Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 311: Challenger - Part 2

Chapter 311: Challenger - Part 2

Challenger was a specialized-app built for heroes to solve the issues between the heroes.

When the talk was no longer an option to resolve a conflict between heroes. They could issue a challenge through the Challenger hence the app named Challenger.

The unique thing about the challenger app was the fact that the challenger had to gain the approval of the citizens and the heroes to challenge the person they wanted to challenge.

The citizens who were the ordinary people in this case were given a right to approve or disapprove of the challenge.

The challenger also had to list the reasons why they wanted to challenge the person. Heero was reading through all of it and looked at his wife with a flabbergasted look.

He never heard this challenger thingy before so he was puzzled when he read those.

Looking at her husband's expression, Kang Seo-Yeon had an "I knew it" expression. From her understanding of her husband, she knew he did not know a single thing about the Challenger.

"Who's causing trouble at this time?" Kang Myung-Chul frowned as he approached his granddaughter.

Bai Tian Ming also followed Kang Myung-Chul.

"Ryan White. After getting a cold response from us he seems to create trouble!" Kang Seo-Yeon answered with a shrug.

If it was the time before she met Heero, she would take this seriously. It was the Emperor Class Hero - Rank 1. But now, she did not even put the Emperor Class Hero - Rank 1 into her eyes, at all. She had complete trust in her husband.

"What's this about? Can someone explain it to me?" Heero put a confused expression. Why did Kang Myung-Chul take this seriously?

"Challenger is" Bai Xin Yue explained about Challenger to Heero.

After a simple and short explanation, Heero nodded his head understandingly. 

"I see" He paused for a moment as he came into the realization, "So, why should I do now? Is it asking my concern about whether I agree with the challenge or not now?"

"Mnnn, it's not up to you but the people, the normal citizens, and the heroes are the ones to decide! If they find out that the fight is not fair, they can vote to not approve the challenge. The challenged person also has the right to refuse but you know, it will be bad for your image if you refuse to fight, " Bai Tian Ming was the one to reply to Heero's question.

"Are you going to decline the challenge? But this should be a pretty easy fight for you, right?" Kang Seo-Yeon found something unusual from Heero.

She had scrolled down the challenger. The citizens and heroes supported the challenge, over ninety people percent supported the challenge, meaning it only needed to wait for Heero's response.

The usual Heero would casually decline the challenge if it did not concern him. But with Heero's current status, he would be put in a tough spot if he declined the challenge. She was quite concerned about the after effect if her husband refused.

People around him had the same concerns. The current Heero was the face of the Hero League. If Heero declined people or even the Hero League in the other two big cities would look down at them in contempt.

"Hmmm, interesting~, " Heero smiled and responded, "Call a conference with the media, I will give my response at the conference, "

"Look at this, Dear, " Bai Xin Yue approached Heero and showed her smartwatch. She also opened the Challenger App. There were two new challenges right below Ryan White's challenge.

Those two new challenges belonged to Musashi Hirata and Sun Zhou Yi. With a big grin, Bai Xin Yue opened Musashi Hirata's challenge. Heero skimmed through the declaration and he let out a small laugh after reading the reasons he challenged Ryan White.

The reasons are listed below:

You are not a worthy opponent for my Master, fight me Dumbass!

You are not a worthy opponent for my Master, fight me Dumbass!

You are not a worthy opponent for my Master, fight me Dumbass!

Musashi Hirata listed the three same reasons. Funnily enough, the challenge gained above eighty percent approval of both heroes and citizens.

Then Heero read Sun Zhou Yi's challenge. He laughed aloud.

The reasons are listed below:

Want to challenge my Master? Come fight me first, F*cker!

Want to challenge my Master? Come fight me first, F*cker!

Want to challenge my Master? Come fight me first, F*cker!

Surprisingly enough, it gained even higher approval rates, ninety-eight percent approval of the citizens, and ninety-six percent approval of the heroes.

"It seems Ryan White successfully pissed your disciples off!" The old man also laughed as he read the challenge.

"Nah, I will handle it! There's a more important thing here, are you ready to learn my secret technique?" Heero faced his father-in-law and grandpa-in-law.

*** ***

At nowhere, in the dark night, Musashi Hirata looked at his glowing smartwatch. He was staring at the declaration he just sent through the app.

Swears poured down from his face and his clothes also soaked from sweats. He was in the middle of the break of his training. During his break, he browsed the Star Forum and encountered the challenge issued by Ryan White.

Just like Kang Myung-Chul said, he was pissed off and immediately issued a challenge.

*** ***

The same happened to Sun Zhou Yi. He was having dinner with his wife and Niadin. Somehow, he managed to get Niadin out of his isolated space and currently having dinner with him.

While eating his dinner, he received a text from Musashi Hirata, telling him about the Challenger.


Out of sudden, he slammed the table after reading Ryan White's challenge. In the declaration of Ryan White's challenge, Ryan White tried to defame his Master. The main reason why he was pissed off.

He immediately did the same thing as Musashi Hirata. He issued a challenge to Ryan White.

Before he reached the current him, Sun Zhou Yi used to look up at Ryan White as a Hero he admired the most. But now, those feelings were puffed into smoke and replaced with rages.

"What's wrong with you?" Niadin who was enjoying his meal asked with a frown on his forehead. He was a bit unhappy.

"I am sorry, Old Man Niadin. It's just a f*cker who does not know his place and needs some teaching!" 

*** ***

Meanwhile, Ryan White was having his dinner with a big smile on his face.

Sitting in the next window, he was staring toward the Hero League HQ. Having a glass of wine in his right hand, he muttered, "This is what you get from looking down on me! I will thrash in the public and humiliate you! Let's see if you still have some guts to challenge me!"

He was alone in his room before suddenly a knock was heard from the door.

Ryan White looked toward the door as he wiped his mouth.

"Come in!"

The door opened and a man in a butler outfit entered with a concerned look.

"What's wrong, Uncle Rodin?" The butler Rodin had been working in the White Household since he was a kid. Ryan White regarded the butler as his uncle.

"It's bad news, Young Master Ryan! Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata also issued a challenge against you!" Butler Rodin immediately reported the concerning news.

"Musashi Hirata??? Musashi Clan? But why? Also, who is this Sun Zhou Yi?" Ryan White was clueless about these two. He did not bother to research Heero because he was confident in handling this.

"They are the newly promoted Emperor Class Heroes and also Xing President of the Hero League's disciples!"

"Huhu I challenged their Master and now his disciples pounced to me?" Ryan White smiled and waved his hand casually toward Butler Rodin.

"Don't worry, Uncle Rodin! I will take care of these clowns. Did they want a fight? Then I will give them one!"

Ryan White confidently replied.

"Do they think I am just wandering aimlessly in these few years? Hah, I will show to the world, Ryan White is not just Star City's strongest hero but the world's strongest hero!"

He rose from the chair and got closer to the window. His eyes fixed on the Hero League HQ.

'Xin Yue oh Xin Yue, how could you be this stupid to choose a random man to marry! I will help you correct your mistakes. I will kill your husband before your eyes. I will make you willingly come to me!'


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