Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

635 Chapter 633

Leon sighed. As usual, Ilyana would cancel the Telepathy in order for her to have the last word. Still, Leon was fully aware that she was right. Regardless, he soon forgot about that because his spirits finally evolved. At some point, probably because of Darya's death, Leon forgot that his spirits would become even more human-like.

Congratulations! The skill Summon Volt's Fragment evolved to Summon Great Volt's Fragment.

Cost: 150 mana per second

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Summon Celsius' Fragment evolved to Summon Great Celsius' Fragment.

Cost: 150 mana per second

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Summon Undine's Fragment evolved to Summon Great Undine's Fragment.

Cost: 150 mana per second

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Summon Rem's Fragment evolved to Summon Great Rem's Fragment.

Cost: 150 mana per second

You obtained 01 status points.

Unlike the male spirits who were quite shameless and had the nerve to show themselves naked in front of him, Undine and Celsius appeared after evolving already wearing some pieces of armor. Both of them looked like he wanted to see Leon reacting in some sort of way, but he didn't. He was tired and wanted to finish that job as soon as possible in order to give Darya a proper funeral.

While Celsius was wearing full plate armor, Undine was wearing something like a bikini armor while she was smirking. In any case, since they were somewhat deeply related, both of them had similar features. Their hair of both was light blue and very long, but Undine looked more adult-like, but Leon was pretty sure that she was using mana to look like that. Also, Undine had a tail that made Leon recall one of the whales, but hers was a lot more slim and smaller.

As for Volt, he also appeared already wearing armor. However, he looked far more ominous than Celsius since his armor covered his whole body, even the head, and also emitted electricity. His armor had many spikes. Probably he would use those to emit even more mana.

"Thank you for your consideration, but I can't see your face," Leon said. "I didn't imagine you were that shy."

"You are welcome," Volt nodded. "My appearance is irrelevant, this armor and form would exponentially increase my power, so I'm satisfied with it. Thank you for this chance to evolve, Leon."

Rem somewhat looked like an angel; he also wings like the ones the real angels he faced in Celosie. Unlike his behavior, his new appearance made him look like a battle-hardened warrior. His muscles were impressive, even though he was only wearing a light armor that was supposed to protect his vitals… but Leon was pretty sure spirits didn't have any.

"Well… now what?" Leon rubbed his chin while facing the mountain of mithril in front of him.

"Hey… aren't you going to praise our new appearances?" Undine asked.

"I didn't think you would need any praise," Leon frowned. "Both of you looked like you are pretty satisfied with yourselves. Well… in any case, both of you look great. If I were in the mood, I would think of better adjectives, but unfortunately, I'm not."

Leon had to think of something because he noticed that Celsius also wanted to hear something nice. His life changed so much that he even forgot that even women who took a lot of pride in their appearances needed some praised now and then.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Dark Press.

Cost: 5000 mana per second

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Shadow Blast.

Cost: 4000 mana per second

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Darkness Shower.

Cost: 2000 mana per second

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Shadow Rush.

Cost: 2000 mana

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Darkness Torrent.

Cost: 3000 mana per second

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Dark Bomb.

Cost: 2000 mana

You obtained 01 status points.

Regardless, Leon decided to increase the passage of time inside his mindscape since he could use that mountain of mithril to do so. Besides, that would increase the leveling up the speed of Sekundez, so he didn't hesitate. That being said, it looked like it would take a while for that to happen. It also would take a while for his replica to analyze all the memories of the shadowy bastard.

"He sure knew a lot of skills of the dark attribute…" Leon scratched the back of his head.

It was weird, but even though his memories were being absorbed in that mindscape, the shadowy figure's body was still in the same place and also hundreds of kilometers away from the mithril mountain. Although spells had limits, the things one could do using mana were crazy.

"It will be a pain to keep this guy alive, but since he will be useful, I don't have any other choice," Leon said. "Sealing his spirit in a weapon is possible, and it will probably create the most powerful weapon I have ever seen, but keeping him alive will be more efficient."

Leon was pretty sure that he could grant him some memories and make him become loyal, but he didn't want to do that. Once the shadowy figure loses its use for Leon, he would smash him into bits… trying to make him into an ally would make that kind of thing difficult.

"I'd better focus…" Leon said and then sighed. "Although time on Earth passes at the pace as here, I want to spend my time there instead of here. It won't be so efficient since Acceleration isn't at the max level, but I will use the max output to use the mithril as fast as possible."


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