Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 353: Fortunate or Unfortunate?

Chapter 353: Fortunate or Unfortunate?

The sudden appearance of the huge castle caused a ruckus to the people in Star City. Just now, they cheered for the SES through the live broadcast. Now they were panicking as a giant spooky castle shrouded in black miasma hovered on top of their head.

Almost at the same time, the people called the Hero League's emergency. They were asking to pull SES back from Sun City to protect them from the creatures that dwelled inside the castle.

Niadin who was currently having lunch with Bai Xian Ming, Dazekh, and Kim Jung-Mun were disturbed by the commotion outside. The four old men were just taking a break from the Battleground for lunch.

"What happened?" Niadin raised his head and asked his friends. It was common with the commotion, but usually, the security team would handle it quickly. However, the commotion was only getting louder and louder.

"Let me check out!" For some reason, the commotion caused Bai Xian Ming to be uncomfortable. He stood up and walked to the window. He pushed the window and looked down.

Bai Xian Ming was on the third floor of Xing Hotpot. He looked below as he thought the commotion source was there. But then, he noticed there was no fight below, no conflict. The people were panicking while pointing their finger in a direction, to the south.

Curious, Bai Xian Ming hopped down off the window and looked at the direction people were pointing at. The moment he turned toward the direction, his eyes widened in shock.

The other three old men followed Bai Xian Ming. They were curious why Bai Xian Ming jumped while they were still eating.

Kim Jung-Mun had the same reaction as Bai Xian Ming's. Shocked, it was natural for them to be shocked as a castle that was about half of the city was floating on top of them. If the castle suddenly fell, they would lose half of their city and the people as well.

Bai Xian Ming immediately unlocked his smartwatch and called someone, "Evacuate the people from the city!"

Among the four old men, Niadin was surprised but he was not panicked like the others. He was surprised to see God Horas's castle suddenly appeared here.

He then turned toward Dazekh, "Get your people ready! It's God Horas's castle, we have to get ready for a battle!"

After saying that, Old Man Niadin shot up to the sky. He flew toward the castle to check what happened.

*** ***

Meanwhile, Heero was looking at the tokens. Puzzled as nothing happened. He thought God Horas would appear in front of him when he crushed the tokens. After waiting for a while, nothing happened.

He thought the Dark Ki inside the token would form some kind of portal or something similar. Then God Horas would come out of the portal and he would fight him here. That was the scenario he imagined in his head.

Nothing of that happened. The Dark Ki inside the tokens dissipated as soon as he destroyed the tokens.

"Did he lie to me?" Heero muttered in a low voice as he turned toward the corrupted dwarf's corpse. "That's not possible, I have read memories!"

Heero was confused, he kept looking back and forth between the crushed tokens and the dwarf's dead body.

Drrtthh! Drrtthh!

Then his smartwatch vibrated. Heero took a look at who was calling him. Luo Wei Chun's name appeared on the smartwatch and he picked it up. Before he could say hello or anything, a burst of a panicked voice that belonged to Luo Wei Chun rang through the smartwatch.

"President Xing! You have to come back now! The city is in danger!" From the voice, he could tell the urgency in Luo Wei Chun's tone.

"What happens? Tell me properly, Wei Chun!"

"The city the city I-I will send you the picture instead, President!" Luo Wei Chun just did not know how to describe it. He decided to send the picture instead.

Heero was truly confused. Almost the specter's forces were here, they were supposed not to have enough force to split the attack. Star City should be safe from the specter.

Drrtthh! Drrtthh!

Then a message with a file attached to it came. Luo Wei Chun was the sender. After hearing the urgency within Luo Wei Chun's voice, he immediately opened the message.

[This giant caste appeared to the south of the city and it keeps moving toward the city!]

That was the message from Luo Wei Chun. Below the message, two pictures popped out. The moment Heero's eyes landed at the picture, his pupils shook. He recognized the giant castle, it was the castle where his enemy rested.

Without any words, Heero's figure shot up to the sky. He broke the barrier with a single punch and immediately flew toward Star City direction. He realized that crushing the three tokens was not summoning the God Horas but the castle.

In the blink of an eye, Heero's figure disappeared from the horizon. It took him five minutes of flying to reach Star City.

Heero did not stop by as he headed straight to the giant castle. He went to the north until he reached the gate of the castle. There was a strong barrier shielding the castle, but the sight of the gate was too familiar to him.

It was still fresh in his memories, the moment when his body was sealed in Eternal Ice. He remembered that as if it was just yesterday. Yes, the gate in front of him, was the place where he got trapped.

"You have come!" An old voice came from next to him. There was no need for Heero to look as he recognized the voice. It was Niadin's voice.

"The castle is still sealed. I am trying to see its weakness but" Niadin informed Heero.

"I know, we just have to wait for 72 hours for the barrier to wear off. No hurry!" Heero understood the old man was trying to help him hence he said so.

After saying that, Heero came down and he was stunned a little bit as he landed on the shore of the sea. There was no way he did not recognize this shore as this place was the first place he saw when he came out of the deep sea.

"Hahaha That makes sense That makes sense" Heero let out a laugh as he realized something.

"What's wrong?" Old Man Niadin asked out of concern.

Heero without hesitation told everything that in his mind. It was the time before he broke free from the Eternal Ice. He remembered that the moment he broke free from the Eternal Ice, it was deep down in the sea in front of him.

He stayed on this shore for a week before he finally found Star City. Heero was still remembered, it was still fresh and vivid in his mind. He was at a loss as he woke up in an unknown place.

The place where he broke free from the Eternal Ice was also God Horas's castle location. Everything made sense now.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Old Man Niadin asked Heero. The barrier prevented anyone from the outside to enter the castle. There was nothing they could do until the barrier wore off.

Heero sat down on the ground, crossing his legs, and looked up to the castle, "I am going to wait here, of course!"

"Don't you need to meet your family before you go?" Old Man Niadin tried to tell Heero to spend his time more with his family before going to battle against God Horas.

"I don't need to! I will kill God Horas and come back to meet them! A farewell is not needed!" Heero shook his head and replied in strong confidence.

"Then Do you need my help? We can fight God Horas together?" Old Man Niadin offered help to Heero. Even though he knew that Heero was Saint's disciple, but their enemy was still God. Not an easy opponent that could be killed easily.

Heero shook his head, "No, I have to end this cycle of hate by my hands! I appreciate your offer but I will do it by myself,"

"Alright! I am going to watch you fight then" Old Man Niadin retreated to the distance. He would not help him fight but he could help him escape if the situation turned dire.

Heero was sitting on the shore, it had been twenty- four hours by then. Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata already arrived but Old Man Niadin blocked them to get closer to Heero.

Just like that, the seventy-two hours passed.

After doing nothing but sitting on the ground, Heero stood up at the last minute before the barrier wore off. At the moment the barrier disappeared, Heero shot up to the castle.

He was about to destroy the gate, but the gate came down by itself. Just as Heero was about to enter the gate, a figure flew out from the gate.

It was so fast but not too fast for Heero. He could still make his move, but then he stopped midway as he noticed something.

"Thank you! Thank you very much! I am very grateful! Thank you! Thank you!"

Yes, the figure that came out of the gate was a human, a man.

Heero easily broke free from the man's hug. Then he scanned the man who kept thanking him. The man had unkempt hair and a thick beard that almost covered half of his face. He was like a caveman who never took care of himself. To Heero's surprise, he recognized the man. Not only Heero, but the opposite party also recognized Heero.

"Huh!?" "Huh!?"


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