Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 341: Slaughter - Part 2

Chapter 341: Slaughter - Part 2

"It started!" Heero informed Dominic after he looked at his smartwatch. The specter's attack, it had started.

"But why? Why do you use Sun City as your battlefield?" Dominic still did not understand this part. Why did they have to wait? Why didn't they just start attacking the specter before they started the attack?

He did not understand this part and he wanted to know this from Heero's mouth directly.

"To catch all the specters and its minion, we need them to come and trap them in their trap," Heero pointed at the ballooned up blackish layer in the sky.

"With this, we can make sure to clean all their attack force in one go!"

Yes, the plan was to bait the specters out, all the specters. He planned to clear all these forces at once.

Leaving the secret dungeon where Ryan White got his bloodline was worth it. Heero managed to gather all pieces of very important information. He could also see their discrete movement.

However, during this time as well, he found out the specters were holding many gates. There were so many gates they hid from, unable to track it even with the help of Niadin.

So when he knew the Reaper planned to kill him in this year's Fighter Anteriority, he used himself as a bait to lure out many specters as much as possible.

Especially, after he knew the existence of the Shadow Bane the Corrupted Dwarf, and Nightmare the Beastmen would come as well. He was willing to use himself as bait to lure them out.

Everything went well and was now left with the execution. If they executed the plan well, they could trap the specters in the city and kill them all here.

Dominic did not have all this information hence it was natural for him to question Heero's decision. His plan brought danger to the ordinary people, after all.

"Will you use the same technique as you did in the Regal Kingdom?" The legend of the Divine Flame was known to everyone.

Why the others did not know the Divine Flame was Heero's doing, Dominic did know about that. The technique was so effective as it easily wiped off the entire army of the specters.

If Heero used the same technique, Sun City was a hundred percent safe. Dominic wanted the least damage to his city.

"Nope, don't you see that barrier!" Heero pointed at the translucent black barrier.

"That barrier should be able to block my fire. The specters have prepared everything to counter my flame. And the force that attacked the core region is not the specters but humans and beastmen. My flame is useless against them,"

Just as Dominic was about to question a few more questions he wanted to know, the door was flung open.


Dominic was a little surprised by the noise as he turned toward the door. He saw Luca Lane and his five trusted subordinates who also Emperor Class Heroes came in.

"Oh, you have come," Dominic's words were as if he had been expecting for Luca Lane to barge in. He looked so frighteningly calm.

Luca Lane was confused and somehow felt uneasy on the inside. But it only lasted for a moment before he smirked toward Dominic.

"Yeah, it seems you were expecting me to come, Dominic," Luca Lane then glanced toward Heero who always sat on the chair, "We meet again, President Xing?"

Heero rotated his head and waved his hand toward Luca Lane with a grin, "Yo, you look healthy, Mr. Luca?"

It was an exchange of random gibberish and Heero played along with the guy.

"Of course, I have prepared my body well for today's feast. But I have to hold my desire a little longer though as your wives are not here? Where are they, President Xing?" Luca Lane no longer held back as he openly targeted Tang Shaoyang.

'I did not know why Lord Reaper was cautious about this guy, but I am going to claim his head and get my booty! If I bring his head, Lord Reaper my reward me as well,'

'We have six people and they are only two people! Glen and Derrek will take care of Dominic while the four of us will take this cocky guy down!'

'Ah, before that, I will not kill him but I will cut all his limbs and let him watched me f*cking his wives. All his wives are hot and there's even a pregnant one. I wonder what a pregnant woman's taste is?'

Luca Lane licked his lips lewdly at those thoughts.

Heero was still smiling as he stood up facing Luca Lane, "You are messing with the wrong man, Mr. Luca,"

"Hahaha." Luca laughed aloud at Heero's words, "You still haven't realized your situation even now? I don't know if you are an arrogant fool or just being too confident, but I will tell you that you will die in my hand today!"

"We mobilized seventy percent of our forces to take this city down! Do you think you will be able to survive?"

"Thanks for the information, Mr. Luca. Seventy percent, huh!? It's not that bad" Heero nodded his head.

If the seventy percent of the forces were here, then the remaining thirty percent was either in their bases or outside the city as a reinforcement.

