Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 308: Bloodline Inheritance - Part 2

Chapter 308: Bloodline Inheritance - Part 2

"Huh!?" Sun Zhou Yi was taken back, but then a frown appeared on his forehead, "Who's stronger, you or my Master?"

This time, it was Niadin who was caught off guard. If Sun Zhou Yi compared to other people, he would confidently say that he was stronger. But it was Heero, Saint's disciple.

"Why do you ask? Didn't your Master ask you to receive my Bloodline?" After a moment, Niadin decided to not reply to the question and talked back in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Does receiving your bloodline make me stronger?"

"Of course! You will grow stronger by a hundred folds!"

"Will my body change or grow a scale? Or will it turn my body into a dragon?"

"You will still retain your human form and you can also change into a dragon if you want. But it's impossible in the early stage,"

"Will I get a special power?"

"Yes! I am Niadin the Void Dragon" Niadin just wanted to tell his specialty in spatial technique. However, he immediately canceled the intention to do that. His lips formed a playful smile, "Let me show you, "

Sun Zhou Yi stood there, staring at the Old Man Niadin. He was quite curious about what the dragon wanted to show him.

Three Two One

Then the Old Man Niadin vanished. Yes, the old man disappeared.

'Vanishing step!' It was what came to Sun Zhou Yu's mind. He immediately jumped around, sure enough, Old Man Niadin was right behind him.

Old Man Niadin's Vanishing Step certainly far above him, but what was so special about that. His Master already taught him that technique.

"What with that frown? How's that? Amazing, right?" Niadin smiled proudly. However, Sun Zhou Yi's reaction was out of his expectation. He could tell that Sun Zhou Yi was not impressed in the slightest.

"What's so amazing about Vanishing Step. Master already taught me that!" Sun Zhou Yi shook his head.

Then, he also vanished and appeared next to Old Man Niadin. He was showing Niadin that he too could do the same. However, as soon as he arrived next to Old Man Niadin, his head was slapped.


"Ouch!?" Sun Zhou Yi turned toward Old Man Niadin with a shocked expression. The slap hit his head the moment he arrived at the spot. It was as if Old Man Niadin predicted his movement.

"How!? That must be what you want to ask, right, silly brat? How can you compare my Teleportation to a measly Vanishing Step!" The Old Man Niadin scolded Sun Zhou Yi out of frustration.

"Huh!? It was not a Vanishing Step!?" Even Sun Zhou Yi was surprised, but then he looked at Old Man Niadin suspiciously.

It was exactly the same when his Master showed his Vanishing Step. His Master disappeared and appeared next to him like a ghost. It was the same as what Old Man Niadin did just now.

"Oh, damn! You piss me off!" The old man walked toward Sun Zhou Yi's front and launched a punch right toward the young man's face.

Niadin's action was too fast and Sun Zhou Yi failed to react to dodge the incoming punch. However, a weird occurrence happened. The first that was supposed to land on his face did not arrive. It was his backhead that was hit by a light punch.

"Huh!?" Sun Zhou Yi was shocked by the scene in front of him. Old Man Niadin's hand, or to be more exact that the part of his wrist and forward vanished.

He looked back and met with a fist. That fist was the missing part of Niadin's hand. Such an occurrence left Sun Zhou Yi flabbergasted. He looked back and found there was a line of distortion space just like his Master used to take out his weapon around Niadin's wrist.

"Look, I have fought you for three days straight and I kinda understand why your Master sent you to me. Now I am willing to give you my bloodline, the rest is in your hand! Even if you refuse my bloodline, I do believe your Master will teach you something similar! The spatial technique, he might teach you that even if you don't want my bloodline!"

"Nope, I am willing to receive your bloodline for sure. Just curious about what will happen to me after I get the bloodline. Good, I am ready, how long it will take, the process of the Bloodline Inheritance!" Sun Zhou Yi answered in a firm tone.

He believed in his Master, there was no way he would refuse the bloodline inheritance. If His Master told him to get the bloodline then he would get it. Moreover, if he was to refuse the bloodline inheritance, then why would he stay in this space to fight a dragon for three days straight. He was just purely curious about what would happen when he received the bloodline inheritance.

