let’s strike together and kill him!” Young Master Xue Jia immediately roared. His complexion changed slightly, glancing at the flattened mountain, feeling deeply shaken inside.

Swish, swish.

Duan Jingtian and another blood demon expert in the Nine Revolutions of the Golden Core realm flew over, hoping to bring Chen Fan down together by surrounding him.

The Spring Autumn Sect had lost a ninth-level Core Formation realm grand elder, and three others were heavily injured, severely compromising their combat strength. So, the blood demons could spare an expert or two for this fight.

“Duan Jingtian, I knew there was a spy in our sect long ago, but I never expected it to be you. If I had known, I would have slaughtered you back then!” Chen Fan said coldly, staring at Duan Jingtian with an icy gaze.

Chen Fan wanted to buy some time. Given his current strength, he couldn’t handle the siege of three experts unless he advanced to the ninth level.

“Unfortunately for you, that chance is gone. I need to thank the sect leader for stepping in. Otherwise, things wouldn’t have gone so smoothly for our holy cult’s attack today,” Duan Jingtian said coldly. “But it's pointless to regret now. Everyone, including you, will die. The Spring Autumn Sect will be annihilated!"

“Don’t bother wasting your breath on him. Let’s strike together and kill him, in case things go awry!” Another one-revolution Golden Core blood demon expert said with a savage expression.


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