Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

727 Chapter 723

"I guess I can't deny it anymore," Leon smirked. "Gisela is really my disciple, all right."

Leon also fought in a near berserk state several times, so he could see that Gisela inherited his fighting spirit. Still, from time to time, Gisela would glare at Yuki, and Yuki would also return the glare. They weren't in a berserk state…they were just competing amongst themselves to see who is the strongest.

"Good grief…" Leon sighed. "Well, enough of this… it is time to end this."

Leon wondered for quite a while what he could do to make Tyrselle give up. To someone like her who had even more experience in using mana than Leon and Ilyana, only something beyond explanation would shock her to the point where she would lose all the will to fight. That was necessary because Leon also would need her power. After fighting for so long, Leon couldn't let himself be controlled by anger. Ilyana caused the death of his parents, but he couldn't let even that cloud his judgement. For the sake of his and everyone else's happy ending, he needed her.

Still, what would make someone who can cause the instant death of anyone with a snap of her fingers? There was only one event that was more powerful than a Supernova… the Big Bang. Still, Leon was fully aware that he couldn't move Tyrselle to another place, and using such an attack means also risking the human's lives. Despite all that, Leon decided to do it.

"148, 149… 150," Leon muttered when he felt the number of planets under his control had increased. "This should be enough. Well, now… how do I cause a Big Bang with mana, and how can I control it in order not to cause any deaths here?"

p Leon couldn't help but think that he was only causing more problems to himself, considering that he didn't want to cause more deaths. However, that was necessary. It wasn't because he was merciful. In the end, Leon decided to use his best talent: the talent of causing destruction.

Suddenly, the atmosphere on the planet began to vibrate. As if that wasn't weird enough, the planet also began to get hotter. Ilyana and Tyrselle soon realized what Leon was plotting when they saw him raising his hand upward, and they couldn't help but feel shivers while imagining what would happen if that thing gets out of control.

It took a while, but everyone else also saw what Leon was doing when the planet began to get brighter… too brighter. Several kilometers above the battlefield, everyone froze when they saw a massive white sphere that was still growing in size at a fearsome speed. Usually, mana can't be seen in its raw form, but something like that could happen once vast concentrations of mana gather in a single place. That was how mithril could be created, after all. Still, despite that, the mana wasn't turning into mithril, for some reason. Eventually, everyone understood why it didn't happen. It was because whoever created that had absolute control over their power.

After just a few minutes, the white sphere was already covering the whole sky. None of the armies were fighting anymore, and they couldn't even look at that sphere because it was just too bright. Besides, the heat caused by it was making everyone exhausted.

"I really hope that you know what you are doing," Ilyana said. "If you lose control over that…"

"I know…" Leon said and then took a deep breath and cleaned the sweat in his forehead since gathering that much mana was more than exhausting. "Here comes the grand finale…"

After gathering all the mana of the planets under his control, Leon started to make the sphere of mana shrink. If he wanted, he could make the sphere even bigger since even planets could recover their mana overtime, but that wouldn't help him in his purpose.

Every time the sphere decreased in size, the planet trembled. It was like the space around itself was being distorted since there was too much mana in a small place. Despite that, Leon didn't stop. Tyrselle watched him while he was doing that without moving a single inch. She was certain that Leon wouldn't risk everyone's lives just to defeat her. Besides, if anything, she was confident that she would survive the collision of their attacks. Her followers would die. She had made her mind a long time ago that she would reviver her little brother, no matter what. Even at the cost of the little conscience that she still has.

Leon felt that the nearby planets were already too close, and it wasn't just his massive sphere of mana that was messing with the gravitational field of the planet. He had to hurry. Otherwise, he would lose that golden chance… Surprisingly, Leon felt the strain in his body decreasing, and the bonus of his Lion's Pride also disappeared when he felt that Ilyana forcefully added her power to his Mana Link. Not only that, she put her hand on his right shoulder, and just like that, the speed at which the mana sphere was shrinking increased.

Following Ilyana, Hector, Amanda, and Maya did the same and put their hands on his shoulders. Their power couldn't be compared to Ilyana and Leon, but they also managed to increase Leon's control over the sphere of mana. Gisela, Yuki, Sasha Betty, Lennart, Tom, and Ren… they all did the same, and in no time, the sphere became the size of a soccer ball. Although no one, not even Leon, could look at the sphere directly, everyone could see the space distorting around it. Small flashes of lightning, sparks of flame, grains of dust, cold winds… were moving around the sphere. The mana wanted to take shape into something since it was its purpose, but Leon didn't let that happen.

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