"Good then, it will not take a long time, a few hours at most and a day at max. However, the process will be extremely painful, extremely painful! If you have a strong will just like your Master said, then it should not be a problem, "

Niadin emphasized it would be extremely painful. Sun Zhou Yi caught that and nodded his head.

"I said you will not change to anything but if you succeed but if you fail to accept my bloodline, then there's a chance either you remain as a human or transform into a beastmen, half beast, half-human! Do you still want to inherit my bloodline?"

Niadin did not immediately start the bloodline inheritance. As it seems Heero has not told anything about the bloodline inheritance and the risks, Niadin reminded Sun Zhou Yi out of kindness.

"Yes! I do believe My Master did not tell about those because he was confident I would succeed in inheriting your bloodline! I am ready!" Sun Zhou Yi was firm with his decision.

"Good then" After saying that, Niadin turned back to the big black dragon.

Sun Zhou Yi's sight was covered by the giant Niadin. Looking at the giant dragon from a closer distance, nervousness started to creep out of him. Despite knowing the big dragon was friendly, Sun Zhou Yi still felt nervous.

This was a dragon, after all. A mythical creature that only appeared on TV. For some reason, there was only a little difference between the real one and the one that appeared in the movie.

"Get this!" Niadin spat something out of his mouth.

A round and small object flew toward Sun Zhou Yi. The small object was a round black marble with the size half of his fist. He felt a strong aura from the black marble, he subconsciously activated his Mystical Eyes.


A strong, thick, and wild Red Ki rages out from the black marble. He remembered his Master once told him the Red Ki was Ki belonged to a Beast. This meant the black marble contained the Beast Ki. He also remembered a different Ki inside his body could be a poison.

"It's my Beast Core. Usually, we Beasts will feed the Beast Core to our kids so they can mature faster. The core also contains our power, swallow and accept it, you will inherit my bloodline and my power!"

The core was basically the Ki that solidified inside the beast's body. It would form naturally inside the beast's body.

Sun Zhou Yi looked at the black market in his hand. He was hesitating for a moment before he put it into his mouth. To his surprise, the black marble instantly melted inside his mouth.

Dump Dump! Dump Dump! Dump Dump!

His heartbeat accelerated in nervousness. In the first five seconds, he felt nothing, at all. But after those five seconds, Sun Zhou Yi fell to the ground.

He instantly clutched his hand around his chest. His heart hurt a lot and his face instantly turned red from the pain. Sweat started to flood, his face, his chest, and his back. His shirt was wet from the sweat.

His face crumpled because of the pain. His body wriggled around on the ground, enduring the extreme pain.

Niadin turned back to his human form. He walked to Sun Zhou Yi and said, "Don't pass out and don't fight my Ki, accept it! Control your Ki and accept it, don't fight it back!"

Hearing those words, Sun Zhou Yi stopped wriggling but his hands were still around his chest. Earlier, he tried to fight back the wild Red Ki inside his body, now he stopped his struggle as per Niadin's instruction.

What actually happened to Sun Zhou Yi was a clash between his original Ki and the Beast Ki inside the body. The core tried to settle at Sun Zhou Yi's heart while the original Ki refused to let the core reside in the heart.

Two different energies met, a clash was bound to happen which caused the pain.

Sun Zhou clenched his teeth and grunted in pain. He was enduring it well and tried to control his raging Ki.

Niadin nodded his head in acknowledgment, "Keep it up, your fate is in your own hand!"

*** ***

Meanwhile, Ryan White went back to his home using public transportation. He was taking his time while reminiscing about the past. It had been seven years since he left Star City.

There was not much change, but during his way back home, he heard a lot about three names. The people always talked about these three names, mostly praising these three names, Xing Heero, Sun Zhou Yi, and the Xing District.

A frown appeared on his head as he remembered why his Father called him back. It was because of Xing Heero, the owner of the Xing District.

The normal citizens praised Xing Heero, but most heroes and rankers were cursing this name as if plague.

After a few hours, Ryan White arrived in front of the White Household residence.

"Hoho I want to meet our new president, I wonder how he convinced those old men in the Executives to choose him as President to be the sole head of the Hero League,"


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