Unlimited Anime Works

Chapter 30: Fragrant wrap

Chapter 30: Fragrant wrap

Asami hurriedly gave Feng Yu Chen support when she saw him falling down.

You lost too much blood, if we dont stop it now you might die.

He nodded before continuing.

The houses to either side of us should have emergency first aid kits in them lets go search them. If you fire your arms then its going to attract more zombies.

Asami worryingly replied.

But your body is in a weakened state, can you fight the zombies in that kind of state? Let me help, I might have no experience using swords but if its for your sake I think I can become even stronger!

Feng Yu Chen shook his head while drawing back a corner of his mouth.

The wound is on my left arm and Im only using my right arm. If I avoid using my left arm then it would be fine. Plus, if youre bitten by a zombie I would have to cut myself and use the blood to save you. It would be troubling so just stay behind me, isnt it usually times like these that woman have to rely on the man for protection?

You are really so, Im just worried about you thats all

Asami pouted but shes feeling pretty sweet inside. So this is what it feels like to be in love?

Alright, when we enter, I will kill the zombies and you are in charge of finding the first aid kit

Without another word, he steeled up and pushed open the main door of a residential home. He cut down two  rushing zombies with the sword in his right arm before entering the room. He proceeded to slay more zombies, mixed among them is some old people, children and woman. Seems like the whole family turned.

I found it, come quickly Ive found it

Asami found one first aid kit in the bedside cabinet of one bedroom. Every item needed to apply emergency treatment is in there.

Nodding, he clenched his teeth and lied down on the bed. Seriously, he lost too much blood and strength as a result of blood loss, add to that another battle, its not bad that he can hold on till now.


Asami too out some alcohol and disinefected the wound on his arm while wiping away the blood around it and then she took some hemostatics and applied it to the wound.


He inhaled deeply. Holy crap did it hurt now, he forgot about the pain when he was too busy thinking about the blood experiment.

Sorry, sorry, my hands are too rough, other people could do it in a gentler manner

Asami deprecated herself when she saw him frowning. She lightened her strength and after shes done with the medicines, she wrapped his wound with bandages.

Eventually, she bandaged up his wounds.

Hey, you are not very self aware are you?

He said as he looked at the Asami whos lying on top of him and then looking at the blood on her shoulder. He take it that even though the zombie virus has bee neutralized the bite wound is still there and it has been bleeding non stop. This girl clearly isnt aware of this since shes too focused on him.

Hes feeling a bit conflicted now. He isnt particularly into Asami type of girls and he used some Academy awards level of acting skills to make her become his test subject. But now the person in question is honestly worrying more about his well being than her own, at this point how can any guy not be moved?

Lie your ass down, i am going to patch you up. Seriously, cant you look out more for youself? Silly woman!

He said in an agitated manner, but hidden within those agitation was some trace of worry. Not faked, those were real, hes genuinely concerned about Asami.

A girl that would put herself on the line, how can one hate her?

I am just worried about you and you have the bigger wound so it would be better to apply treatment to you first

She poked her index fingers together while muttering so. She felt a bit happy about the worry and care he has shown behind that angry facade of his.

Just when he is about to bandage her, he noticed a very awkward matter. The wound is on her shoulder so if he wants to bandage it up then she would have to remove her clothing, her outer coat and her inner shirt would have to go otherwise he cant bandage her

Asami knew whats going on when she saw his awkward appearance. She blushed and continued.

Its alright, if its you, you can do anything. I dont hate you or anything.


He gulped. Crap, she have her heart because of that theatrics just now. Fine, he didnt know it would turn out like that but come to think of it, it makes sense. A male giving his all must be really moving for a vast majority of girls, it would follow that theres a chance for this kind of things to happen.

Hurry up, if you dont patch me up I might die

Asami pulled his hand over to her soft chest before purring.

I dont have strength in my body at the moment so you will have to help me strip down. Dont worry, I mean it when I say I dont hate you. Actually I I like you! If its a matter between lovers then it will be okay!

Sweat flowed out and down his head as he opened her jacket with his trembling hands. He saw a white shirt underneath and what appears to be a pink brassiere underneath the shirt. He didnt notice it before but her breasts are quite something

He felt something hot boiling but hes not the type of lowly male who would bone any chick he sees. At least bandage her up and then proceed from there.

If you will excuse me

Feng Yu Chen bit his lip and then unbuttoned her shirt. That soft pinkish skin and that  satiny lumps of fair destruction appeared while jiggling.

flushed red she also felt soft at his knees when he took in that countenance of his. His face only became more and more attractive. Despite the misunderstanding before, she knows hes a good guy at heart and a very reliable man. Her heart started going pitter patter, how wonderful

Hey, stop looking at me for god sake, I cant muster the mental strength to clean your wound at this rate

He threw her the whites of his eye when he saw her baing all bashful in front of him. He almost dropped the alcohol soaked cotton in his hand as a result of her actions.

Nn, understood

She turned her head away after nodding with a blushing face. Her tiny hand still kept its clutch on his sleeves, it feels very safe doing so. If hes here then theres nothing she needs to be afraid of.

Without her constant gaze, he could finally get to work after calming down. He dressed her wound up. However, constantly touching that soft skin of hers and feeling the mellowness of it made him stir inside. What a fragrant wrap this is


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