Unlimited Power 03: The Sinful Ruler

Chapter 107 Course (1)

"Well, we have fifty hours before the mission ends. While it seems plenty of time, I think we should hurry up and clear the dungeon," Jake said.

"Shouldn't you rest for a little bit?" Louise asked. "You didn't sleep last night, after all."

"I can keep going like this for another day just fine," Jake said.

"Well, while I don't like that idea, we can't exactly face the Golems without Jake," Lana said. "It will be better if you keep going and finish the mission as soon as possible."

"I guess it is decided then," Jake said.

"Not yet…" Lana said. "Do you want to keep going, or do you want to take a break, Karina?"

"It is okay… I can still go," Karina replied while smiling.

Jake sighed. Trying to be an excellent teammate sure was a pain in the ass… Nevertheless, he also found it weird that Karina wanted to keep going. If she was planning something, it would be better to be done at night, and why wait while Jake and the others were getting stronger?

As soon as the group entered the dungeon, they confirmed that the interior was massive. Even the corridors were large enough for two Golems to pass at the same time. Thanks to that, Jake thought that perhaps fighting inside the dungeon might be a bit easier since the enemies won't be able to surround him. However, things will be difficult for Karina since attacking the enemies from behind will expose her.

"Wow… it really is a labyrinth," Lana said. "I am surprised that you thought that was the case just by looking at the structure from outside."

The walls, ceiling, and floor were all made of brick, so the Golems won't be able to emerge from the ground. Considering that all the environments so far helped the monsters, that design sure was weird.

When the first group of enemies appeared, they found them walking in two lines of five members each. The first two prepared to fight up close, while the second two prepared to fire Stone Bullets.

"Forget about your innate skill. Just attack the core when I block their attacks," Jake said.

Karina nodded. While she didn't like Jake, she was smart enough to put that aside in the middle of the fight. When they got close enough, the arms of the monsters tried to smash Jake, but he blocked them with his katana and shield while using Bash. In the next moment, Karina jumped and then sliced her dagger in the face of one of the monsters. She also increased its length by using wind magic, but the attack didn't cause enough damage to kill. That was weird… Lana should have buffed her.

The Golems tried to hit her with stone Bullets, but Jake stopped them by using Flames of Wrath. Weirdly enough, he could control the flames even while they were behind the Golems, so Karina didn't see them. In the next moment, Fireballs hit the monsters' faces, and then Karina and Jake used that chance to finish the first two monsters. Much to everyone's surprise, the second wave of Golems fell at the same time as the first one. Louise and Lana could imagine what happened, but Karina looked confused. Still, she only stayed like that for a while since the next enemies were already pointing their arms toward them.

A massive wave of stone Bullets rains down over Jake's shield. Even though the attacks had been blocked, Jake suffered a few points of  damage. However, in exchange for that, Louise gathered enough mana to make a massive explosion.

"Get down!" Louise shouted, and then she fired the extra-large Fireball.

Jake and Karina obeyed, and even though they felt the heat of the Fireball passing above them, they didn't get hurt. When the magic projectile hit the first two enemies, it actually killed them instantly and knocked down the others. Thanks to it, Jake and Karina had an easy time finishing them off.

You obtained 05 coins.

You obtained 05 coins.

You obtained 05 coins.

Stone Bow

Heavy Arrow, DeX + 05 (0%), master this weapon to obtain the skill and the status points permanently.

Durability: 15/15

Heavy Arrow: it grants you the power to fire an arrow that will push the enemy back one meter per level and cause damage equal to your dexterity.

Cost: 10 mana.

"Hmm… this one looks interesting," Jake nodded to himself.

While the bow was a bit rough since it was made of stone and it was also pretty heavy, the skill sure was useful. It might be a rare item… but before selling it, Jake decided to master the weapon.

"You are fine with long-ranged weapons, but not with magic?" Lana frowned.

"Yeah, what of it?" Jake asked.

"I thought you disliked magic because of some Male pride… I assumed you were thinking that magic was for cowards and such," Lana said.

"Again… you really have a low opinion of me," Jake said.

In any case, they didn't have time to waste since the next group of Golems was approaching. They could feel the vibrations from the ground. Regardless, Jake and the others felt the enemies approaching. Still, they decided to stop when they found a crossroads… they would use it to ambush the monsters since, thanks to them, they now know the right path.

When the first two Golems appeared, Louise attacked them with Fireballs, and while they were staggering, Jake and Karina finished them off. The other monsters raised the guards, but they still had to expose themselves to attack and find the enemies. Even though they advanced while protecting their heads, they still were bombarded with Fireballs and physical attacks, and even that had been enough to finish them off. The same thing repeated itself several times in a row, but while everything went perfectly, they wasted too much time.

"I guess this strategy is no good," Jake said. "Let's go with the previous battle plan."

The group managed to keep advancing at a favorable pace, and they didn't have to worry about the path. They just had to follow the direction the Golems came from. Still, Jake felt like they missing something...


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