Chapter 128 128. MEDITATION

Blood mixed with a black substance poured out of Noah's mouth, ears, nose, and even his skin, while he writhed in pure agony

In a matter of seconds the marble like floor was soaked in a disturbing amount of the weird blood.

The searing sensation continued for whole minutes, Noah having lost control of his mind a long time before then.

Flashes of his environment managed to get to his mind since he couldn't see because of his blood clouded eyes.

He eventually stopped bleeding, but something worse began. Disturbing crunching sounds escaped Noah's skin, whole sections of his skeleton hanging out in a gory fashion.

Noah directly lost consciousness multiple times in those minutes, no scream escaping his throat as it had been broken.

A few bone sharpnels had punctured his lungs, with some sticking out of his chest; causing a stream of blood which originated from his mouth.

It seemed his whole body was undergoing a significant change, a very painful one.

Noah's will to live faltered almost vanishing multiple times in those minutes, but he only strengthened it by managing to think of the his desire for revenge, before pain clouded his being.

The bone process went on for tens of minutes. Eventually his desire for revenge barely had any effect on his will-less mind.

The bone process, and the hot sensation eventually ended, but in return Noah felt his previously burning insides literally twist!

Noah felt all his internal organs apart from his heart, burst inside him, and he immediately couldn't breathe.

Noah felt his eyes suddenly get heavy, an intense desire to sleep landing on his body. A tinge of fear spread in his mind at that point. He knew the outcome of succumbing to that feeling, but he couldn't stop it.

'Am I seriously going to die here!,' Noah tried to sigh, but instead of air, blood flew out of his nose.

But just as he was about to shut his eyes, an Incredible wave of energy filled his body, all his organs instantly regrowing, the pain he experienced immediately stopping.

Noah felt all the energy in the room rush towards him, while his core Instantly emptied itself to heal him.

A second later he was totally fine, but he passed out anyway.




Noah eventually opened his eyes with a groan, followed by the most pungent smell he had ever perceived.

Quickly scanning his environment, to find the source of the smell, Noah realized that it came from him.

His eyes landed on his body at that point, but instead of his skin, Noah laid his eyes on a thick black mould that encased his body.

The black substance which had some slimy edge's, emitted the pungent smell.

'What the heck is this," Noah wondered, but he recalled James' explanation about Impurities.

The black stuff seemed to be the dried up waste blood and bones his body excreted during the painful transformation.

Noah broke free of the mould, an incredibly feeling of strength suddenly rushing through his body.

"Incredible!," Noah couldn't help but exclamain.

"It feels like I've been reborn. Again," Noah muttered while reveling in his strength.

"How long was I passed out," Noah eventually asked the system.

[[Approximately 2 days 8 hours 38 minutes and 16 seconds]]

Noah's mind froze immediately his eyes landed on those words and numbers.

He felt himself get dizzy, though he didn't, "Two day's," He muttered.

A few seconds passed then he let out a sigh, focusing on his body again.

Noah could clearly see that his skin had gotten stronger, far stronger than it did before, which confused him.

"Was the author wrong about the improvements the process would bring," Noah pondered.

His mind seemed to tremble at that thought, his instincts instantly noticing that his body was under constant empowerment, and he wasn't doing anything.

Noah could immediately notice his body use the speed essence around him, but they weren't under his control.

"I see. So basically I've gotten the natural ability to gain enhancement just by being around the speed essence," Noah nod his head, "But how do Improve more. Am I going to repeat the process multiple times," Noah pondered while trying to ignore the smell coming from the black substance.

His eyes fell on the golden book a few meters from his position, his naked body that gleamed in the rooms light, moving towards it.

Picking the book, Noah opened to the page he last read. Turning to the next one, his eyes landed an almost empty page with a just a few paragraphs written on it.

"With that stage complete, you can now begin refining your body. To advance you'll need to keep cultivating the speed essence until your body isn't improving," The writer started.

"You'll know when you breakthrough into new mid stages, as you'll experience the removal of Impurities again."

"There are more things you'll use this book for, but until you are ready you won't have access to it. Congratulations my Heir," The writer ended, while a panel instantly popped up, followed by an influx of information.

[You have gained >knowledge< Body cultivation(Incomplete)]

Noah Instantly knew the next step to take after that, but before he began, he walked to edge of the room to avoid the smell. He wished he could destroy it with ice, but he had not a single ounce of energy in his core.

Noah proceeded to sit cross-legged, then he closed his eyes and began to practice the knowledge he had gained.

​ According to the knowledge he currently possessed, to refine his body, Noah had to absorb the speed essence with his body.

Firstly he had to gain a better understanding of his new pathway, which was his body.

Noah spent over thirty minutes simply listening to his skin, muscles, bones and even organs react to that energy filled environment.

During that period of time, Noah also utilized his consciousness, which helped him see the insides of his body.

Noah observed that his organs hadn't changed much, apart from the yellow shade their structure had gotten, mixed with the natural red.

And due to this yellow shade he saw that they each palpitated with the speed forces' essence, allowing for constant enhancements.

Immediately he had gotten a better understanding of his body, he began cultivating. Noah commanded his skin to inhale the essence around him

The enhancements Instantly stopped, as that energy travelled down his skin, blood, muscles, bones then reached his Insides.

The essence that had arrived inside him spun for a few milliseconds, undergoing some type of transformation, before exploding outwards, in a wave of power, surprisingly touching every single part of Noah's insides.

Noah felt his internal organs get a bit durable. He felt his bones harden when that energy touched them, he felt his muscles get denser, his skin also hardening in the process, while the blood his heart pumped featured the speed essence inside of them.

Not even an instant passed before an even larger amount of essence rushed into his body and did the same thing.

Eventually the process became so fast it didn't seem like it would end

Noah felt his mind enter a deep state of relaxation and focus, the outside world fading into the background, as he directly cultivated for hours. The runes on the walls never stopped pouring essence into the room during that time.

Noah suddenly snapped out of his mediation, the feeling of abundant strength making his body pulse with essence. Coupled with the immediate enhancements, Noah looked liked a transformed man.

"So this is true meditation," Noah muttered, "How long did I cultivate?," Noah asked the system, while straightening his power-filled body.

[[9 hours]]

Noah arced an eyebrow at that point, but a smile eventually appeared on his face, while he read through the mulitiple panels that notified him of receiving different points directly into his stats, he was increasing his base power.

[You gained 299 points to your strength]

[You gained 236 points to your defense]

[You gained 80 points your stamina]

Those were few of the panels that he saw.

"I have to be honest I feel amazing," Noah suddenly announced, "I didn't expect the cultivation to be so potent," Noah remarked, while studying his body more.

The system remained silent even after a few seconds, but Noah didn't mind, he went over to the body cultivation manual, and tried to flip to its middle pages.

A slight wave of surprise spread Inside Noah, when he found that most of the books light-yellow pages which seemed to have not been affected by time, were empty.

He eventually discarded that detail when he recalled the writers words.

But there were still a few initial pages of the book that contained words with no diagrams, and Noah didn't hesitate to sit and read them.


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