Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 336: Joint Assessment - Part 2

Chapter 336: Joint Assessment - Part 2

Hunting beasts what Kang Dong-Woo and Xu Lingxun did daily hence the mission possessed no difficulty to them.

Four hours after they departed from the HQ, they came back with a bag filled with something on their back.

When the two arrived, there was a big crowd at the entrance. The crowd blocked the entrance and the two boys could not pass through.

The crowd was not the participant of the joint assessment but reporters. The cameramen surrounded the reporters and the reporters surrounded one person.

Kang Dong-Woo and Xu Lingxun looked at each other. At the opening, there were no reporters and there was a big crowd of them. It made the two boys curious about what they came for.

"Do you want to see?" Kang Dong-Woo was attracted by the crown and wanted to see.

"No, let's submit the proof so we can take the next assessment," Xu Lingxun was also curious but he decided not to be involved in such a big crowd.

"Mnnn, that's true. I heard the new system allowed us to jump in rank without needing the contribution point," Kang Dong-Woo did not think much about the crowd and agreed to Xu Lingxun's idea.

In the middle of the crowd, Ryan White was standing in his casual clothes. Yes, the one who was being surrounded by the reporters was the missing Ryan White.

His presence attracted the reporter's attention. As soon as his whereabouts became known, the reporters immediately swarmed toward him.

"Where did you go after the Challenger Battle?"

"Why did you come here? Are you going to participate in the Revaluation Test?"

"What did you think about President Xing? Do you agree with the new reform?"

"Have you recovered from your injuries?"

Similar questions were thrown toward Ryan White at the same time. More than ten reporters shouted the same question at him.

Ryan White did not answer as he scanned the reporters around him. He looked at them with his chilly eyes.

Ryan White's reaction shocked the reporters. He was known as someone friendly to anyone including the media. Such a cold reaction surprised the reporters.

"I am here to take the Revaluation Test, and Yes, I am extremely fine! Now you can f*ck off, you blocked my path!"

The reporters subconsciously took a few steps back after receiving a cold and rude response. They could not believe it at first as they thought they were hearing wrong. That thought changed when they met with Ryan White's chilly gaze.

The reporters immediately retreated, creating a path to the entrance for Ryan White.

"Ah, it's Ryan White!" Kang Dong-Woo exclaimed as he heard the commotion.

"That's weird, didn't he not agree with the reform? Then why does he take the test?" Xu Lingxun had the least favorable impression of Ryan White since he publicly challenged his Master.

"Ah, you are right. I wonder why?" Kang Dong-Woo nodded his head in response.

They were having a conversation while walking into the arena.

They walked to the desk with the male staff they met earlier. The male staff was also quick with the uptake and immediately approached the two.

"Welcome back, how may I help you?" The male staff greeted with a smile and a bow.

"We have completed the mission and we are here to submit the proof!" Kang Dong-Woo put the bag in front of the male staff.

Xu Lingxun nodded his head as he put his bag next to Kang Dong-Woo's.

The male staff was surprised as the two teens came under the earliest batch that finished the mission.

'As expected of President Xing's disciple,'

The male staff nodded and opened the bag to check the proof. There were twenty heads of the Silver Wolves inside the bag. He nodded his head and checked the next bag. The same Silver Wolves' head piled inside the bag.

"Good, you two pass the test. Wait a minute, I will mark your mission,"

The male staff went back to his desk. He typed something on his computer and not long after that, a beeping sound came from Kang Dong-Woo and Xu Lingxun's smartwatch.

They looked down, a notification from the hero league official app popped out. They tapped the notification.

[Congratulations! You have passed the assessment for Apprentice Hero!]

[Do you want to take the assessment for Iron Class Hero? Yes/No?]

The male staff was staying behind his desk as he looked toward the two teenagers. He was wondering whether the two would take the next assessment or not.

Xu Lingxun and Kang Dong-Woo without hesitation tapped the "Yes" button.

[Assessment Mission (Iron Class Hero)]


1. Hunt any twenty Silver Class Beast or Kill ten Level 1 Specters!

2. Defeat or gain Barrier Class' approval

Time Limit: 24 hours

Mission Type: One Person Mission

Xu Lingxun read it with his forehead creased. For objective no. 1, he had no other choice but to hunt twenty Silver Class Beasts. Specters were hard to find and with a time limit, hunting the Silver Class Beast was the best choice.

