Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

664 Chapter 662

"Hey… this is enough. I'm tired already," Leon said, almost begging.

"No, this isn't enough…" Ilyana said forcefully. "You will keep doing this until I feel satisfied."

Although those words might someone think that they were doing some adult activities, Leon and Ilyana were just training. Actually, only Leon was training, and Ilyana was providing him her mana.

Although Leon was thankful for the help, Ilyana didn't even give him time to delete the unnecessary memories of his replica training. So, in a single hour, Leon obtained the knowledge and experiences of almost forty years… he felt like his head was about to explode. However, thanks to that, he also obtained fifty thousand status points.

That pace was insane, but considering that Leon was literally sacrificing his lifespan to have access to more mana, those experiences were the only things that made him feel that he was actually living more than he could. Thanks to all that, Leon had an idea… but he hesitated in asking both Ilyana and Sekundez.

"Hey, Sekundez… I was wondering…" Leon said.

"Spit it out," Sekundez said.

Leon frowned. Sekundez was really in a bad mood for some reason. Thanks to that, Leon felt even less compelling to ask it.

,m "Is there exist a spell that can grant me to steal the time of someone?" Leon asked.

"I won't teach you something like that," Sekundez answered without a hint of hesitation. "Although you have the power to manipulate time to some extent and you can eradicate the life of someone, stealing their time is something different and despicable."

"I was just asking. No need to get so worked up," Leon shrugged. "Still… can you explain why that killing is acceptable and stealing time isn't?"

"When you kill someone or something, the spirit of that living being will still exist and might 'live' in another plane of existence," Sekundez explained. "However, when you steal the time of someone, you actually damage the spirit. If you damage the spirit of someone too much, the spirit will be destroyed, and the spirit won't have that chance."

Leon started to wonder if it wasn't fine just to destroy the spirits of all assholes in the universe. At the very least, Leon thinks that the woman who summoned the dragons to Earth, the shadowy bastard, and Netro deserved that. But that was just his hatred for them speaking. Besides, it was impossible to know what will happen to their spirits. There was a chance that they would reincarnate into different people without their previous memories and thus become decent beings, but then again, Leon wondered if they deserved that chance.

Considering that Ilyana also had a Sekundez working with her, she probably knew that. So, it would be a waste of time asking her about it such a thing. In fact, Leon began to worry about his state of mind, considering something like that wasn't one of the things he would do in the past. Now, he was even using two half-dead monsters and draining their memories just to get stronger. What would he do next if he keeps losing his sense of morals?

Congratulations! The skill of Health Zone has reached the max level.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Mana Zone has reached the max level.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Stamina Zone has reached the max level.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Power Zone has reached the max level.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Ability Zone has reached the max level.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Velocity Zone has reached the max level.

You obtained 01 status points.

Before Leon could think of what might happen next if he keeps losing his sense of morals, Ilyana made another break. Probably because she noticed that Leon was thinking about something troublesome, his concentration was wavering, and he was using all his mana to increase the speed of his mindscape, after all.

Regardless, Leon forgot about that because he finally reached a point where he mastered all the skills he obtained before he met Ilyana. At least the active ones… That was quite the memorable mark, but that only made Leon realize how he was on a never-ending journey. While those who want to get stronger still live, he would never have peace. Humans wouldn't have peace… they had to conquer the peace they wanted, and for that, they needed power. As if that wasn't the only thing Leon and all humans wished for themselves for the past nine hundred years.

"If I were you, I would stop right there," Ilyana said. "Second-guessing yourself won't end well considering the opponents we have to deal with."

"So, you noticed that, huh," Leon said.

"Obviously, you think that I didn't think the same things you did hundreds of times?" Ilyana frowned. "You and I became part of the system because were weak… the system is a tornado that sucks everything that is too weak to fight against it. Now, we have only three choices, deal with the enemies as they keep appearing, die, or find the creator of the system and kill him."

The options were extremely limited, but Leon knew that Ilyana was right. In the end, she also thought about the creator of the system several times, but since she didn't mention it, Ilyana probably didn't know what was their end goal either.

Considering how powerful that being could be and know intelligence, they managed to create something that might happen as a natural phenomenon and in several worlds. Leon could even begin to imagine was the end goal was… but considering how much death and suffering the system cause, Leon knew one thing. No matter what it was, it wasn't worth causing so much pain and destruction.


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