Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

3 Chapter 02

"Urgh! Fuck you! Damn you!"

Congratulations! The skill Rage has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Rage has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Pain Resistance has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Pain Resistance has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Without any other option, Leon forced himself to relocate the bones of his arms using the weight of his body. Immediately afterward, he obtained control over his right arm, but the pain he felt made him sweat cold. Not only that, he saw that his health had decreased. Leon felt like he was harming himself like that, but he had to do that again since the lower half of his right arm was broken.

Leon clenched his teeth and did it again; once again, the pain made him feel shivers, but this time he didn't see any notifications. Things were getting complicated, he suffered damage, and his vision was getting cloudy again. He still had to fix his legs, and even just one would be enough, as long as he could move his body away from the shore.

Leon tried to move his legs a little to have a good grasp of how his legs were. When he did it, a sharp pain coming from his knees crossed his entire being and made him tremble.

"Great... both my knees are completely broke."

It looked like that was the only part that was damaged, so Leon forced himself to make that last effort. It would be painful as hell, but he had to do it. He put his four free points in recovery and then spun his entire body. Before losing his consciousness, Leon felt another wave of pain, the smell of blood, and heard flesh being pierced by bones.

,m Congratulations! The skill Pain Resistance has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

When Leon woke up, the pain in his upper body had disappeared. It looked like his collarbones and arms weren't all that bad, and he managed to recover from the damage. However, Leon froze and started to sweat cold when he saw the condition of his knees. His legs were fine, but his knees... both of his knees had been destroyed, and he could see the cracked bones with his own eyes. Leon wasn't a doctor, but it looked like not even surgery would be able to repair them completely.

"... No, I will be fine... I will find a way to solve this."

Leon breathed deeply several times to calm his nerves and said that to convince himself that there was a way. He wouldn't lose his legs like that; he definitely wouldn't. Leon started to think while checking his body. Although his clothes were in tatters and covered in blood, he was completely fine. It didn't even look like he had fallen from an airplane, everything aside from his knees was also fine, but he couldn't move his feet due to the severity of his knees situation.

"That is weird... I thought recovery would heal my body no matter what."

Leon counted from one to six hundred, but he didn't feel that sensation of energy filling his body. He checked his status screen and noticed that his health was full. There was only one explanation; his body wouldn't completely heal if there was a chance that it could damage itself even more.

"I can do this... I don't know what the hell is going on, but crazy and magic things are happening. I'm sure I can find a way to heal my knees."

Leon looked around and confirmed that he was indeed on a beach of a tropical island. It seemed to be pretty big, but he didn't recall seeing it while he was falling. That being said, it couldn't be far away from the point the airplane fell. Despite that, there was no sign of the passengers or the pieces of the plane.

"If only I could find some medicine to relieve the pain... I could use it to numb my senses and force my bones to return to their places."

Leon would probably lose control over his body before he could pull that crazy plan into action, but it was the only thing he could logically do. Considering the illogical stuff he could do, he could retort to magic, he apparently learned those skills, so there was a chance that he could learn a skill to heal wounds.

"I'm crazy... Why I am thinking of something so stupid... but if I survive an airplane crash, then I should be able to learn magic."

It didn't make sense, but at that point in time, Leon couldn't tell what was reasonable and what wasn't. Despite that, he decided to explore the island instead of doing something dubious, like trying to chant a spell.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Strong Arms.

You obtained 01 status points.

Leon finally learned his first active skill; it was weird learning skills like that since the only thing he really did was try to crawl. Fortunately, he didn't have to do silly things like calling the name of the skill to activate it. Just by thinking, his arms got strong enough to let him move without putting much effort. However, every ten seconds, he would lose stamina, and that made him feel tired.

"It doesn't matter… I just have to wait for the recovery to do its magic."

Pushing his lower body like that wasn't pleasant, but once he left the beach and started to crawl on the grass, things got easier to Leon. There was a pretty decent forest in front of him, so the chances of him finding food and medicinal herbs were quite good. The problem was, that Leon didn't know how to recognize medicinal herbs or plants.


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