However, he did not understand objective no. 2. Barrier Class? This was the first time he heard this term.

Xu Lingxun approached the male staff. Before he could ask, the male staff explained it to him.

"Firstly, you can choose one, either hunt twenty Silver Class Beasts or kill ten Level 1 Specters. For the latter, the Hero League has prepared the specters for the assessment. It's a limited choice as we only have a limited number of specters. If you choose to kill the specter, we will lead you to the specialized arena to finish the test!"

"Second, Barrier Class is a person we choose to be your opponent to rank up. You have to defeat him to rank up or you can gain the Barrier Class' approval in the fight too. Also, Barrier Class is different for everyone, you two may face different Barrier Class later. It may be a Hero or even Hero Instructor,"

The new system was completely different from before. It was completely new and harder to rank up as they might face a Hero Instructor too.

"Then we will choose to kill the specters for the first objective!" Kang Dong-Woo immediately decided for them. He believed Xu Lingxun would make the same choice as him.

However, the male staff did not immediately lead the two to the specialized arena. He turned toward Xu Lingxun. He needed to ask Xu Lingxun's consent first, of course.

"Mnn, I choose to kill the specter as well," Xu Lingxun nodded.

'It seems these two would be chosen to be a member of SES,'

Yes, the objective killing specter was not to increase the assessment's difficulty but to choose the new member of the Specter Extermination Squad.

It would automatically add the difficulty for the assessment for the one who took it. But they would be rewarded well by entering the elite squad.

The male staff was not surprised by their choice but he was amazed. From the appearance, both looked barely fifteen but they were bold enough to choose this option.

But of course, it was just the male staff's misunderstanding. Heero never told his disciples the content of the assessment or SES.

The reason why the two chose the option was that it would take less time to complete the mission as they did not need to go outside the city to hunt the beast. That simple reasoning that made them choose the option.

The male staff led the two into a room. Inside, there were a few participants who were sitting on the chair.

"We only have three specialized arenas so you have to wait based on your turns. This is the waiting room and you can register your name there first," The male staff pointed toward the desk with a female behind it.

After that, the male staff left the waiting room. Kang Dong-Woo and Xu Lingxun walked toward the desk. Halfway to the desk, the door that led to the specialized arena opened, two doors opened at the same time.

Both had a surprised expression when they saw who was coming out of the door. Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata came out together from a different door.

Musashi Hirata was having his usual expressionless face while Sun Zhou Yi was smiling as usual.

"Ah, you are here as well!" Sun Zhou Yi walked toward Xu Lingxun and Kang Dong-Woo's direction.

"Senior Brother!" Both called out at the same time.

Musashi Hirata responded with a nod while Sun Zhou Yi rubbed their hairs, "Good luck with your assessment!"

"Yes!" Both replied enthusiastically.

After the exchange greeting, Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata left the waiting room.

As soon as they exited the room, a gasp of surprised voice filled the room.

"Wow, they killed all the specters in less than a minute!?"

"I heard it was to kill fifty Level 5 Specters is one of the main objectives to reach Emperor Class!"

"These two are monsters! I came to finish my Iron Class assessment and they just finished an assessment for the Emperor Class!"

The singing of praise for Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata filled the waiting room.

Kang Dong-Woo and Xu Lingxun were also shocked. Not because of the time they finished the assessment but the fact that their senior brothers were taking an assessment for the Emperor Class Hero. They were speedrunning the assessment with unbelievable speed.

"We can't lose to them. We have to at least pass the Silver Class assessment!" For some reason, Kang Dong-Woo was getting pumped out for the incoming assessment.

*** ***

Musashi Hirata and Sun Zhou Yi were walking side by side. They have the same destination and purpose.

"I wonder who's the Class Barrier for the last assessment?" Sun Zhou Yi could not help but ask it out.

"I wonder too" Musashi Hirata replied with short words.

"Maybe it's Grandmaster Myung-Chul? I heard he also received a few secret techniques from Master," Sun Zhou Yi said his guess.

"I don't know but we will know soon. That person is behind this door!"

Both had arrived in the last arena. They only needed to beat the last Class Barrier then they would get their ranks back.

Sun Zhou Yi took the lead and opened the door. It was a specialized arena that was built with strong enhanced steel.

As soon as they entered the arena, they saw a person was standing in the center of the arena. The figure was looking toward and they instantly recognized the figure.

Heero, he was the last Class Barrier they had to pass to finish their assessments.


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