Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

739 Chapter 735

Ilyana was also caught off-guard. She did expect that eventually, she would be forced to rewind the time of many dead people, but she didn't expect that she would have to do it for all of them. Still, with the help of Serena, she focused all her senses in that red cloud of blood and made time move backward. Suddenly, millions of humans were back to life, but Ilyana was forced to use an overwhelming amount of mana. Her whole body didn't get only numb, thanks to that. She began to bleed from all the pores of the body.

"Ilyana!" Leon shouted in shock.

"This is nothing," Ilyana forced a smile. "Let's focus on that thing."

However, the damage, despite having being countered by Ilyana, had already been done. The fear of losing finally was stuck in Leon's head and in the head of those who realized what just had happened. They died for real, and they were brought back to life… they died without being able to do a single thing. Many lost the fighting spirit and tried to run away again… only to be decimated like the others.

"How futile… I can't understand how all of you managed to survive when you only have this much willpower. Regardless, a few of you might counter my attacks, but I wonder for how long can you do it."

Leon, Ilyana, and Tyrselle had already used a lot of mana before their allies appeared, and after reversing the time of so many individuals, it was clear that they didn't have much more mana left, and the remaining they could use was being sucked by the monster. Even if they wait for a while for their recovery to help them, Leon couldn't see their victory ahead.

"I'm sorry, everyone," Leon bit his lips. "It looks like we don't have any other choice…"

Using the Absolute Mana Link as a medium, Leon used Skill Bestowal and gave everyone the knowledge of using Absolute Future Possession. It was the only thing they could do to turn the tide of the battle at that point in time. Despite all that, only a few individuals use it. Although they were facing a monster that could make everyone explode without effort, they hesitated in sacrificing their lifespan to beat it.

Those who used it without hesitation were Leon and his friends, Ilyana, Tyrselle, Sylas, and their followers, alongside Crik and his men. Only a couple of thousand people… however, considering all the strength they obtained by using such skill, they imagined that they had a chance.

"Don't hold back!" Leon roared. "Attack with everything you got!"

While he was charging toward the creator of the system, Leon had another idea. He passed to everyone the knowledge of how to use all the draconic skills. In the blink of an eye, Leon turned into a half-black dragon, and the others also transformed. Their power increased exponentially once again, and the small horde of half-dragons attacked the massive monster at the same time. Using magic was a waste of time, so they punched, kicked, headbutted with all their might.

After the first punch, Leon noticed that his fist was red, and a little blood was coming out from the spot he attacked. The same thing happened where his allies attacked… they could win. Leon smiled confidently. They wounded the beast, and if they could wound, they could kill it.

"Impressive… I congratulate all of you for reaching such a level of power. If only your goal were different, perhaps we could have worked together to find and learn everything that ever existed. It is truly a pity…"

Leon didn't know that he could feel goosebumps in that new body, but he felt some crazy ones. The monster was still as calm as ever, even though it was losing health. That much was nothing in their eyes. Noticing that their leaders could cause damage, many warriors decided to take their chances. Using Alternative Future Possession, they forced their bodies to become much stronger to the point where they could endure the draconic skills toll. However, after they transformed, those who wanted to join Leon and the others suddenly exploded. Things didn��t end there; the system's creator did the same thing to all others who weren't attacking him.

Ilyana clicked her tongue. Although their mana pool increased with the skills they used, there was a limit of how much she could do if she brings everyone back again. Yet, Ilyana did it. Those were the allies Leon had after working hard. They were her allies as well. Although most of them lost the will to fight, perhaps if she brings them back, they will understand that fighting is the only option.

The red cloud of blood and destroyed flesh disappeared and once again took shape in the form of their allies. However, Ilyana opened her eyes widely when she saw they getting destroyed again after a mere moment.

"If you want to oppose me that badly, then you will join them first."

When Leon heard that, he felt as if a cold hand grabbed his heart and begun to smash it. He couldn't let that happen… Leon wasn't as skilled as Ilyana in the control of time, and the current power he had to control time was thanks to Serena. If Ilyana dies, then all the spirits will disappear, and even if he learns time manipulation by himself as fast as possible, it wouldn't be enough.

"You don't have to panic, Leon. I already understood that this is meaningless. You and everyone else already served your purpose and taught me new things. So, as a sign of gratitude, I will erase all of you at the same time. That way, neither of you will be alone on the other side."

Leon bit his lips in annoyance. He couldn't remember many things that he hated as much as that attitude. Those old feelings returned to Leon's heart… he would die first instead of letting everyone die. Without considering his body's limits, Leon infused all the mana he could gather in his right fist. He would explode his whole body, and if he had to, but he wouldn't see his friends die again. In the blink of an eye, Leon gathered a stupid amount of mana and then let it explode while he punched the monster. That would definitely kill him, Leon could feel the mana of three Big Bangs behind that attack, but that much was fine. He would take the monster with him. Then, time stopped before his fist could land.

Leon couldn't move his body, but his conscience was still active. Using Clairvoyance, he decided to confirm the safety of everyone. However, he regretted that… one after the other, everyone exploded. Hector, Amanda, Maya, Gisela, Lennart, Tom, Sasha, Betty, Yuki, Ren, Tyrselle… and Ilyana. Their connection with the Absolute Mana Link was cut off, and Leon felt the spirits disappearing.

Trying to channel all that mana to transport them to the past, Leon focused all his senses, but then all the mana inside his body had gone wildly and begun to move insanely fast. Leon tried to control because he knew what would come next, but he failed… a moment later. Even Leon's strengthened body that was equivalent to a black dragon exploded. Leon died for the last time.


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