Unlimited Power 03: The Sinful Ruler

Chapter 157 Intel (2)

Jake decided to sleep as much as possible, so he only woke up the next day at noon. It was hard for a chance like that to completely to come by, so he had to take advantage of them as much as possible. Regardless, when he woke up, Jake wondered what he should do since he had lost his shield. He had more than enough coins to buy a new one, but that wasn't the real issue.

"I think the perfect sword for me is something a bit bigger and heavier than the freezing longsword, but for the time being, that one is enough for him," Jake thought. "Fighting while using two weapons like that and the katana isn't my style and while using dual Mana Blades is nice to surprise the enemies, I think that I shouldn't get too focused on that."

Against three possible heavily armored enemies, Jake should focus on being as quick as possible, so a shield will be useless. That being said, while they lose speed, they gain in endurance and strength… while outnumbered and against opponents like that, some defense and survivability are necessary.

"Anyway, I have way too many coins, so I should use some…" Jake thought. "It is a pity that I decided this when there is no dungeon shop nearby."

Regardless, before selecting the next mission, Jake decided to do some mental training. While he didn't know how the enemies might fight, he still could run some simulations based on what he knew. After a while, he didn't have a clear plan in mind, but at least he had some idea of what he needed to do. First of all, he put on the reinforced cloak of that lich he defeated. The cloak completely covered his body and face, so no one would recognize him. It also would keep his items hidden from the enemies' sight.

After he finished his preparations, Jake selected the mission to hunt the giant snails. In the blink of an eye, he saw himself standing in the middle of a thick forest. His guard was as high as it could be, but nothing happened even after a while. It seemed that his guess was wrong…

"Hmm… this is weird," Jake thought while looking around. "Then again, it would be hard to find this spot and guard it all day and night. Perhaps they aren't here…"

Nevertheless, Jake had to investigate the area, and since he couldn't find any signs of monsters, things would be pretty complicated… at least in normal situations. Jake just jumped and then began to climb the largest three that he found. When he reached the top, he took a look around and realized that he was at the border of the forest. There were some grasslands on his right side and some hills in front of him. After focusing his eyes a bit more, he could see some weird paths on the grasslands. The grass had been smashed in many parts… that had been the doing of the giant snails.

It was mid-afternoon, so it would be better to look for the dungeon first and then look for those three or vestiges of their camp at night, even if it will be harder. The reason for that was the fact that Jake didn't know if he was being watched or not. So, he quickly heard toward the grasslands without looking back.

After running for a while, Jake finally found the giant snails. There were precisely that… Giant nails, but the carapace on their back was green, and those creatures looked a lot more vicious than Jake had imagined due to their full of teeth mouth that they had, and they looked as sharp as hell.

Giant Snail

Lv 115

,m Earth / Poison

Health: 750/750 (3)

Mana: 750/750 (3)

Stamina: 750/750 (3)

Strength: 311

Dexterity: 311

Speed: 115

Intelligence: 311

Endurance: 311

Control: 311

Mentality: 311

Luck: 311

Recovery: 1800

Willpower: 311

Coins: 00

Status: 00

Skill List

Active Physical Skills: Paralyzing Bite Lv 28, Corrosive Sweat Lv 28

The appearance of the creature made Jake's skin crawl, and the status screen made him frown. The monster was pretty balanced, with the exception of speed. Its regenerative abilities were also pretty decent in any case. That helped Jake since he cooled down a bit and didn't attack as soon as possible. Thanks to that, he noticed that some giant snails were hidden amidst the tall grass. They probably would surround him if he charged recklessly.

"They aren't exactly sturdy, but they aren't squishy either… they are probably good at middle and close range, but they become troublesome because of their Poison-type skills," Jake thought. "Perhaps I should focus on using my bow… if I am being watched, then those three will think that I am weak at close range."

Jake felt that he was being too careful. Still, in the end, he couldn't be reckless and risk his life or end up killing three innocent humans, even if he felt that they weren't even a little bit innocent in the first place. Regardless, he summoned his bow and then prepared to snipe the monsters.

Although Jake was over forty meters away from his first target, the creature somehow felt his killing intent. It began to move the very moment he began to pull the string of the bow. Still, Jake didn't hesitate and fired his arrow toward the head of the monster. Much to his surprise, the beast actually grabbed the projectile with its mouth before tossing away.

"... Well, that was unexpected if anything," Jake thought while frowning.

The beast approached a bit more, but Jake had enough time to fire another arrow. Despite the distance, the creature repeated the same thing as before. Jake didn't feel like playing, so he used that chance to make the beast eat Flames of Wrath. Even if he was being watched, no one would be able to see the flames inside the monster's mouth, so it was fine.

You obtained 35 coins.

"Open your mouth again, motherfucker, I dare you," Jake said.


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