Unlimited Power 03: The Sinful Ruler

Chapter 211 Coordinated Attacks (3)

"You will need more to take me down… still, this will really take a long time," Jake thought while looking at the endless sea of enemies. "Well, let's make use of this chance to get as strong as possible."

When the next wave of enemies tried to attack Jake, he slowly walked behind while he used Dark Blade. The enemies suffered damage and got cursed as well. Their ability to fight back decreased tremendously since they didn't have much resistance against curses. With that in mind, Jake finished them off with his crossbow. Again, it wasn't a fighting style that he enjoyed much, but it was for the sake of efficiency since he had to level up those skills.

While Jake was fighting from a distance, using those attacks and mana potions like there was no tomorrow, he had the chance to take a look at the battlefield. The cat-like people finally had some room to breathe, but they still didn't calm down. Some groups of humans were joining the fight and being attacked by them as well… When things came to that, the humans decided to leave those that attacked him alone on the battlefield and used them to lure the enemies.

"I guess it is better than killing those dumbasses…" Jake thought.

Thanks to his dark cloak, Jake wasn't attacked since those cat-like people couldn't confirm if he was a human or not. On the other hand, the orcs attacked him even more fiercely. Still, even after half an hour, they didn't land more than a few scratches on him. The only problem was that Jake was running low on mana potions, so his strategy of decreasing the enemy's power at a distance couldn't be pulled off for longer.

"Regardless… The number of orcs decreased a lot and the cat like people finally are gaining some ground," Jake thought after he moved away from the battlefield a bit. "I suppose I can rest for a bit while I make some extra potions."

That was what Jake was planning, but then, the ground in the area began to tremble because he recognized that feeling. While clicking his tongue, Jake decided to change his plan and then dashed toward the enemy army. Jake began to fight even more furiously than before. He even summoned his giant dark flames fan to kill as many enemies as possible… He had to work on that name, but for the time being, it was enough.

Just as Jake had expected, a new wave of enemies approached the battlefield after ten minutes. They easily raked the ten thousand mark. Thanks to it, the fighting spirit of the cat-like people took a lot of damage, and they had yet to fight those new guys. Still, it was pretty evident who was going to win now. The defenders were outnumbered three to one, and they were tired…

"More enemies for me to kill, I couldn't have asked for a better gift!" Jake said while he was starting to like the fight.

While using the dark flames to deal with most of the troublesome enemies, Jake used the mana he recovered to fire a barrage of bolts on those that were foolish enough to get too close to him. Once he emptied his mana, he would dash toward the enemies and cut them down. He was fighting more recklessly than usual, so the scratches he received were turning into wounds. He sacrificed safety for hunting speed… It was a bit troublesome to get hurt like that, but he could take that much, thanks to Lesser Vampirism.

Thanks to their lack of coordination and tactics, Jake managed to fight off the enemies while the defenders were retreating to the city. However, he was forced to calm down when he felt something weird in the air, and in the next moment, a massive rain of projectiles fell on the army of orcs. In a single instant, hundreds if not thousands of orcs were annihilated.

When Jake looked in the direction the attacks came from, he saw an army of humans approaching the battlefield. Even from far away, Jake managed to recognize the one of the guys leading the group, so he couldn't help but click his tongue… It was Frederick. The others probably were some guild masters as well.

Although their numbers probably didn't reach the one thousand mark, their presence alone changed the flow of battle. The army of orcs dashed to attack them, but then a wall of warriors stepped forward with their shields and blocked their charge. The long-ranged fighters used that chance to attack freely. In a matter of monsters, five thousand orcs were killed…

Jake decided to use that change in the flow of the battle to attack the orcs freely. The monster didn't know how to react now that they could see their allies being killed like ants, and while they were dungeon monsters, they still had some level of intelligence. They knew that they were going to be killed, and even if they were born to be Cannon fodder, it wasn't like they couldn't feel fear.

Jake ignored that since his mission was more important. After half an hour, the end of the battle probably was settled. The number of orcs decreased to a few thousand, and the guild masters decided to split their forces. Half of them headed west toward the dungeon.

"Naturally, those who caused these problems are there…" Jake thought.

Jake had planned to head there and clear the dungeon as well, but it seemed that he would have to leave that one for later. In any case, the end of the battle had been pretty anticlimactic since the orcs were the ones who got surrounded. After that point in time, Jake didn't feel like fighting anymore. He should head to the next mission, but leaving before the end would be the same as abandoning the quest. So, no rewards. Fortunately, it didn't take long for the last orc to fall and apparently, the enemies didn't force other dungeon breaks.

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