Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

577 Chapter 575

Congratulations! The skill Pyromancy has reached the max level.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Geomancy has reached the max level.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Cryomancy has reached the max level.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Aeromancy has reached the max level.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Electromancy has reached the max level.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Hydromancy has reached the max level.

You obtained 01 status points.

While Leon was thinking about what to do, several of his elemental skills reached the max level. Finally, his control over the basic elements was as efficient as possible. Now, Leon just had to level up his blessings, and then their potential would reach the apex... at least considering the bonus damage added thanks to such skills. Intelligence would still keep increasing the damage of his spells, but that was just something obvious.

"I guess I will never be able to forget such skill..." Leon said after allocating the status points, he obtained in intelligence. "In the end, the only real option is to buy the tome once and for all once I have enough coins."

That was a headache Leon couldn't get rid of, so he decided to do something that would keep his mind busy... and that was to summon other living beings from his memories. He also decided to summon Donan now and then to increase his Darkness Resistance, but since he was annoying, Leon didn't do that often.

"Summon humans for my own convenience it wouldn't be something decent to do... even though they wouldn't be the real deal," Leon said. "I guess summoning the angels would be good. They treated me like monsters, so I guess it is okay."

It would also be a good idea to copy the knowledge of other humans, be of skills, spells, or even ordinary non-magic knowledge, but then again... Leon was feeling conflicted in summoning humans just to satisfy his thirsty for knowledge.

"Well, considering that I was even hesitating in using copies before, I'm sure that eventually, I won't hesitate in doing that," Leon concluded.

The angel's generals Leon faced before probably knew about many things, but Leon decided to summon an ordinary one. Since those creatures would drain his mana to attack, it wasn't a good idea to summon the big-shots for the time being.

As expected, the first angel frowned when it suddenly appeared in the middle of an unknown island. However, the very moment it laid her eyes on Leon, it jumped backward and prepared her bow to attack Leon.

"Without thinking... I ended up summoning a big-boobed angel..." Leon frowned. "Maybe it wasn't without thinking... but it can't be helped. My memory isn't perfect, and it is only obvious that something like this would stand out in the eyes of a guy."

Putting such concerns aside, Leon active all the buffs that increase his mentality. Despite that, Leon still felt the Arrow of Light piercing the hand he used to block the magic projectiles to the point where Leon saw a hole opening in the palm of his hand.

Congratulations! The skill Light Resistance has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Light Resistance has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

"Shit... no pain, no gain... I guess," Leon said while he was enduring the pain.

The angel attacked Leon again and again, but since Leon could heal himself faster than the angel could do damage, there was no risk for his life. Once Leon's mana dropped to zero, the angel even disappeared. So, Leon could recover his mana in peace.

Since those angels were almost mindless monsters, Leon didn't hesitate and ended up using Mind Control to stop the big boobed angel after summoning her again. As expected, he found the memories of her using light magic rather quickly. However, even after feeling the same sensations and thinking the same things the angel thought several times, he couldn't understand the logic behind the attack... Leon felt like a three-year-old kid who couldn't go to school yet, but was trying to understand how the human brain worked. The level of difficulty to learn light magic alone was something like that.

Once Leon copies the memories of a being, he doesn't need to use the same being again. He just had to replay the memories inside his head... even after several days doing that, nothing happened. Leon felt once again like he was trying to become a scientist when he didn't even go to elementary school while trying to study that magic.

"Once I thought that light magic was a combination of the basic elements, but I couldn't be farther from the truth," Leon rubbed his eyebrows. "Although there are signs of the basic elements, light magic has much more than those basic effects."

Considering the cost of such low-level magic projectiles, Leon knew that the secret of the angels' power couldn't be so difficult. Regardless, training that would also work well to keep Leon's mind busy. The only real problem was the fact that he also would have to taste the power of light magic on his body, but hopefully, that would help Leon.

Health: 29232 +

Mana: 128963 +

Stamina: 26232 +

Strength: 127 +

Dexterity: 88 +

Speed: 290 +

Intelligence: 98256+

Endurance: 603 +

Control: 50000+

Mentality: 295 +

Luck: 42 +

Recovery: 30000 +

Willpower: 315 +

Coins: 00

Status: 00

Skill List

Active Skills: Summon Ice Skeleton Lv Max, Summon Fire Skeleton Lv Max, Summon Thunder Skeleton Lv Max, Haste Lv Max, Mana Eyes Lv Max, Quick Legs Lv Max, Speed Augmentation Lv Max, Enhanced Speed Lv Max, Pyromancy Lv Max, Geomancy Lv Max, Cryomancy Lv Max, Aeromancy Lv Max, Electromancy Lv Max, Hydromancy Lv Max,

Passive Skills: Meditation Lv Max, Thunder Resistance Lv Max,


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