'Either way is good for us. I have the location of their secret bases, but the main target still does not appear,'

"Huh!? It seems you have gone insane, President Xing," Luca could not help but think Heero was insane. He had admitted the Sun City was under attack, at this point, they should have realized the city, including the people, were facing their doom.

"Hoho, it seems you are also not aware of your situation as well, Mr. Luca. Don't you feel it's too quiet?" Heero smiled at Luca.

Luca was about to berate Heero but he stopped midway as he came into a sudden realization.

They were in the venue of the opening ceremony where thousands of people gathered. It should not be this quiet.

The current situation was too quiet; it was as if this was an empty venue. Luca felt something ominous and he tried to peek outside through the glass.

To his surprise, the crowded venue was empty. Yes, the thousands of people that just now cheered for the opening ceremony could no longer be seen.

"What the f*ck!" Luca was shocked. He rushed to the window and saw the venue below him. He could only see a few people below and those people were his people.

Just like him, those people were in confusion as well as they were at loss. They were looking around below.

Luca was beyond shocked at this time. He could not comprehend what situation he was in.

"How could this be possible?" Luca turned around and once again, he was beyond shocked.

He saw his five subordinates had been taken care of by Heero. The five men were lying down on the ground, they could no longer breathe with their throats sliced up.

Heero was standing with a sword bathed in blood. Luca could not believe what he witnessed. It was in a few seconds, he merely looked at the venue for a few seconds, and all his subordinates were killed.

Without any noises and no struggle from his subordinates. Heero killed them cleanly. It could be seen with naked eyes as there was no trace of battle in the room.

"This is not POSSIBLE!!!" Luca screamed out of his lungs.

"I told, you were messing up with the wrong person, Mr. Luca or I could say The Reaper's follower,"

*** ***

The same situation happened in the outer region. The sudden disappearance of the people caused confusion to them.

Roman and his companion were standing on top of a ruined building. Until now, he still could not find a single living person.

"What is this? Everyone is missing?" Roman bewilderedly looked at his surroundings.

He and his group had marched a few kilometers off the wall but what they did all this time was destroying the building.

The middle-aged man next to Roman furrowed his brows. He unlocked his smartwatch and called the other groups.

"What is the situation there? We could not find a single living person here!"

"Same, the people in the outer region went missing, all of them!" A cold voice transmitted through the smartwatch.

"This could be a trap, what should we do now?" The middle-aged man asked out.

They had dipped their feet into the city. They could not retreat at this point as they had used many resources to capture the city and took down one man.

"You guys continue, I will retreat to the dwarves. If this was a trap, we could drop off the barrier and retreat! Keep reporting the whole situation!" That was the reply the middle-aged man got.

"It seems we have to continue moving up!"

*** ***

Meanwhile, the pair of the young man and the middle-aged man were rushing back to their original base.

"Roman and his group also could not find the people! What about the inner region?" The young man asked the middle-aged man.

"The inner region seems fine, it's just that they encountered only a few people. This is weird" The middle-aged man muttered in confusion.

"What about the core region? They should have battled by now, right?"

"Urgh, I can't contact our people in the venue. They could not be contacted!" The middle-aged man shook his head worriedly.

They almost threw all their resources into this attack. If they failed or even fell into a trap, they would be totally crippled. They would be forced into hiding and until they could recover their loss.

The young man shared the same thoughts.

"We have to check the dwarves, I don't have a good feeling about this"

Both rushed back to their base.


They went back to the southeast wall, where the Corrupted Dwarves were. The dwarves were the main engineer who controlled the barrier, without them they would be trapped inside the city hence the pair were coming back. They came back to guard the dwarves.

They rushed into the room and immediately headed toward the control room.

The young man sniffed his nose, he could smell blood as he came closer to the control room. The young man and the middle-aged man exchanged glances. Worries could be seen from their faces as they picked up their pace.


They crushed the door into the control room.

"Hello, this is Hirata's team, we have secured the outermost wall!"

Musashi Hirata and Lyera were standing in the middle of the dwarves' dead bodies as he reported the situation through the smartwatch. Aside from the two, there were another eight people. All Corrupted Dwarves inside had been slaughtered.

"Good, the inner wall has been secured as well! You can start the slaughter!"


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