Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 356: My Baby Boy Is a Genius

Chapter 356: My Baby Boy Is a Genius

Heero's retirement brought a wild wave to the public. Young and capable, everyone thought he would be the President of the Hero League at least for another thirty to forty years. But no one expected the man would retire at his peak.

It brought controversies as people tried to dig out as to why the man suddenly retired. But speculations were just speculations, empty logical words with no fact. No one could get the reason why the man decided to get off of his throne.

When Bai Shuang'er name came up as Heero's successor, it brought yet another controversy. Many people disagreed with the choice of the Hero League to choose a woman to succeed Heero.

Millions of people tried to make a petition, a petition to bring Heero back from his retirement. The people wanted Heero to continue to reign over the Hero League.

Bai Shuang'er was an unknown woman before. Even after her background was revealed, the protest not only reduced but increased.

The youngest daughter of the Bai Family, Emperor Class Hero - Sun Zhou Yi's wife, and Bai Xin Yue's younger sister. Even with that kind of background, people still judged her to be incapable of succeeding Heero's mantle as The President of the Hero League.

Despite the big protest, The Hero League gave a cold shoulder to the masses. They ignored the protests and continued with what they had now. As time went on, the protests started to disappear. Bai Shuang'er proved that she was capable.

Just like that, eight months passed.

Xing Clinic, inside the Delivery Room

Heero was standing beside the king-sized bed while holding Han Ying's hand. He had been waiting for this day, the day where his first baby would be born. This was his first child technically, so he was excited.

However, there was something that weirded him. It was his wife, Han Ying. He had read many articles about women giving birth. But his wife did not give the same signs as the articles he read online. She looked extremely calm.

"Take a deep breath and push it once more!" The female doctor instructed Han Ying.

His wife did as the doctor instructed, then he heard a cry. He put his random thoughts behind and looked toward the cry direction. The female doctor was holding a baby while the nurse next to the doctor tried to wipe the baby.

"Congratulations, Mr. Xing~ It's a boy~. It's a healthy baby boy," the female doctor congratulated Heero while bringing the still red baby.

Heero excitedly came closer to the doctor and looked at the baby boy who still had his eyes closed. The baby boy tried to move his hands and feet while in the Doctor's embrace.

"Can I hold him?" He excitedly hovered around the doctor. He was too excited as he could not wait to hold his baby boy.

"Of course, you can!" The female doctor tried to hand the baby boy to Heero.

Heero carefully received the baby as he truly could not hide the excitement on his face, "My baby boy oh my baby boy"

He kept muttering those words in excitement. Han Ying also could not hide her happy smile as she looked at her husband who was overwhelmed by happiness.

The scene of Heero cautiously and gently holding their baby evoked her memory. It was a memory of her when she gave birth to Miao Miao. At that time, she was alone, giving birth on a narrow bed only with the doctor and nurse. That memory was still clear in her mind.

At that time, her husband was going out of the city for his mission so she had to give birth alone. Her sister was waiting outside, of course, but the feeling was completely different when her husband accompanied her.

Without she realized, tears swelled in his eyes. It was tears of happiness, of course. Heero noticed that so he approached the bed with the baby.

"Oh Oh Your mommy is crying, what should we do? You have to help me to calm your mommy, my baby boy," Heero spoke to the baby who still had his eyes closed. His words were to cheer his wife, however, to their surprise, the baby tried to open his eyes.

They could see the baby was trying to lift his heavy eyelids. The eyelids wavered and after a few tries, the couple witnessed the baby open his eyes.

Behind the eyelids were clear eyes with obsidian black pupils. The baby blinked his eyes a few times. First, he was looking at Heero. After a moment, the baby then looked toward his mommy.

It was as if the baby understood Heero's beforehand words. He raised his tiny hands toward his mommy, with a wide smile, the baby let out a cute cry, "Kyak!"

Heero and Han Ying were stunned for a moment. They did not expect their baby could do such a thing the moment he came into the world.

"Oh my oh my My baby boy is a genius He is a genius!" Heero turned toward the doctor and nurse, "He is a genius! He is a genius!"

Han Ying knew her husband was so happy. Not only him but she was also happy as well, but she was embarrassed to hear her husband's boastful praise to his own son. She tried to pull his lower hem clothes to stop him.

However, Heero did not care about that. He slowly handed his son to his wife to hold. Clueless about what Heero wanted to do, Han Ying received the baby.

Right after that, she saw her husband flushed out of the delivery room. She could hear his excited voice, calling out, "My baby boy is a genius! My baby boy is a genius!"

She was so embarrassed and lowered her head, looking at the baby who was sleeping in her hand. She was surprised that her son could sleep despite his father's loud voice. But then, she could see her son's peaceful smile as well.

*** ***

Outside the delivery room

When Heero came out of the room, many people were waiting in the hallway. His three wives, his father-in-law, grandpa-in-law, his disciples, his daughters, and more. The hallway was filled with people.

Bai Xian Ming and Bai Tian Ming were the first ones to rush toward Heero first, "How is it? How about my grandchild?" Bai Tian Ming asked out.

Even though Han Ying was not his daughter by blood, he had regarded her as his daughter since she was Heero's wife. On top of that, he was close to her in the last four years. He treated Han Ying as his own daughter.

Heero answered the question with a laugh, he was laughing hard, "Hahahaha. My baby boy is a genius! My baby boy is a genius!" He repeated the same words which baffled everyone. His voice reverberated in the hallway.

It seemed this was not enough, he ignored the people around him and ran outside the clinic. Right in front of the clinic, he shouted, "My baby boy is a genius! My baby boy is a genius! My baby boy is a genius!"

Still having pent up excitement on the inside, Heero's body shot up to the sky.

"My baby boy is a genius! My baby boy is a genius!"

That day, the whole city of Star City heard someone shouting from the sky, "My baby boy is a genius!"

Since then, "My baby boy is a genius" has become an unsolved mystery.


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